21 research outputs found

    Urban soil pollution and the playfields of small children

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    The chemical composition of urban surface soil in Tromsø, northern Norway has been mapped to describe the environmental load of toxic elements in different parts of the city. Surface soil samples were collected from 275 locations throughout the city center and nearby suburban areas. Natural background concentrations were determined in samples of the local bedrock. Surface soil in younger, suburban parts of the city shows low concentrations of heavy metals, reflecting the local geochemistry. The inner and older parts of the city are generally polluted with lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and tin (Sn). The most important sources of this urban soil pollution are probably city fires, industrial and domestic waste, traffic, and shipyards. In this paper two different approaches have been used. First, as a result of the general mapping, 852 soil and sand samples from kindergartens and playgrounds were analyzed. In this study concentrations of arsenic (As) up to 1800 ppm were found, most likely due to the extensive use of CCA (copper, chromium, arsenic) impregnated wood in sandboxes and other playground equipment. This may represent a significant health risk especially to children having a high oral intake of contaminated sand and soil. Secondly a pattern of tin (Sn) concentrations was found in Tromsøcity with especially high values near shipyards. Further investigation indicated that this pattern most probably reflected the use of the highty toxic tributyltin (TBT). Thus détermination of total Sn in surface soils could be a cost-effective way to localize sources of TBT contamination in the environment

    Fluorinated Precursor Compounds in Sediments as a Source of Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids (PFAA) to Biota

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    The environmental behavior of perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAA) and their precursors was investigated in lake Tyrifjorden, downstream a factory producing paper products coated with per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). Low water concentrations (max 0.18 ng L–1 linear perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, L-PFOS) compared to biota (mean 149 μg kg–1 L-PFOS in perch livers) resulted in high bioaccumulation factors (L-PFOS BAFPerch liver: 8.05 × 105–5.14 × 106). Sediment concentrations were high, particularly for the PFOS precursor SAmPAP diester (max 1 872 μg kg–1). Biota-sediment accumulation factors (L-PFOS BSAFPerch liver: 22–559) were comparable to elsewhere, and concentrations of PFAA precursors and long chained PFAA in biota were positively correlated to the ratio of carbon isotopes (13C/12C), indicating positive correlations to dietary intake of benthic organisms. The sum fluorine from targeted analyses accounted for 54% of the extractable organic fluorine in sediment, and 9–108% in biota. This, and high trophic magnification factors (TMF, 3.7–9.3 for L-PFOS), suggests that hydrophobic precursors in sediments undergo transformation and are a main source of PFAA accumulation in top predator fish. Due to the combination of water exchange and dilution, transformation of larger hydrophobic precursors in sediments can be a source to PFAA, some of which are normally associated with uptake from water.publishedVersio

    Laboratory evaluation of a prospective remediation method for PCB-contaminated paint

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    Background: Paint laden with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) often acts as a point source for environmental contamination. It is advantageous to address contaminated paint before the PCBs transport to surrounding media; however, current disposal methods of painted material introduce a variety of complications. Previous work demonstrates that PCBs can be broken down at ambient temperatures and pressures through a degradation process involving magnesium metal and acidified ethanol. This report is an extension of that work by describing the development of a delivery system for said reaction in preparation for a field test. Two treatment options including the Activated Metal Treatment System (AMTS) and the Non-Metal Treatment System (NMTS) remove and degrade PCBs from painted surfaces. Findings: AMTS decreased the Aroclor® concentration of a solution by more than 97% within 120 minutes and the Aroclor® concentration of industrial paint chips by up to 98% over three weeks. After removing up to 76% of PCBs on a painted surface after seven days, NMTS also removed trace amounts of PCBs in the paint’s concrete substrate. The evaporation rate of the solvent (ethanol) from the treatment system was reduced when the application area was increased. The solvent system’s ability to remove more than 90% of PCBs was maintained after losing 36% of its mass to solvent evaporation. Conclusions: The delivery systems, AMTS and NMTS, are able to support the hydrodechlorination reaction necessary for PCB degradation and are therefore attractive options for further studies regarding the remediation of contaminated painted surfaces

    Effect-Directed Analysis Based on Transthyretin Binding Activity of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in a Contaminated Sediment Extract

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    Only a fraction of the total number of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are monitored on a routine basis using targeted chemical analyses. We report on an approach toward identifying bioactive substances in environmental samples using effect-directed analysis by combining toxicity testing, targeted chemical analyses, and suspect screening. PFAS compete with the thyroid hormone thyroxin (T4) for binding to its distributor protein transthyretin (TTR). Therefore, a TTR-binding bioassay was used to prioritize unknown features for chemical identification in a PFAS-contaminated sediment sample collected downstream of a factory producing PFAS-coated paper. First, the TTR-binding potencies of 31 analytical PFAS standards were determined. Potencies varied between PFAS depending on carbon chain length, functional group, and, for precursors to perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (PFSA), the size or number of atoms in the group(s) attached to the nitrogen. The most potent PFAS were the seven- and eight-carbon PFSA, perfluoroheptane sulfonic acid (PFHpS) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), and the eight-carbon perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acid (PFCA), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which showed approximately four- and five-times weaker potencies, respectively, compared with the native ligand T4. For some of the other PFAS tested, TTR-binding potencies were weak or not observed at all. For the environmental sediment sample, not all of the bioactivity observed in the TTR-binding assay could be assigned to the PFAS quantified using targeted chemical analyses. Therefore, suspect screening was applied to the retention times corresponding to observed TTR binding, and five candidates were identified. Targeted analyses showed that the sediment was dominated by the di-substituted phosphate ester of N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamido ethanol (SAmPAP diester), whereas it was not bioactive in the assay. SAmPAP diester has the potential for (bio)transformation into smaller PFAS, including PFOS. Therefore, when it comes to TTR binding, the hazard associated with this substance is likely through (bio)transformation into more potent transformation products. Environ Toxicol Chem 2024;43:245–258.</p