771 research outputs found

    Surface scaling behavior of isotropic Heisenberg systems: Critical exponents, structure factor, and profiles

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    The surface scaling behavior of classical isotropic Heisenberg magnets is investigated by Monte - Carlo methods in d=3 dimensions for various values of the surface - to - bulk coupling ratio J_1/J. For J_1/J <= 1.0 critical behavior according to the ordinary surface universality class is found. New estimates for magnetic surface exponents are presented and compared to older estimates and their theoretical counterparts. For J_1/J >= 2.0 scaling is still valid with effective exponents which depend on J_1/J. The surface structure factor S_1(p,L) is investigated at bulk criticality as function of the momentum transfer p parallel to the surface and the system size L. For J_1/J <= 1.0 and J_1/J >= 2.0 the full p dependence of S_1(p,L) can be captured by generalized shape functions to a remarkable accuracy. Profiles of the magnetization and the energy density also confirm scaling, where for J_1/J <= 1.0 the ordinary surface universality class is recovered and for J_1/J >= 2.0 scaling with J_1/J dependent exponents is found. For J_1/J = 1.5 the system displays a striking crossover behavior from spurious long - range surface order to the ordinary surface universality class. For J_1/J >= 2.0 the effective scaling laws must be interpreted as nonasymptotic and the value J_1/J = 1.5 marks a crossover regime, in which the crossover from the nonasymptotic to the asymptotic (ordinary) surface scaling behavior can be resolved within numerically attainable system sizes.Comment: 14 pages RevTeX, 14 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. B, Sept. 200

    Anti-phase locking in a two-dimensional Josephson junction array

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    We consider theoretically phase locking in a simple two-dimensional Josephson junction array consisting of two loops coupled via a joint line transverse to the bias current. Ring inductances are supposed to be small, and special emphasis is taken on the influence of external flux. Is is shown, that in the stable oscillation regime both cells oscillate with a phase shift equal to π\pi (i.e. anti-phase). This result may explain the low radiation output obtained so far in two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays experimentally.Comment: 11 pages, REVTeX, 1 Postscript figure, Subm. to Appl. Phys. Let

    Critical Casimir Effect in 3He-4He films

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    Universal aspects of the thermodynamic Casimir effect in wetting films of 3He-4He mixtures near their bulk tricritical point are studied within suitable models serving as representatives of the corresponding universality class. The effective forces between the boundaries of such films arising from the confinement are calculated along isotherms at several fixed concentrations of 3He. Nonsymmetric boundary conditions impose nontrivial concentration profiles leading to repulsive Casimir forces which exhibit a rich behavior of the crossover between the tricritical point and the line of critical points. The theoretical results agree with published experimental data and emphasize the importance of logarithmic corrections.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the Phys. Rev. Let

    Phase diagram of a model for 3He-4He mixtures in three dimensions

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    A lattice model of 3He - 4He mixtures which takes into account the continuous rotational symmetry O(2) of the superfluid degrees of freedom of 4He is studied in the molecular-field approximation and by Monte Carlo simulations in three dimensions. In contrast to its two-dimensional version, for reasonable values of the interaction parameters the resulting phase diagram resembles that observed experimentally for 3He - 4He mixtures, for which phase separation occurs as a consequence of the superfluid transition. The corresponding continuum Ginzburg-Landau model with two order parameters describing 3He- 4He mixtures near tricriticality is derived from the considered lattice model. All coupling constants appearing in the continuum model are explicitly expressed in terms of the mean concentration of 4He, the temperature, and the microscopic interaction parameters characterizing the lattice system.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, submitted to the Phys. Rev.

