31 research outputs found

    Preparation and Application of Copper Clad Laminate with Microwave Ceramic and resin for Microwave PCB

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    有机树脂的特殊结构使它兼具无机和有机化合物的特点,是一种具有优异综合性能的树脂。其具有较低的介电常数和较低的介质损耗因子,同时具有高的耐热性和低的吸水性,并且在宽广的温度和高频范围内介电性能稳定,可用作介电性能好、高频特性好、耐高温的印制电路板(PCB)基体树脂。为了实现更低介电常数和更低介质损耗因子的高速信息传输或者实现更高介电常数和低介质损耗因子的小体积微波电路,需要进行改性研究获得优良复合PCB材料。 首先,针对有机树脂力学强度较差的问题,本论文从成型温度和压力等热压工艺条件入手,探究了玻璃纤维增强树脂介质复合板的制备工艺并探讨了其介电和力学等性能。 其次,为了进一步降低有机树脂的介...reEn has both its inorganic and organic structural characteristics, so that it possesses excellent performance. reEn matrix compoEtes are ususally selected as high-frequency microwave circuit boards materials uEng in printed circuit board (PCB) for its low dielectric constant and low dielectric loss. New type of microwave PCB was developed in this paper, in order to achieve lower dielectric consta...学位:工学硕士院系专业:材料学院_材料学学号:2072010115010

    Strong Intermediate-Depth Vrancea Earthquakes: Damage Capacity

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    Abstract The sustainable development of the society depends not only on a reasonable policy for economical growth but also on the reasonable management of natural risks. The regional earthquake danger due to the Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes dominates the hazard of NE Bulgaria. These quakes have particularly long-period and far-reaching effects, causing damages at large epicentral distances. Vrancea events energy attenuates considerably less rapidly than that of the wave field radiated by the seismically active zones in Bulgaria. The available strong motion records at Russe, NE Bulgaria, due to both Vrancea events - August 30, 1986 and May 30, 1990 show higher seismic response spectra amplitudes for periods up to 0.6 s for the horizontal components, compared to the values given in the Bulgarian Code and Eurocode 8. A neo-deterministic analytical procedure which models the wavefield generated by a realistic earthquake source, as it propagates through a laterally varying anelastic medium, is applied to obtain the seismic loading at Russe. After proper validation, using the few available data and parametric analyses, from the synthesized seismic signals damage capacity of selected scenario Vrancea quakes is estimated and compared with available capacity curves for some reinforced concrete and masonry structures, representative of the Balkan Region. The performed modelling has shown that the earthquake focal mechanisms control the seismic loading much more than the local geology, and that the site response should be analyzed by considering the whole thickness of sediments until the bedrock, and not only the topmost 30 m. 2 THE VRANCEA EARTHQUAKE HAZARD The Vrancea subduction seismogenic zone is a peculiar intermediate-depth source that, in case of large magnitude earthquake, strongly affects a significant part of the Bulgarian territory including major cities in NE Bulgaria, among which the biggest Bulgarian port on the Danube -the town of Russe. The impact of a major Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquake may produce strong direct damage, as well as indirect losses in other regions of the country, thus leading to a national disaster. when no seismic regulation were available). This fact, the lack of enough instrumental strong motion records and the peculiarity of the intermediate-depth Vrancea seismic source call our attention to the necessity of providing, by modelling, reliable seismic input that might be used for the purpose of retrofitting and urban planning. THE NEO-DETERMINISTIC GROUND MOTION MODELLING PROCEDURE: APPLICATION FOR THE CASE-STUDY OF RUSSE, NE BULGARIA A neo-deterministic analytical procedure has been applied to obtain the seismic input at Russe . The major advantage of the applied neo-deterministic procedure is the simultaneous treatment of the contribution of the seismic source and of the seismic wave propagation media to the strong motion at the target site/region, as required by basic physical principles. Generally, the computation model, describing the seismic wave propagation path from the seismic source to the target site consists of two structural models, bedrock, representing the travel path from the source to the site, and local model, representing the local engineering geological features of the site of interest. To model the seismic input at Russe the analytical neodeterministic approach based on mode coupling technique, is used Input data Seismic wave propagation path The structural model used in the computations consists of two horizontally layered half spaces in welded contact. The bedrock structure contains the source and the path from the Vrancea seismic sources to the target sites. The profile Vrancea-Russe passes through the Carpathians and the Moesian Platform, where Pliocene and significant Quaternary deposits are present. Details on the computation model and on the geological information used are published by Paskaleva et al. [2001]. In this study the target site of Russe is represented by three generalized local geological models corresponding to the soil classes A, B and C according to the Eurocode 8 (EC8) ground type classification. A summary of the local geological velocity models, constructed following the EC8 soil classification and used in this study, is given in Scenario earthquakes In accordance with the international experience, a reasonable choice of scenario earthquakes should take into account both historical earthquakes record and seismic hazard analysis. Simulation tests and results verification Following the models defined i

