548 research outputs found

    Masennuksen koettu kuntoutustarve väestössä : Health and Social Support (HeSSup) -tutkimuksen tuloksia

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    Tieto kuntoutuksen tarpeesta eri väestö- ja sairausryhmissä on avainasemassa kuntoutuksen kehittämisessä. Masennus on merkittävä työ- ja toimintakyvyn heikkenemistä aiheuttava kansanterveysongelma. Masennukseen sairastuneen työ- ja toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseksi ja edistämiseksi tarvitaan hoidon lisäksi yleensä myös kuntoutusta. Oikea-aikaisella ja riittävällä hoidolla ja kuntoutuksella ehkäistään masennuksen vaikeutumista ja pyritään vaikuttamaan prosesseihin, jotka lopulta voivat johtaa työ- ja toimintakyvyn merkittävään ja pysyvään alenemiseen. Aiempia laajoja väestöön kohdentuvia tutkimuksia koetusta kuntoutustarpeesta masennuksen takia ei ole tehty. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, missä määrin suomalaisessa väestössä koetaan kuntoutuksen tarvetta masennuksen vuoksi ja onko koetussa kuntoutustarpeessa eroja iän, sukupuolen, koulutusasteen, työstatuksen ja masentuneisuuden mukaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin psykoterapian saamisen ja oman alueen terveydenhuollon palveluita koskevan tyytyväisyyden yhteyttä toteutuneeseen ja riittäväksi koettuun kuntoutukseen masennuksen takia. Aineistona käytettiin laajaan satunnaisotokseen perustuvaa Health and Social Support (HeSSup) -seurantatutkimuksen tietoja vuosilta 1998, 2003 ja 2011. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet olivat vuonna 1998 20–54-vuotiaita. Kuntoutustarvetta masennuksen vuoksi oli kokenut 10 % vastaajista. Työstatuksen mukaan tarkasteltuna eniten kuntoutustarvetta masennuksen takia raportoivat työttömänä peruspäivärahalla ja työkyvyttömyyseläkkeellä olevat. Eri mittareilla mitattuna masennukseen sairastuneista huomattava osa oli kokenut tarvitsevansa kuntoutusta masennuksen vuoksi, mutta ei ollut sitä joko saanut tai saatu kuntoutus oli koettu riittämättömäksi. Psykoterapian saaminen ja tyytyväisyys oman asuinalueen terveydenhuollon palveluihin lisäsivät todennäköisyyttä riittäväksi koettuun kuntoutukseen. Tutkimuksemme tulokset osoittavat puutteita kuntoutusjärjestelmän kyvyssä vastata masennuksen vuoksi koettuun kuntoutuksen tarpeeseen väestössä. Psykoterapioiden saatavuutta tulee parantaa ja erityistä huomiota tulee kiinnittää työelämän ulkopuolella olevien työikäisten mahdollisuuksiin saada oikea-aikaista ja riittävää kuntoutusta. Koettu kuntoutustarve ja toteutuneen kuntoutuksen koettu riittävyys väestössä ovat tärkeitä mittareita kuntoutusjärjestelmän toimivuudelle

    Clinical management of 52 consecutive retro-rectal tumours treated at a tertiary referral centre

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    Abstract Aim The aim of this single institution study was to analyse the diagnostic methods, pre-operative work-up and outcomes of 52 retrorectal tumours. Method All patients treated for retro-rectal tumours from 2012 to 2017 were included. Results Out of 52 patients, 40 (77%) were women. The patients? median age at the time of surgery was 43 (19-76) years, and 30 (58%) of the patients were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. All tumours were visible on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to surgery. The sensitivity and specificity for predicting malignancy on pre-operative imaging for retro-rectal tumours were 25% and 98%, respectively. Forty-four procedures (85%) were performed using the perineal approach. The median hospital stay was three (1-18) days. There was no 30-day post-operative mortality. Eleven (21%) patients developed post-operative complications, mostly surgical site infections. Twenty-nine tumours (56%) were benign tailgut cysts. Four (8%) tumours were malignant and were considered to be removed with a tumour-free resection margin. Local recurrent disease was detected on MRI in 14 (27%) patients at a median of 1.05 (range: 0.78-1.77) years after primary surgery. Only the multi-lobular shape of the tumour was found to be an independent risk factor for recurrence (p=0.030). Conclusion A pre-operative MRI is mandatory in order to plan the surgical strategy for retro-rectal tumours. Symptomatic, solid, large tumours should be removed because of the risk of malignancy. Minor cystic lesions with thin walls as well as asymptomatic recurrences of benign tumours are suitable to be followed conservatively.Peer reviewe

