2,721 research outputs found

    Calorons, Nahm's equations on S^1 and bundles over P^1xP^1

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    The moduli space of solutions to Nahm's equations of rank (k,k+j) on the circle, and hence, of SU(2) calorons of charge (k,j), is shown to be equivalent to the moduli of holomorphic rank 2 bundles on P^1xP^1 trivialized at infinity with c_2=k and equipped with a flag of degree j along P^1x{0}. An explicit matrix description of these spaces is given by a monad constructio

    HI Bright Galaxies in the Southern Zone of Avoidance

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    A blind survey for HI bright galaxies in the southern Zone of Avoidance, (212 deg < l < 36 deg; |b| < 5 deg), has been made with the 21 cm multibeam receiver on the Parkes 64 m radiotelescope. The survey, sensitive to normal spiral galaxies to a distance of about 40 Mpc and more nearby dwarfs, detected 110 galaxies. Of these, 67 have no counterparts in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. In general, the uncataloged galaxies lie behind thicker obscuration than do the cataloged objects. All of the newly-discovered galaxies have HI flux integrals more than an order of magnitude lower than the Circinus galaxy. The survey recovers the Puppis cluster and foreground group (Kraan-Korteweg & Huchtmeier 1992), and the Local Void remains empty. The HI mass function derived for the sample is satisfactorily fit by a Schechter function with parameters alpha = 1.51 +- 0.12, Phi* = 0.006 +- 0.003, and log M* = 9.7 +- 0.10.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journa

    Visible diode lasers can be used for flow cytometric immunofluorescence and DNA analysis

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    This report describes a feasibility study concerning the use of a visible diode laser for two important fluorescence applications in a flow cytometer. With a 3 mW 635 nm. diode laser, we performed immunofluorescence measurements using the fluorophore allophycocyanin (APC). We have measured CD8 positive lymphocytes with a two-step labeling procedure and the resulting histograms showed good separation between the negative cells and the dim and the bright fluorescent subpopulations. As a second fluorescence application, we chose DNA analysis with the recently developed DNA/ RNA stains TOTO-3 and TO-PRO-3. In our setup TO-PRO-3 yielded the best results with a CV of 3.4%. Our results indicate that a few milliwatts of 635 nm light from a visible diode laser is sufficient to do single color immunofluorescence measurements with allophycocyanin and DNA analysis with TO-PRO-3. The major advantages of using a diode laser in a flow cytometer are the small size, the low price, the high efficiency, and the long lifetime

    Loop expansion in Yang-Mills thermodynamics

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    We argue that a selfconsistent spatial coarse-graining, which involves interacting (anti)calorons of unit topological charge modulus, implies that real-time loop expansions of thermodynamical quantities in the deconfining phase of SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills thermodynamics are, modulo 1PI resummations, determined by a finite number of connected bubble diagrams.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, v5: discussion of much more severely constrained nonplanar situation included in Sec.

    On the stability of Dirac sheet configurations

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    Using cooling for SU(2) lattice configurations, purely Abelian constant magnetic field configurations were left over after the annihilation of constituents that formed metastable Q=0 configurations. These so-called Dirac sheet configurations were found to be stable if emerging from the confined phase, close to the deconfinement phase transition, provided their Polyakov loop was sufficiently non-trivial. Here we show how this is related to the notion of marginal stability of the appropriate constant magnetic field configurations. We find a perfect agreement between the analytic prediction for the dependence of stability on the value of the Polyakov loop (the holonomy) in a finite volume and the numerical results studied on a finite lattice in the context of the Dirac sheet configurations

    Center Vortices, Nexuses, and Fractional Topological Charge

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    It has been remarked in several previous works that the combination of center vortices and nexuses (a nexus is a monopole-like soliton whose world line mediates certain allowed changes of field strengths on vortex surfaces) carry topological charge quantized in units of 1/N for gauge group SU(N). These fractional charges arise from the interpretation of the standard topological charge integral as a sum of (integral) intersection numbers weighted by certain (fractional) traces. We show that without nexuses the sum of intersection numbers gives vanishing topological charge (since vortex surfaces are closed and compact). With nexuses living as world lines on vortices, the contributions to the total intersection number are weighted by different trace factors, and yield a picture of the total topological charge as a linking of a closed nexus world line with a vortex surface; this linking gives rise to a non-vanishing but integral topological charge. This reflects the standard 2\pi periodicity of the theta angle. We argue that the Witten-Veneziano relation, naively violating 2\pi periodicity, scales properly with N at large N without requiring 2\pi N periodicity. This reflects the underlying composition of localized fractional topological charge, which are in general widely separated. Some simple models are given of this behavior. Nexuses lead to non-standard vortex surfaces for all SU(N) and to surfaces which are not manifolds for N>2. We generalize previously-introduced nexuses to all SU(N) in terms of a set of fundamental nexuses, which can be distorted into a configuration resembling the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole with no strings. The existence of localized but widely-separated fractional topological charges, adding to integers only on long distance scales, has implications for chiral symmetry breakdown.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, 6 .eps figure

