27 research outputs found

    Antibacterial Optimization of Highly Deformed Titanium Alloys for Spinal Implants

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    The goal of the work was to develop materials dedicated to spine surgery that minimized the potential for infection originating from the transfer of bacteria during long surgeries. The bacteria form biofilms, causing implant loosening, pain and finally, a risk of paralysis for patients. Our strategy focused both on improvement of antibacterial properties against bacteria adhesion and on wear and corrosion resistance of tools for spine surgery. Further, a ~35% decrease in implant and tool dimensions was expected by introducing ultrahigh-strength titanium alloys for less-invasive surgeries. The tested materials, in the form of thin, multi-layered coatings, showed nanocrystalline microstructures. Performed direct-cytotoxicity studies (including lactate dehydrogenase activity measurement) showed that there was a low probability of adverse effects on surrounding SAOS-2 (Homo sapiens bone osteosarcoma) cells. The microbiological studies (e.g., ISO 22196 contact tests) showed that implanting Ag nanoparticles into Ti/TixN coatings inhibited the growth of E. coli and S. aureus cells and reduced their adhesion to the material surface. These findings suggest that Ag-nanoparticles present in implant coatings may potentially minimize infection risk and lower inherent stress

    Shape optimisation of a ventricular assist device using a VADFEM computer program

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    The Polish ventricular assist device, POLVAD_EXT, is made of a polymer designed to be covered with a nanocoating of titanium nitride to improve haemocompatibility. A loss of cohesion can occur between the coating and the substrate. An analysis of stress and strain states in a multi-scale model of the blood chamber was performed in the finite element computer program, VADFEM. The multiscale model is composed of a macro model of the blood chamber and a micro model of the titanium nitride (TiN) deposited on the polymer. The finite element method and the goal function, based on the triaxiality factor, are used to solve the problems formulated. The theories of non-linear elasticity and elasto-plasticity are applied. The goal of the paper is to optimise the construction of the POLVAD_EXT with respect to shape parameters

    Failure Strain and Strain-Stress Analysis in Titanium Nitride Coatings Deposited on Religa Heart Ext Ventricular Assist Device

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    The Polish ventricular assist device is made of Bionate II with deposited TiN biocompatible nano-coating. The two scale finite element model is composed of a macro-model of blood chamber and a micro-model of the TiN/Bionate II. The numerical analysis of stress and strain states confirmed the possibility of fracture. Therefore, the identification of a fracture parameter considered as a failure strain is the purpose of the present work. The tensile test in a micro chamber of the SEM was performed to calibrate the fracture parameter of the material system TiN/Bionate II. The failure strain is a function of a temperature, a thickness of coating and parameters of surface's profile. The failure strain was calculated at the stage of the test, in which the initiation of fracture occurred. The finite element micro-model includes the surface roughness and the failure strain under tension condition for two thicknesses of coatings which will be deposited on the medical device

    Thermo-Mechanical Model of Steel Continuous Casting Process

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    Numeryczna i doświadczalna analiza pękania atrombogennych powłok nanoszonych na komory wspomagania pracy serca w próbie mikrościnania

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    The Polish left ventricular assist device (LVAD – RELIGA_EXT) will be made of thermoplastic polycarbonate-urethane (Bionate II) with deposited athrombogenic nano-coatings: gold (Au) and titanium nitride (TiN). Referring to the physical model, the two-scale model of LVAD developed in the previous works in the authors’ finite element code is composed of a macro-model of blood chamber and a micro-model of wall: TiN, Au and Bionate II. The numerical analysis of stress and strain states confirmed the possibility of fracture based on localization of zones of the biggest values of triaxiality factor. The introduction of Au interlayer between TiN and polymer improved the toughness of the connection, and increased the compressive residual stress in the coating what resulted in reduction of stress and strain close to the boundary between substrate and coating. However, the proper design of multilayer wall of the medical device requires the introduction of the real stress and strain states in the deposited coatings. The characteristics of TiN nano-coating such as residual stress, material model and fracture model were determined in the previously completed studies such as experimental and numercial nanoindentation tests, profilometry studies and in situ SEM’s micro-tension tests. The experimental in situ SEM’s micro-shear test was performed in the present paper and the corresponding numerical model of the test was also developed, and then, interpreted. The critical strains taken from experiment and considered as the effective strains in the model of test are the values which are the function of triaxiality factors for the tested samples. The developed in the authors’ FE code model of multilayer wall of VAD enriched with critical strain determined in the present paper enables prediction of fracture.Polska lewa komora wspomagania pracy serca (LVAD – RELIGA_EXT) zostanie wykonana z termoplastycznego poliwęglano-uretanu (Bionate II) z naniesionymi atrombogennymi powłokami: złota (Au) i azotku tytanu (TiN). W odniesieniu do modelu fizycznego, dwuskalowy model komory LVAD opracowany we wcześniejszych pracach w autorskim kodzie elementów skończonch jest złożony z modelu makro czaszy krwistej i z mikro-modelu ściany: TiN, Au i Bionate II. Analiza numeryczna stanów naprężenia i odkształcenia potwierdziła prawdopodobieństwo pękania poprzez zlokalizowanie stref o największej wartości współczynnika naprężenia trójosiowego. Wprowadzenie międzywarstwy złota pomiędzy TiN i polimer poprawiło wytrzymałość tego połączenia i powiększyło ściskające naprężenie własne w powłoce, co doprowadziło do redukcji naprężenia i odkształcenia blisko granicy pomiędzy podłożem i powłoką. Jednakże, właściwy projekt wielowarstwowej ściany urządzenia medycznego wymaga wprowadzenia rzeczywistych stanów naprężeń i odkształceń w naniesionych powłokach. Charakterystyki powłok TiN takie jak naprężenie własne, model materiału i model pękania zostały określone we wcześniej wykonanych badaniach takich jak doświadczalne i numeryczne testy nanoindentacji, badania profilometryczne, i testy mikrorozciągania prowadzone pod elektronowym mikroskopem skaningowym. W niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono doświadczalny test mikrościnania pod skaningowym mikroskopem elektronowym, opracowano model numeryczny tego testu, a następnie go zinterpretowano. Odkształcenia krytyczne otrzymane z doświadczenia i określone w modelu testu jako intensywność odkształcenia są wartościami będącymi funkcją współczynników naprężeń trójosiowych dla badanych próbek. Opracowany w kodzie własnym model elementów skończonych wielowarstwowej ściany komory VAD wzbogacony o określone w niniejszej pracy odkształcenia krytyczne umożliwia przewidywanie pękania