    The coil-globule transition of confined polymers

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    We study long polymer chains in a poor solvent, confined to the space between two parallel hard walls. The walls are energetically neutral and pose only a geometric constraint which changes the properties of the coil-globule (or "θ\theta-") transition. We find that the θ\theta temperature increases monotonically with the width DD between the walls, in contrast to recent claims in the literature. Put in a wider context, the problem can be seen as a dimensional cross over in a tricritical point of a ϕ4\phi^4 model. We roughly verify the main scaling properties expected for such a phenomenon, but we find also somewhat unexpected very long transients before the asymptotic scaling regions are reached. In particular, instead of the expected scaling R∼N4/7R\sim N^{4/7} exactly at the (DD-dependent) theta point we found that RR increases less fast than N1/2N^{1/2}, even for extremely long chains.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Fluctuation force exerted by a planar self-avoiding polymer

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    Using results from Schramm Loewner evolution (SLE), we give the expression of the fluctuation-induced force exerted by a polymer on a small impenetrable disk, in various 2-dimensional domain geometries. We generalize to two polymers and examine whether the fluctuation force can trap the object into a stable equilibrium. We compute the force exerted on objects at the domain boundary, and the force mediated by the polymer between such objects. The results can straightforwardly be extended to any SLE interface, including Ising, percolation, and loop-erased random walks. Some are relevant for extremal value statistics.Comment: 7 pages, 22 figure

    Dynamic surface critical behavior of isotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets: boundary conditions, renormalized field theory, and computer simulation results

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    The dynamic critical behavior of isotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets with a planar free surface is investigated by means of field-theoretic renormalization group techniques and high-precision computer simulations. An appropriate semi-infinite extension of the stochastic model J is constructed. The relevant boundary terms of the action of the associated dynamic field theory are identified, the implied boundary conditions are derived, and the renormalization of the model in d<6d<6 bulk dimensions is clarified. Two distinct renormalization schemes are utilized. The first is a massless one based on minimal subtraction of dimensional poles and the dimensionality expansion about d=6d=6. To overcome its problems in going below d=4d=4 dimensions, a massive one for fixed dimensions d≤4d\le 4 is constructed. The resulting renormalization group (or Callan Symanzik) equations are exploited to obtain the scaling forms of surface quantities like the dynamic structure factor. In conjunction with boundary operator expansions scaling relations follow that relate the critical indices of the dynamic and static infrared singularities of surface quantities to familiar \emph{static} bulk and surface exponents. To test the predicted scaling forms and scaling-law expressions for the critical exponents involved, accurate computer-simulation data are presented for the dynamic surface structure factor. These are in conformity with our predictions.Comment: Revtex4-file with 4 figures included as eps-files, 21 pages in print-format, typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, July

    Non-universal size dependence of the free energy of confined systems near criticality

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    The singular part of the finite-size free energy density fsf_s of the O(n) symmetric ϕ4\phi^4 field theory in the large-n limit is calculated at finite cutoff for confined geometries of linear size L with periodic boundary conditions in 2 < d < 4 dimensions. We find that a sharp cutoff Λ\Lambda causes a non-universal leading size dependence fs∼Λd−2L−2f_s \sim \Lambda^{d-2} L^{-2} near TcT_c which dominates the universal scaling term ∼L−d\sim L^{-d}. This implies a non-universal critical Casimir effect at TcT_c and a leading non-scaling term ∼L−2\sim L^{-2} of the finite-size specific heat above TcT_c.Comment: RevTex, 4 page

    Influence of Capillary Condensation on the Near-Critical Solvation Force

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    We argue that in a fluid, or magnet, confined by adsorbing walls which favour liquid, or (+) phase, the solvation (Casimir) force in the vicinity of the critical point is strongly influenced by capillary condensation which occurs below the bulk critical temperature T_c. At T slightly below and above T_c, a small bulk field h<0, which favours gas, or (-) phase, leads to residual condensation and a solvation force which is much more attractive (at the same large wall separation) than that found exactly at the critical point. Our predictions are supported by results obtained from density-matrix renormalization-group calculations in a two-dimensional Ising strip subject to identical surface fields.Comment: 4 Pages, RevTeX, and 3 figures include

    Effective forces between colloids at interfaces induced by capillary wave-like fluctuations

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    We calculate the effective force mediated by thermally excited capillary waves between spherical or disklike colloids trapped at a fluid interface. This Casimir type interaction is shown to depend sensitively on the boundary conditions imposed at the three-phase contact line. For large distances between the colloids an unexpected cancellation of attractive and repulsive contributions is observed leading to a fluctuation force which decays algebraically very rapidly. For small separations the resulting force is rather strong and it may play an important role in two-dimensional colloid aggregation if direct van der Waals forces are weak.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, minor revisions, one additional figur
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