    New HI-detected Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance

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    We present the first results of a blind HI survey for galaxies in the southern Zone of Avoidance with a multibeam receiver on the Parkes telescope. This survey is eventually expected to catalog several thousand galaxies within Galactic latitude |b|<5 degrees, mostly unrecognised before due to Galactic extinction and confusion. We present here results of the first three detections to have been imaged with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The galaxies all lie near Galactic longitude 325 degrees and were selected because of their large angular sizes, up to 1.3 degrees. Linear sizes range from 53 to 108 kpc. The first galaxy is a massive 5.7x10^11 solar mass disk galaxy with a faint optical counterpart, SGC 1511.1--5249. The second is probably an interacting group of galaxies straddling the Galactic equator. No optical identification is possible. The third object appears to be an interacting pair of low column density galaxies, possibly belonging to an extended Circinus or Centaurus A galaxy group. No optical counterpart has been seen despite the predicted extinction (A(B) = 2.7 - 4.4 mag) not being excessive. We discuss the implications of the results, in particular the low HI column densities (~10^19 atoms/sq.cm) found for two of the three galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures (Fig.1 in three parts, Fig.5 in two parts). To appear in Astronomical Journal (Dec 1998). See http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/multibea

    Calorons, instantons and constituent monopoles in SU(3) lattice gauge theory

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    We analyze the zero-modes of the Dirac operator in quenched SU(3) gauge configurations at non-zero temperature and compare periodic and anti-periodic temporal boundary conditions for the fermions. It is demonstrated that for the different boundary conditions often the modes are localized at different space-time points and have different sizes. Our observations are consistent with patterns expected for Kraan - van Baal solutions of the classical Yang-Mills equations. These solutions consist of constituent monopoles and the zero-modes are localized on different constituents for different boundary conditions. Our findings indicate that the excitations of the QCD vacuum are more structured than simple instanton-like lumps.Comment: Remarks added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Morphological-type dependence in the mu_0-log(h) plane of Spiral galaxy disks

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    We present observational evidence for a galaxy `Type' dependence to the location of a spiral galaxy's disk parameters in the mu_0-log(h) (central disk surface-brightness - disk scale-length) plane. With a sample of ~40 Low Surface Brightness galaxies (both bulge- and disk-dominated) and ~80 High Surface Brightness galaxies, the early-type disk galaxies (<=Sc) tend to define a bright envelope in the mu_0-log(h) plane, while the late-type (>=Scd) spiral galaxies have, in general, smaller and fainter disks. Below the defining surface brightness threshold for a Low Surface Brightness galaxy (i.e. more than 1 mag fainter than the 21.65 B-mag arcsec^(-2) Freeman value), the early-type spiral galaxies have scale-lengths greater than 8-9 kpc, while the late-type spiral galaxies have smaller scale-lengths. All galaxies have been modelled with a seeing-convolved Sersic r^(1/n) bulge and exponential disk model. We show that the trend of decreasing bulge shape parameter (n) with increasing Hubble type and decreasing bulge-to-disk luminosity ratio, which has been observed amongst the High Surface Brightness galaxies, extends to the Low Surface Brightness galaxies, revealing a continuous range of structural parameters.Comment: To be published in ApJ. Inc. three two-part figure

    SN 1986J VLBI. The Evolution and Deceleration of the Complex Source and a Search for a Pulsar Nebula

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    We report on VLBI observations of supernova 1986J in the spiral galaxy NGC 891 at two new epochs, 1990 July and 1999 February, t=7.4 and 15.9 yr after the explosion, and on a comprehensive analysis of these and earlier observations from t~4 yr after the explosion date, which we estimate to be 1983.2 +/- 1.1. The source is a shell or composite, and continues to show a complex morphology with large brightness modulations along the ridge and with protrusions. The supernova is moderately to strongly decelerated. The average outer radius expands as t^(0.71 +/- 0.11), and the expansion velocity has slowed to 6000 km/s at t=15.9 yr from an extrapolated 20,000 km/s at t=0.25 yr. The structure changes significantly with time, showing that the evolution is not self-similar. The shell structure is best visible at the latest epoch, when the protrusions have diminished somewhat in prominence and a new, compact component has appeared. The radio spectrum shows a clear inversion above 10 GHz. This might be related to a pulsar nebula becoming visible through the debris of the explosion. The radio flux density between 1.5 and 23 GHz decreases strongly with time, with the flux density proportional to t^(-2.94 +/- 0.24) between t~15 to 19 yr. This decrease is much more rapid than that found in earlier measurements up to t~6 yr.Comment: 24 pages, 9 Figures, LaTeX Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journa
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