    The prognostic value of extramural venous invasion in preoperative MRI of rectal cancer patients

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    Aim This study aimed to examine the prognostic value of extramural venous invasion observed in preoperative MRI on survival and recurrences. Method In total, 778 rectal cancer patients were evaluated in multidisciplinary meetings in Helsinki University Hospital during the years 2016-2018. 635 patients met the inclusion criteria of stage I-III disease and were intended for curative treatment at the time of diagnosis. 128 had extramural venous invasion in preoperative MRI. Results The median follow-up time was 2.5 years. In a univariate analysis extramural venous invasion was associated with poorer disease-specific survival (hazard ratio [HR] 2.174, 95% CI 1.118-4.224, P = 0.022), whereas circumferential margin = T3c or nodal positivity were not. Disease recurrence occurred in 17.3% of the patients: 13.4% had metastatic recurrence only, 1.7% mere local recurrence and 2.2% both metastatic and local recurrence. In multivariate analysis, extramural venous invasion (HR 1.734, 95% CI 1.127-2.667, P = 0.012) and nodal positivity (HR 1.627, 95% CI 1.071-2.472, P = 0.023) were risk factors for poorer disease-free survival (DFS). Circumferential marginPeer reviewe

    Change in β2-agonist use after severe life events in adults with asthma: A population-based cohort study Life events and bronchodilator usage among adults with asthma

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    Objective: This prospective, population-based cohort study of 1102 Finnish adults with asthma, examined whether exposure to stressful life events is associated with the intensity of usage of inhaled short-acting beta(2)-agonists.Methods: Survey data was collected by two postal questionnaires. Baseline characteristics were obtained in 1998 and data on 19 specific stressful events (e.g. death of a child or spouse or divorce) within the six preceding months in 2003. Exposure to life events was indicated by a sum score weighted by mean severity of the events. Participants were linked to records of filled prescriptions for inhaled short-acting beta(2)-agonists from national registers from 2000 through 2006. The rates of purchases of short-acting beta(2)-agonists before (2000 2001), during (2002 2003) and after (2004-2006) the event exposure were estimated using repeated-measures Poisson regression analyses with the generalized estimating equation.Results: Of the 1102 participants, 162 (15%) were exposed to highly stressful events, 205 (19%) to less stressful events. During the 7-year observation period, 5955 purchases of filled prescription for inhaled short-acting beta(2)-agonists were recorded. After exposure to highly stressful events, the rate of purchases of beta(2)-agonists was 1.50 times higher (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.05, 2.13) than before the stressful event occurred. Among those with low or no exposure to life events, the corresponding rate ratios were not elevated (rate ratio 0.81, 95% CI: 0.66, 0.99 and 0.95, 95% CI: 0.83, 1.09 respectively).Conclusion: An increase in beta(2)-agonist usage after severe life events suggests that stressful experiences may worsen asthma symptoms

    Association Between Distance From Home to Tobacco Outlet and Smoking Cessation and Relapse

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    IMPORTANCE: Reduced availability of tobacco outlets is hypothesized to reduce smoking, but longitudinal evidence on this issue is scarce. OBJECTIVE: To examine whether changes in distance from home to tobacco outlet are associated with changes in smoking behaviors. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: The data from 2 prospective cohort studies included geocoded residential addresses, addresses of tobacco outlets, and responses to smoking surveys in 2008 and 2012 (the Finnish Public Sector [FPS] study, n = 53 755) or 2003 and 2012 (the Health and Social Support [HeSSup] study, n = 11 924). All participants were smokers or ex-smokers at baseline. We used logistic regression in between-individual analyses and conditional logistic regression in case-crossover design analyses to examine change in walking distance from home to the nearest tobacco outlet as a predictor of quitting smoking in smokers and smoking relapse in ex-smokers. Study-specific estimates were pooled using fixed-effect meta-analysis. EXPOSURES: Walking distance from home to the nearest tobacco outlet. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Quitting smoking and smoking relapse as indicated by self-reported current and previous smoking at baseline and follow-up. RESULTS: Overall, 20 729 men and women (age range 18-75 years) were recruited. Of the 6259 and 2090 baseline current smokers, 1744 (28%) and 818 (39%) quit, and of the 8959 and 3421 baseline ex-smokers, 617 (7%) and 205 (6%) relapsed in the FPS and HeSSup studies, respectively. Among the baseline smokers, a 500-m increase in distance from home to the nearest tobacco outlet was associated with a 16% increase in odds of quitting smoking in the between-individual analysis (pooled odds ratio, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.05-1.28) and 57% increase in within-individual analysis (pooled odds ratio, 1.57; 95% CI, 1.32-1.86), after adjusting for changes in self-reported marital and working status, substantial worsening of financial situation, illness in the family, and own health status. Increase in distance to the nearest tobacco outlet was not associated with smoking relapse among the ex-smokers. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: These data suggest that increase in distance from home to the nearest tobacco outlet may increase quitting among smokers. No effect of change in distance on relapse in ex-smokers was observed