    Внедрение газокомпрессорной станции в систему утилизации попутного нефтяного газа

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    В процессе работы был рассмотрен максимально эффективный метод утилизации попутного нефтяного газа для данного месторождения, который позволяет утилизировать 95% попутного нефтяного газа.In the course of the work, the most efficient method of utilization of associated petroleum gas for this field was considered, which allows utilizing 95% of associated petroleum gas

    Estimates of some ground motion parameters, related to the damage potential of strong intermediate-depth Vrancea earthquakes

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    This study is related to the particular strong intermediate-depth Vrancea earthquakes. Its purpose is to confirm once again the significant influence of the seismic source mechanism to the seismic input at a given site through estimates of different engineering parameters, used to describe the damage potential of the ground motion due to an earthquake. Real and synthetic time-series have been used in the computations. The synthetic seismic wavelets have been computed applying the neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment procedure and the relevant software and hardware facilities at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy. To derive the ground motion parameters of interest, all seismic signals have been uniformly processed by the Seismosignal software

    Deterministic ground motion modelling at Russe, NE Bulgaria, associated to the Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes

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    An analytical deterministic technique, based on the detailed knowledge of the seismic source process and of the propagation of seismic waves, has been applied to generate synthetic seismic signals at Russe, NE Bulgaria, associated to the strongest intermediate-depth Vrancea earthquakes, which occurred during the last century (1940, 1977, 1986 and 1990). The obtained results show that all ground motion components contribute significantly to the seismic loading and that the seismic source parameters influence the shape and the amplitude of the seismic signal. The approach we used proves that realistic seismic input (also at remote distances) can be constructed via waveform modelling, considering all the possible factors influencing the ground motion


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    Millions of people are affected by natural and man-made disasters each year, among which women, children, elderly persons, people with disabilities or special needs, prisoners, certain members of ethnic minorities, people with language barriers, and the impoverished are the most vulnerable population groups in case of emergencies. Many national and international organizations are involved in Early Warning and Crisis Management training, particularly focused on the special target to safe children and improve their knowledge about disasters. The success of these efforts is based on providing the specific information about disaster preparedness and emergency in adapted for children educational materials, accompanied with simple illustrative explanations for easy and fast understanding of the disasters. The active participation of the children in the educational activities through appropriate presenting the information, short training seminars and entertaining games will increase their resilience and will contribute significantly to their preparedness and adequate response in emergency situations. This paper aims to present the conceptual framework of a project for establishing an Educational Disaster Centre (EDC) “Save the children life” at University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), providing relevant justification of the necessity to organize such centre in Bulgaria and discussing good practices in Europe and worldwide for children' education and training in case of disastrous event. General concepts for educational materials and children training are shared. Appropriate equipment for the EDC is shortly described

    Pulsed laser deposition of HfO 2 and Pr x O y high-k films on Si(100)

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    Abstract Pulsed laser deposition was used to grow thin films of the high-k materials praseodymium oxide (Pr x O y ) and hafnium oxide (HfO 2 ) on Si(100) due to its experimental simplicity and flexibility. Most important factors for technical application, such as film morphology and interface quality, were investigated by optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. During the growth process typical splashes, originating from the laser-target interaction, are embedded into the growing layer. The size of these splashes appears to depend strongly on the laser wavelength (355, 532, 1064 nm). The microscopic morphology of layers of both materials shows a dependence on substrate temperature, which is much more pronounced in case of HfO 2 . Raman spectra of the films show relatively sharp phonon peaks, a single one for Pr x O y and a rich spectrum for HfO 2 , clearly evidencing crystalline areas. This is corroborated by substrate Raman spectra which indicate a stressed interface, pointing to epitaxial Pr x O y and HfO 2 film growth, respectively, during the initial stages of growth.