5,970 research outputs found

    Mining social network data for personalisation and privacy concerns: A case study of Facebook’s Beacon

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    This is the post-print version of the final published paper that is available from the link below.The popular success of online social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook is a hugely tempting resource of data mining for businesses engaged in personalised marketing. The use of personal information, willingly shared between online friends' networks intuitively appears to be a natural extension of current advertising strategies such as word-of-mouth and viral marketing. However, the use of SNS data for personalised marketing has provoked outrage amongst SNS users and radically highlighted the issue of privacy concern. This paper inverts the traditional approach to personalisation by conceptualising the limits of data mining in social networks using privacy concern as the guide. A qualitative investigation of 95 blogs containing 568 comments was collected during the failed launch of Beacon, a third party marketing initiative by Facebook. Thematic analysis resulted in the development of taxonomy of privacy concerns which offers a concrete means for online businesses to better understand SNS business landscape - especially with regard to the limits of the use and acceptance of personalised marketing in social networks

    Circular frame fixation for calcaneal fractures risks injury to the medial neurovascular structures: a cadaveric description

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    Aim: There is a risk of iatrogenic injury to the soft tissues of the calcaneus and this study assesses the risk of injury to these structures in circular frame calcaneal fracture fixation. Materials and Methods: After olive tip wires were inserted, an L-shaped incision on the lateral and medial aspects of 5 formalin fixed cadaveric feet was performed to expose the underlying soft tissues. The calcaneus was divided into zones corresponding to high, medium and low risk using a grading system. Results: Structures at high risk included the posterior tibial artery, posterior tibial vein and posterior tibial nerve on the medial aspect. Soft tissue structures on the lateral side that were shown to be at lower risk of injury were the small saphenous vein and the sural nerve and the tendons of fibularis longus and fibularis brevis. Conclusion: The lateral surface of the calcaneus provides a lower risk area for external fixation. The risk of injury to significant soft tissues using a circular frame fixation approach has been shown to be greater on the medial aspect. Clinical Relevance: This study highlights the relevant anatomical relations in circular frame fixation for calcaneal fractures to minimize damage to these structures

    Improving route discovery in on-demand routing protocols using local topology information in MANETs

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    Most existing routing protocols proposed for MANETs use flooding as a broadcast technique for the propagation of network control packets; a particular example of this is the dissemination of route requests (RREQs), which facilitate route discovery. In flooding, each mobile node rebroadcasts received packets, which, in this manner, are propagated network-wide with considerable overhead. This paper improves on the performance of existing routing protocols by reducing the communication overhead incurred during the route discovery process by implementing a new broadcast algorithm called the adjusted probabilistic flooding on the Ad-Hoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol. AODV [3] is a well-known and widely studied algorithm which has been shown over the past few years to maintain an overall lower routing overhead compared to traditional proactive schemes, even though it uses flooding to propagate RREQs. Our results, as presented in this paper, reveal that equipping AODV with fixed and adjusted probabilistic flooding, instead, helps reduce the overhead of the route discovery process whilst maintaining comparable performance levels in terms of saved rebroadcasts and reachability as achieved by conventional AODV\@. Moreover, the results indicate that the adjusted probabilistic technique results in better performance compared to the fixed one for both of these metrics

    Aplikasi Monitoring Manajemen Kuangan Di Madrasah Diniyah PP. Ibnu Kholdun A-Hasyimi Berbasis Web dan Bot Telegram

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    Manajemen keuangan meliputi  segala kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan perolehan, pendanaan serta untuk mengolah aktivitas dengan tujuan semua aktivitas, Termasuk pengolahan manajemen keuangan sekolah dalam sebuah institusi pendidikan merupakan kegiatan penting yang dilaksanakan secara periodik ataupun setiap saat, data-data keuangan tersebut selalu berubah setiap bulan atau setiap tahun, pengeluaran dan pemasukan. Sedangkan informasi dituntut untuk selalu aktual, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu sistem informasi yang bisa mengolah data-data secara cepat dan efektif, diketahui bahwa sistem manajemen keuagan yang sedang berjalan pada Madrasah Diniyah PP.Ibnu kholdun Al-hasyimi masih dilakukan secara manual yang membuat aliran informasi yang lambat, proses pencarian data yang lambat, perhitungan data dalam jumlah banyak sulit dilakukan,  minimnya pemantauan yang dilakukan atasan. Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan diatas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa permasalahan yang dihadapi yaitu bagaimana merancang sebuah Aplikasi Monitoring manajemen Keuangan di Madrasah Diniyah PP.Ibnu kholdun  Al-Hasyimi Berbasis  Web Dan Bot Telegram. Dari hasil perancangan Aplikasi Monitoring Manajemen Keuangan di Madrasah Diniyah PP.Ibnu kholdun  Al-Hasyimi Berbasis  Web Dan Bot Telegram. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, disimpulkan bahwa pengujian eksternal dengan berjumlah 6 pertanyaan dan 10 penguji, maka dihasilkan persentase yang diperoleh skor 77,5% dengan kategori baik