    Leisure-time physical inactivity and association with body mass index : a Finnish Twin Study with a 35-year follow-up

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    Background: We investigated the stability and change of leisure-time physical inactivity in adult men and women during a 35-year follow-up. We also analysed the impact of long-term physical inactivity on the development of body mass index (BMI). Methods: In this population-based cohort study, 5254 Finnish twin individuals (59% women) participated in four surveys in 1975, 1981, 1990 and 2011. Mean age at baseline was 23.9 years. Individual long-term leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) was categorized into seven classes varying from 'persistently inactive' to 'persistently active'. We used the multivariate multilevel mixed-effects linear regression model and paired-sample t-test in the analyses. Co-twin control design was used for examining within-pair associations. Results: Of men 11%, and of women 8%, were persistently inactive. Among both sexes, the mean BMI slope trajectories were steeper among the persistently inactive and those who became inactive than among those who were persistently active. Overall, the inactive participants gained 1.4 kg/m(2) [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2 to 1.7] more in weight than did the active participants from 1975 to 2011. Among twin pairs discordant for LTPA, the corresponding difference was 1.4 kg/m(2) (95% CI 0.83 to 2.0) in dizygotic pairs and 0.68 kg/m(2) (95% CI 0.05 to1.3) in monozygotic pairs. Conclusions: Over a 35-year time span from young adulthood, persistently inactive participants and those who had become inactive had greater weight increases than those who were persistently active. This association was also found in twin-pair analyses, although attenuated in monozygotic pairs. This may support the importance of LTPA in weight management, although further causal inference is required.Peer reviewe

    Stoma reversal after Hartmann's procedure for acute diverticulitis

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    Background: Hartmann's procedure is a treatment option for perforated acute diverticulitis, especially when organ dysfunction(s) are present. Its use has been criticized mostly out of fear of high permanent stoma rate. The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of stoma reversal, reasons behind non-reversal, and safety of reversal surgery. Methods: This was a single-center retrospective study of patients undergoing urgent Hartmann's pro-cedure due to acute diverticulitis between the years 2006 and 2017 with follow-up until March 2021. Results: A total of 3,319 episodes of diverticulitis in 2,932 patients were screened. The Hartmann's procedure was performed on 218 patients, of whom 157 (72%) had peritonitis (48 (22%) with organ dysfunction). At 2-years, 76 (34.9%) patients had died with stoma, 42 (19.3%) were alive with stoma, and 100 (45.9%) had undergone stoma reversal. The survival of patients with and without reversal were 100% and 42.7% at 1-year, 96.0% and 35.0% at 2-years and 88.9% and 20.7% at 5-years, respectively. The risk factors for nonreversal were old age, a need for outside assistance, low HElsinki Staging for Acute Diverticulitis stage, and higher C-reactive protein level upon hospital admission. The most common reasons for nonreversal in surviving patients were patient not willing to have the operation 18 (41%) and dementia 10 (23%). Twelve (12%) patients had a major complication after reversal (Clavien-Dindo IIIb-IV) and 90-day mortality after reversal was 0%. Conclusion: After the Hartmann's procedure for acute diverticulitis, one-third died, half underwent stoma reversal, and one-fifth did not undergo stoma reversal within 2 years. Patients who survive with stoma are either not willing to have reversal or have severe comorbidities excluding elective surgery. The Hartmann's procedure remains a viable option for high-risk patients with perforated acute diverticulitis. (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe
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