150 research outputs found

    Simulation of stellar instabilities with vastly different timescales using domain decomposition

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    Strange mode instabilities in the envelopes of massive stars lead to shock waves, which can oscillate on a much shorter timescale than that associated with the primary instability. The phenomenon is studied by direct numerical simulation using a, with respect to time, implicit Lagrangian scheme, which allows for the variation by several orders of magnitude of the dependent variables. The timestep for the simulation of the system is reduced appreciably by the shock oscillations and prevents its long term study. A procedure based on domain decomposition is proposed to surmount the difficulty of vastly different timescales in various regions of the stellar envelope and thus to enable the desired long term simulations. Criteria for domain decomposition are derived and the proper treatment of the resulting inner boundaries is discussed. Tests of the approach are presented and its viability is demonstrated by application to a model for the star P Cygni. In this investigation primarily the feasibility of domain decomposition for the problem considered is studied. We intend to use the results as the basis of an extension to two dimensional simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, published in MNRA

    Zinc oxide as an ozone sensor

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    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, nº3This work presents a study of intrinsic zinc oxide thin film as ozone sensor based on the ultraviolet sUVd photoreduction and subsequent ozone re oxidation of zinc oxide as a fully reversible process performed at room temperature. The films analyzed were produced by spray pyrolysis, dc and rf magnetron sputtering. The dc resistivity of the films produced by rf magnetron sputtering and constituted by nanocrystallites changes more than eight orders of magnitude when exposed to an UV dose of 4 mW/cm2. On the other hand, porous and textured zinc oxide films produced by spray pyrolysis at low substrate temperature exhibit an excellent ac impedance response where the reactance changes by more than seven orders of magnitude when exposed to the same UV dose, with a response frequency above 15 kHz, thus showing improved ozone ac sensing discrimination

    Self-powered, flexible and room temperature operated solution processed hybrid metal halide p-type sensing element for efficient hydrogen detection

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    Hydrogen (H2) is a well-known reduction gas and for safety reasons is very important to be detected. The most common systems employed along its detection are metal oxide-based elements. However, the latter demand complex and expensive manufacturing techniques, while they also need high temperatures or UV light to operate effectively. In this work, we first report a solution processed hybrid mixed halide spin coated perovskite films that have been successfully applied as portable, flexible, self-powered, fast and sensitive hydrogen sensing elements, operating at room temperature. The minimum concentrations of H2 gas that could be detected was down to 10 ppm. This work provides a new pathway on gases interaction with perovskite materials, launches new questions that must be addressed regarding the sensing mechanisms involved due to the utilization of halide perovskite sensing elements while also demonstrates the potential that these materials have on beyond solar cell applications

    On the stability of very massive primordial stars

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    The stability of metal-free very massive stars (ZZ = 0; M = 120 - 500 \msol) is analyzed and compared with metal-enriched stars. Such zero-metal stars are unstable to nuclear-powered radial pulsations on the main sequence, but the growth time scale for these instabilities is much longer than for their metal-rich counterparts. Since they stabilize quickly after evolving off the ZAMS, the pulsation may not have sufficient time to drive appreciable mass loss in Z = 0 stars. For reasonable assumptions regarding the efficiency of converting pulsational energy into mass loss, we find that, even for the larger masses considered, the star may die without losing a large fraction of its mass. We find a transition between the ϵ\epsilon- and κ\kappa-mechanisms for pulsational instability at Z\sim 2\E{-4} - 2\E{-3}. For the most metal-rich stars, the κ\kappa-mechanism yields much shorter ee-folding times, indicating the presence of a strong instability. We thus stress the fundamental difference of the stability and late stages of evolution between very massive stars born in the early universe and those that might be born today.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes, more results given in Table 1, accepted for publication in Ap

    Instability of LBV-stars against radial oscillations

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    In this study we consider the nonlinear radial oscillations exciting in LBV--stars with effective temperatures 1.5e4 K <= Teff <= 3e4 K, bolometric luminosities 1.2e6 L_odot <= L <= 1.9e6 L_odot and masses 35.7 M_odot <= M <= 49.1 M_odot. Hydrodynamic computations were carried out with initial conditions obtained from evolutionary sequences of population I stars (X=0.7, Z=0.02) with initial masses from 70M_odot to 90 M_odot. All hydrodynamical models show instability against radial oscillations with amplitude growth time comparable with dynamical time scale of the star. Radial oscillations exist in the form of nonlinear running waves propagating from the boundary of the compact core to the upper boundary of the hydrodynamical model. The velocity amplitude of outer layers is of several hundreds of km/s while the bolometric light amplitude does not exceed 0.2 mag. Stellar oscillations are not driven by the kappa-mechanism and are due to the instability of the gas with adiabatic exponent close to the critical value Gamma_1 = 4/3 due to the large contribution of radiation in the total pressure. The range of the light variation periods (6 day <= P <= 31 day) of hydrodynamical models agrees with periods of microvariability observed in LBV--stars.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Astronomy Letter

