52 research outputs found

    Benchmarking Utility Clean Energy Deployment: 2014

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    This report assembles data from more than 10 sources, including state Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) annual reports, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 10-K filings and Public Utility Commission reports, to show how 32 of the largest U.S. investor-owned electric utility holding companies stack up on renewable energy and energy efficiency

    Interference hierarchical, heterarhichnyh and cognitive models of advertising communication (Взаємовплив ієрархічних, гетерархічних та когнітивних моделей рекламної комунікації)

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    In the article has considered the general features of advertising models of effective communication between sellers and consumers. The author analyzed and explained the different approaches of hierarchical, heterarhichical and cognitive models in advertising communication (У статті подано загальну характеристику моделей вивчення ефективності рекламної комунікації. Головна увага зосереджена на розгляді ієрархічних, гетерархічних та когнітивних моделях та аналізі різних підходів до їх вивчення

    What makes re-finding information difficult? A study of email re-finding

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    Re-nding information that has been seen or accessed before is a task which can be relatively straight-forward, but often it can be extremely challenging, time-consuming and frustrating. Little is known, however, about what makes one re-finding task harder or easier than another. We performed a user study to learn about the contextual factors that influence users' perception of task diculty in the context of re-finding email messages. 21 participants were issued re-nding tasks to perform on their own personal collections. The participants' responses to questions about the tasks combined with demographic data and collection statistics for the experimental population provide a rich basis to investigate the variables that can influence the perception of diculty. A logistic regression model was developed to examine the relationships be- tween variables and determine whether any factors were associated with perceived task diculty. The model reveals strong relationships between diculty and the time lapsed since a message was read, remembering when the sought-after email was sent, remembering other recipients of the email, the experience of the user and the user's ling strategy. We discuss what these findings mean for the design of re-nding interfaces and future re-finding research

    Describing knowledge encounters in healthcare: a mixed studies systematic review and development of a classification

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    This review was self-funded

    Protein expression changes in cells inoculated with Equine Influenza Virus: antibody microarray analysis

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    Changes in the level of cellular proteins in cells inoculated with equine influenza virus H7N7 and H3N8 were studied with microarray technique. H3N8 induced pro-apoptotic proteins while H7N7 induced both pro- as well as anti-apoptotic factors. The higher level of some cytoskeleton components and proteins involved in the protein quality control was recorded. Relatively high number of proteins involved in the regulation of transcription was down-regulated. The pattern of changes observed for H7N7 and H3N8 may reflect differences in the biological properties of both serotypes

    A modular approach to promote creativity and inspiration in search

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    We thank our funding agencies—NSERC, SurfNet, AITF, Grand, Smart Technologies—that made this research possible.Today, searching through collections of books or written texts is often performed using digital search engines. There, the efficient yet limiting query paradigm is still the most dominant entry point. Previous work has characterized search processes in various contexts and describes search as integral and closely related to creative endeavours. We revisit this work from a design perspective, proposing guidelines for versatile search interfaces that are based on a modular approach to search. Inspired by aspects of search in physical environments, our recommendations address learning, creativity, inspiration, and pleasure as important and positive factors of (book) search. Based on in-depth interviews with library patrons about search practises in physical and digital environments and drawing from previous work on search behaviour, we discuss search patterns as modular constructs consisting of micro-strategies. We illustrate how the structure of these patterns, much like creative processes, is highly flexible and fluidly evolves based on learning and ideation during search, particularly in physical search environments. This modular approach to search provides a concrete yet flexible basis to design interfaces that facilitate versatile and creative approaches to search in digital environments.Postprin