410 research outputs found

    H-T Phase Diagram of Rare-Earth -- Transition Metal Alloy in the Vicinity of the Compensation Point

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    Anomalous hysteresis loops of ferrimagnetic amorphous alloys in high magnetic field and in the vicinity of the compensation temperature have so far been explained by sample inhomogeneities. We obtain H-T magnetic phase diagram for ferrimagnetic GdFeCo alloy using a two-sublattice model in the paramagnetic rare-earth ion approximation and taking into account rare-earth (Gd) magnetic anisotropy. It is shown that if the magnetic anisotropy of the ff-sublattice is larger than that of the dd-sublattice, the tricritical point can be at higher temperature than the compensation point. The obtained phase diagram explains the observed anomalous hysteresis loops as a result of high-field magnetic phase transition, the order of which changes with temperature. It also implies that in the vicinity of the magnetic compensation point the shape of magnetic hysteresis loop is strongly temperature dependent.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Selection Rules for All-Optical Magnetic Recording in Iron Garnet

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    Finding an electronic transition a subtle excitation of which can launch dramatic changes of electric, optical or magnetic properties of media is one of the long-standing dreams in the field of photo-induced phase transitions [1-5]. Therefore the discovery of the magnetization switching only by a femtosecond laser pulse [6-10] triggered intense discussions about mechanisms responsible for these laser-induced changes. Here we report the experimentally revealed selection rules on polarization and wavelengths of ultrafast photo-magnetic recording in Co-doped garnet film and identify the workspace of the parameters (magnetic damping, wavelength and polarization of light) allowing this effect. The all-optical magnetic switching under both single pulse and multiple-pulse sequences can be achieved at room temperature, in narrow spectral ranges with light polarized either along or crystallographic axes of the garnet. The revealed selection rules indicate that the excitations responsible for the coupling of light to spins are d-electron transitions in octahedral and tetrahedral Co-sublattices, respectively

    High Field Anomalies of Equilibrium and Ultrafast Magnetism in Rare-Earth-Transition Metal Ferrimagnets

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    Magneto-optical spectroscopy in fields up to 30 Tesla reveals anomalies in the equilibrium and ultrafast magnetic properties of the ferrimagnetic rare-earth-transition metal alloy TbFeCo. In particular, in the vicinity of the magnetization compensation temperature, each of the magnetizations of the antiferromagnetically coupled Tb and FeCo sublattices show triple hysteresis loops. Contrary to state-of-the-art theory, which explains such loops by sample inhomogeneities, here we show that they are an intrinsic property of the rare-earth ferrimagnets. Assuming that the rare-earth ions are paramagnetic and have a non-zero orbital momentum in the ground state and, therefore, a large magnetic anisotropy, we are able to reproduce the experimentally observed behavior in equilibrium. The same theory is also able to describe the experimentally observed critical slowdown of the spin dynamics in the vicinity of the magnetization compensation temperature, emphasizing the role played by the orbital momentum in static and ultrafast magnetism of ferrimagnets

    Direct Observation of Incommensurate–Commensurate Transition in Graphene-hBN Heterostructures via Optical Second Harmonic Generation

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    Commensurability effects play a crucial role in the formation of electronic properties of novel layered heterostructures. The interest in these moiré superstructures has increased tremendously since the recent observation of a superconducting state (Nature 2018, 556, 43–50) and metal–insulator transition (Nature 2018, 556, 80–84) in twisted bilayer graphene. In this regard, a straightforward and efficient experimental technique for detection of the alignment of layered materials is desired. In this work, we use optical second harmonic generation, which is sensitive to the inversion symmetry breaking, to investigate the alignment of graphene/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures. To achieve that, we activate a commensurate–incommensurate phase transition by a thermal annealing of the sample. We find that this structural change in the system can be directly observed via a strong modification of a nonlinear optical signal. Unambiguous interpretation of obtained results reveals the potential of a second harmonic generation technique for probing of structural changes in layered systems

    Laser-driven quantum magnonics and THz dynamics of the order parameter in antiferromagnets