    Most Detects G- and P-Modes in the B Supergiant HD 163899 (B2Ib/II)

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    The {\it Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars (MOST)} satellite observed the B supergiant HD 163899 (B2 Ib/II) for 37 days as a guide star and detected 48 frequencies \la 2.8 c d1^{-1} with amplitudes of a few milli-magnitudes (mmag) and less. The frequency range embraces g- and p-mode pulsations. It was generally thought that no g-modes are excited in less luminous B supergiants because strong radiative damping is expected in the core. Our theoretical models, however, show that such g-modes are excited in massive post-main-sequence stars, in accordance with these observations. The nonradial pulsations excited in models between 20M20M_\odot at logTeff4.41\log T_{\rm eff} \approx 4.41 and 15M15M_\odot at logTeff4.36\log T_{\rm eff} \approx 4.36 are roughly consistent with the observed frequency range. Excitation by the Fe-bump in opacity is possible because g-modes can be partially reflected at a convective zone associated with the hydrogen-burning shell, which significantly reduces radiative damping in the core. The {\it MOST} light curve of HD 163899 shows that such a reflection of g-modes actually occurs, and reveals the existence of a previously unrecognized type of variable, slowly pulsating B supergiants (SPBsg) distinct from α\alpha Cyg variables. Such g-modes have great potential for asteroseismology.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, Astrophysical Journal in pres

    Local Radiative Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Optically Thick Media

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    We examine the local conditions for radiative damping and driving of short wavelength, propagating hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in static, optically thick, stratified equilibria. We show that so-called strange modes in stellar oscillation theory and magnetic photon bubbles are intimately related and are both fundamentally driven by the background radiation flux acting on compressible waves. We identify the necessary criteria for unstable driving of these waves, and show that this driving can exist in both gas and radiation pressure dominated media, as well as pure Thomson scattering media in the MHD case. The equilibrium flux acting on opacity fluctuations can drive both hydrodynamic acoustic waves and magnetosonic waves unstable. In addition, magnetosonic waves can be driven unstable by a combination of the equilibrium flux acting on density fluctuations and changes in the background radiation pressure along fluid displacements. We briefly describe the conditions under which these instabilities might be manifested in both main sequence stellar envelopes and accretion disks.Comment: 55 pages, revised version accepted for publication by ApJ. New appendix added justifying WKB analysi

    Revisiting the Modified Eddington Limit for Massive Stars

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    We have determined the location of the line-opacity modified Eddington limit for stars in the LMC using the most recent atmosphere models combined with a precise mapping to the HR Diagram through up-to-date stellar evolution calculations. While we find, in agreement with previous studies, that the shape of the modified Eddington limit qualitatively corresponds to the Humphreys-Davidson (HD) limit defined by the most luminous supergiants, the modified limit is actually a full magnitude higher than the upper luminosity limit observed for LMC stars. The observed limit is consistent with atmosphere models in which the maximum value of the ratio of the radiation force outwards to the gravitational force inwards, Y_max, is 0.9, i.e., the photospheres of stars at the observed luminosity limit are bound. As massive stars evolve, they move to higher, and therefore less stable values of Y_max, so mass loss, either sporadic or continuous, may halt their natural redward evolution as they approach the Y_max = 0.9 limit. We assess the metallicity dependence of this limit. If the limit does determine the most luminous stars, and the value of Y_max corresponding to the luminosity limit in the LMC is universal, then the brightest supergiants the SMC should be only marginally brighter (0.3 mag) than those of the LMC, in agreement with observations. Moreover, the brightest supergiants in M31 should be 0.75~mag fainter than those in the LMC.Comment: 13 pages with 4 figures, AAS Latex, ApJ Submitted (August

    MOST detects corotating bright spots on the mid-O type giant {\xi} Persei

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    We have used the MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars) microsatellite to obtain four weeks of contiguous high-precision broadband visual photometry of the O7.5III(n)((f)) star {\xi} Persei in November 2011. This star is well known from previous work to show prominent DACs (Discrete Absorption Components) on time-scales of about 2 d from UV spectroscopy and NRP (Non Radial Pulsation) with one (l = 3) p-mode oscillation with a period of 3.5 h from optical spectroscopy. Our MOST-orbit (101.4 min) binned photometry fails to reveal any periodic light variations above the 0.1 mmag 3-sigma noise level for periods of hours, while several prominent Fourier peaks emerge at the 1 mmag level in the two-day period range. These longer-period variations are unlikely due to pulsations, including gravity modes. From our simulations based upon a simple spot model, we deduce that we are seeing the photometric modulation of several co-rotating bright spots on the stellar surface. In our model, the starting times (random) and lifetimes (up to several rotations) vary from one spot to another yet all spots rotate at the same period of 4.18 d, the best-estimated rotation period of the star. This is the first convincing reported case of co-rotating bright spots on an O star, with important implications for drivers of the DACs (resulting from CIRs - Corotating Interaction Regions) with possible bright-spot generation via a breakout at the surface of a global magnetic field generated by a subsurface convection zone.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, MNRAS in pres