    Digital image correlation of coated and uncoated Religa Heart_Ext ventricular assist device

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    The digital image correlation is used to estimate influence of deposited heamocompatible coatings (gold and titanium nitride) on mechanical response of ventricular assist device Religa Heart_Ext made of Bionate II (thermoplastic polycarbonate urethane) under working conditions by comparison of the coated Religa Heart_Ext with uncoated Religa Heart_Ext. The DIC is applied for experimental investigation of the strains and displacements distribution on external surface of the blood chamber of ventricular assist device during loading. The experiment was conducted in a hydraulic system with water at operating temperatures of 25 and 37 °C, as well as under static pressures: 80, 120, 180, 220 and 280 mmHg, and static underpressures: –25, –45, –75 mmHg. The subsequent images were taken after stabilization of pressure on a set level. The applied research method shows that the nano-coating of 30 nm in thickness significantly affects deformation of the blood chamber of Religa Heart_Ext in macro scale. The proposed composition of coatings increases strain on external surface of the ventricular assist device

    Revitalization of urban river spaces - analysis of state-of-the-art in South part of Poland

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    Przedmiotem artykułu jest diagnoza stanu planowania i realizacji działań związanych z rewitalizacją dolin rzecznych w miastach południowej części Polski. Scharakteryzowano 21 przedsięwzięć rewitalizacyjnych, stosując metodę analizy i opisu, przygotowaną w ramach projektu REURIS, zaproponowaną przez partnera niemieckiego. Z analizy wynika, że przedsięwzięcia te pozostają w sferze przygotowania lub są na wstępnym etapie realizacji. W większości z nich ujawniono brak podejścia zlewniowego oraz niedostatek integracji zagadnień środowiskowych, społecznych, ekonomicznych i przestrzennych. Przedsięwzięcia rewitalizacyjne są podejmowane jako oddolne inicjatywy samorządów lub stowarzyszeń, w oderwaniu od działań administracji odpowiedzialnej za utrzymanie rzek i wdrażanie Ramowej Dyrektywy Wodnej. Brak jest wyspecjalizowanych instytucji doradczych i wspierających działania rewitalizacyjne. Nie wypracowano również procedur ani form współpracy między instytucjami zainteresowanymi rewitalizacją, jak też modeli współpracy z lokalnymi społecznościami.An object of the paper was the diagnosis of state of planning and realization of actions connected with revitalization of rwerbeds in the cities of South Poland. 21 revitalization measures were characterized, applying the method of analysis and description prepared within frames of the REURIS project, proposed by German partner. The result of analysis is that these measures remain in sphere of preparation or on preliminary stage of realization. It majority of them, the lack of river basin approach was disclosed, as well as the shortage of integration of environmental, social, economical and land questions. The revitalization measures are undertaken as the proceedings from the rank initiatives of councils or the associations, in separation from actions of administration responsible for maintenance the rivers and the implementation of the Frame Water Directive. There is lack of the specialized advisory and supporting revitalization measures institutions. The procedures and the forms of co-operation between interested in revitalization institutions, as wcll as the patterns of co-operation with local communities were not worked out, also