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    The impulsive generation of two-magnon modes in antiferromagnets by femtosecond optical pulses, so-called femto-nanomagnons, leads to coherent longitudinal oscillations of the antiferromagnetic order parameter that cannot be described by a thermodynamic Landau-Lifshitz approach. We argue that this dynamics is triggered as a result of a laser-induced modification of the exchange interaction. In order to describe the oscillations we have formulated a quantum mechanical description in terms of magnon pair operators and coherent states. Such an approach allowed us to} derive an effective macroscopic equation of motion for the temporal evolution of the antiferromagnetic order parameter. An implication of the latter is that the photo-induced spin dynamics represents a macroscopic entanglement of pairs of magnons with femtosecond period and nanometer wavelength. By performing magneto-optical pump-probe experiments with 10 femtosecond resolution in the cubic KNiF3_3 and the uniaxial K2_2NiF4_4 collinear Heisenberg antiferromagnets, we observed coherent oscillations at the frequency of 22 THz and 16 THz, respectively. The detected frequencies as a function of the temperature ideally fit the two-magnon excitation up to the N\'eel point. The experimental signals are described as dynamics of magnetic linear dichroism due to longitudinal oscillations of the antiferromagnetic vector.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Excitation and Detection of THz Coherent Spin Waves in Antiferromagnetic αFe2O3\mathrm{\alpha-Fe_2O_3}

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    The efficiency of ultrafast excitation of spins in antiferromagnetic αFe2O3\mathrm{\alpha-Fe_{2}O_{3}} using nearly single-cycle THz pulse is studied as a function of the polarization of the THz pulse and the sample temperature. Above the Morin point the most efficient excitation is achieved when the magnetic field of the THz pulse is perpendicular to the antiferromagnetically coupled spins. Using the experimental results and equations of motion for spins, we show that the mechanism of the spin excitation above and below the Morin point relies on magnetic-dipole interaction of the THz magnetic field with spins and the efficiency of the coupling is proportional to the time derivative of the magnetic field

    Magnetic order of Dy3+ and Fe3+ moments in antiferromagnetic DyFeO3 probed by spin Hall magnetoresistance and spin Seebeck effect

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    We report on spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) and spin Seebeck effect (SSE) in single crystal of the rare-earth antiferromagnet DyFeO3_{3} with a thin Pt film contact. The angular shape and symmetry of the SMR at elevated temperatures reflect the antiferromagnetic order of the Fe3+^{3+} moments as governed by the Zeeman energy, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. We interpret the observed linear dependence of the signal on the magnetic field strength as evidence for field-induced order of the Dy3+^{3+} moments up to room temperature. At and below the Morin temperature of 50\,K, the SMR monitors the spin-reorientation phase transition of Fe3+^{3+} spins. Below 23\,K, additional features emerge that persist below 4\,K, the ordering temperature of the Dy3+^{3+} magnetic sublattice. We conclude that the combination of SMR and SSE is a simple and efficient tool to study spin reorientation phase transitions and sublattice magnetizations

    Field-driven femtosecond magnetization dynamics induced by ultrastrong coupling to THz transients

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    Controlling ultrafast magnetization dynamics by a femtosecond laser is attracting interest both in fundamental science and industry because of the potential to achieve magnetic domain switching at ever advanced speed. Here we report experiments illustrating the ultrastrong and fully coherent light-matter coupling of a high-field single-cycle THz transient to the magnetization vector in a ferromagnetic thin film. We could visualize magnetization dynamics which occur on a timescale of the THz laser cycle and two orders of magnitude faster than the natural precession response of electrons to an external magnetic field, given by the Larmor frequency. We show that for one particular scattering geometry the strong coherent optical coupling can be described within the framework of a renormalized Landau Lifshitz equation. In addition to fundamentally new insights to ultrafast magnetization dynamics the coherent interaction allows for retrieving the complex time-frequency magnetic properties and points out new opportunities in data storage technology towards significantly higher storage speed.Comment: 25 page

    Sub-picosecond exchange-relaxation in the compensated ferrimagnet Mn2_2Rux_xGa

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    We study the demagnetization dynamics of the fully compensated half-metallic ferrimagnet Mn2_2Rux_xGa. While the two antiferromagnetically coupled sublattices are both composed of manganese, they exhibit different temperature dependencies due to their differing local environments. The sublattice magnetization dynamics triggered by femtosecond laser pulses are studied to reveal the roles played by the spin and intersublattice exchange. We find a two-step demagnetization process, similar to the well-established case of Gd(FeCo)3_3, where the two Mn-sublattices have different demagnetization rates. The behaviour is analysed using a four-temperature model, assigning different temperatures to the two manganese spin baths. Even in this strongly exchange-coupled system, the two spin reservoirs have considerably different behaviour. The half-metallic nature and strong exchange coupling of Mn2_2Rux_xGa lead to spin angular momentum conservation at much shorter time scales than found for Gd(FeCo)3_3 which suggests that low-power, sub-picosecond switching of the net moment of Mn2_2Rux_xGa is possible.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (2021