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    ABSTRAKKecamatan Peukan Bada merupakan salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten AcehBesar yang terkena dampak bencana tsunami 2004 sangat parah, terutama diGampong Lamteh, Gampong Baro dan Gampong Lamteungoh yang menjadilokasi penelitian ini. Secara geografis, ketiga lokasi penelitian ini berada padawilayah pesisir yang berpotensi terkena dampak bencana tsunami di masa yangakan datang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat kapasitasdan kerentanan perempuan, menganalisis pengaruh faktor demografi terhadapkapasitas dan kerentanan serta menganalisis strategi untuk meningkatkankapasitas serta mengurangi kerentanan perempuan dalam upaya penguranganrisiko bencana tsunami di wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Peukan Bada Aceh Besar.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kombinasi (mixed methods) yaitudenganmenggunakan pendekatan data gabungan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Sampelpenelitian terdiri dari 81 orang perempuan yang ditentukan denganmenggunakanmetode survey dengan teknik Quota Sampling. Data primer diperoleh melaluikuesioner kepada responden dan wawancara terstruktur dengan 6 orang informanyang bermukim di tiga gampong lokasi penelitian. Data sekunder diperoleh daridokumentasi Keuchik dan data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Aceh Besar.Kuesioner disusun dengan menggunakan metode ORID (Objective, Reflective,Interpretative dan Decision) dengan tiga alternatif jawaban yaitu setuju, ragu-ragudan tidak setuju. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Tingkat kapasitasperempuan berada pada kategori kurang siap dengan indeks 54 dan tingkatkerentanan perempuan berada pada kategori rendah dengan indeks 53, (2)Pengaruh faktor demografi terhadap kapasitas secara signifikan pada faktor umur,sementara faktor pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan dan status perkawinan tidakberpengaruh secara signifikan. Sedangkan faktor demografi umur, pendidikan,pekerjaan, pendapatan dan status perkawinan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikanterhadap kerentanan. (3) Strategi untuk meningkatkan kapasitas denganmemperhatikan faktor informasi, jejaring, pengetahuan dan sarana, sedangkanuntuk mengurangi kerentanan dengan memperhatikan faktor fisik, faktorlingkungan, faktor sosial serta faktor sikap dan motivasi perempuan.Kata kunci : Kapasitas, Kerentanan, Demografi, ORID, Quota Sampling,Strategi Pengurangan Risiko BencanaTsunami.viABSTRACTSubdistrict Peukan Bada was one of the districts in Aceh Besar district whichaffected by the 2004 tsunami very severely, especially in the Village Lamteh,Baro and Lamteungoh had being the location of this research. Geographically, thethree locations researchwere in coastal areas potentially affected by the tsunamidisaster in the future. The purpose of this research was to analyze the level ofcapacity and vulnerability of women, to analyze the influence of demographicfactors on the capacities and vulnerabilities and analyzied the strategies toincrease capacity and reduce the vulnerability of women in the effort of tsunamidisaster risk reduction in the coastal areas of Peukan Bada District in Aceh Besar.This research used combination methods (mixed methods) by using quantitativeand qualitativedata approach. The sample in this research consisted of 81 womenwho were determined using the survey method with Quota sampling techniques.The primary data obtained through questionnaires to respondents and structuredinterviews with 6 informants who live in the three villages research. Secondarydata were obtained from Keuchik documentation and the data from StatisticCentre Agency (BPS). The questionnaire prepared using ORID methods(Objective, Reflective, Interpretative and Decision) with three alternative answerswere agree, undicided and disagree. The results showed that (1) The level ofwomen capacitywerein the less ready category with the index 54 and the level ofwomen vulnerability were in the low category with the index 53, (2) Theinfluence of demographic factors on the capacity, significantly on the age, whileeducation factor, employment, income and marital status did not havesignificantly influences. Exactly, demographic factors of age, education,occupation, income and marital status did not have significantly influences to thevulnerability. (3) The strategies to increase capacity by making improvements ininformation, networking, knowledge and facilities, and to reducing vulnerabilitybymaking improvements in physical factors, environmental factors, social factorsand the factors ofwomen attitude and motivation.Keywords :Capacity, Vulnerability, Demographics, ORID, Quota Sampling,Strategy for Disaster RiskReduction of Tsunami
