28,636 research outputs found

    Higher Spin BRS Cohomology of Supersymmetric Chiral Matter in D=4

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    We examine the BRS cohomology of chiral matter in N=1N=1, D=4D=4 supersymmetry to determine a general form of composite superfield operators which can suffer from supersymmetry anomalies. Composite superfield operators \Y_{(a,b)} are products of the elementary chiral superfields SS and \ov S and the derivative operators D_\a, \ov D_{\dot \b} and \pa_{\a \dot \b}. Such superfields \Y_{(a,b)} can be chosen to have `aa' symmetrized undotted indices \a_i and `bb' symmetrized dotted indices \dot \b_j. The result derived here is that each composite superfield \Y_{(a,b)} is subject to potential supersymmetry anomalies if a−ba-b is an odd number, which means that \Y_{(a,b)} is a fermionic superfield.Comment: 15 pages, CPT-TAMU-20/9

    Classical String in Curved Backgrounds

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    The Mathisson-Papapetrou method is originally used for derivation of the particle world line equation from the covariant conservation of its stress-energy tensor. We generalize this method to extended objects, such as a string. Without specifying the type of matter the string is made of, we obtain both the equations of motion and boundary conditions of the string. The world sheet equations turn out to be more general than the familiar minimal surface equations. In particular, they depend on the internal structure of the string. The relevant cases are classified by examining canonical forms of the effective 2-dimensional stress-energy tensor. The case of homogeneously distributed matter with the tension that equals its mass density is shown to define the familiar Nambu-Goto dynamics. The other three cases include physically relevant massive and massless strings, and unphysical tahyonic strings.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX 4. Added a note and one referenc

    BRS Cohomology of the Supertranslations in D=4

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    Supersymmetry transformations are a kind of square root of spacetime translations. The corresponding Lie superalgebra always contains the supertranslation operator δ=cασαβ˙μc‾β˙(ϵμ)† \delta = c^{\alpha} \sigma^{\mu}_{\alpha \dot \beta} {\overline c}^{\dot \beta} (\epsilon^{\mu})^{\dag} . We find that the cohomology of this operator depends on a spin-orbit coupling in an SU(2) group and has a quite complicated structure. This spin-orbit type coupling will turn out to be basic in the cohomology of supersymmetric field theories in general.Comment: 14 pages, CTP-TAMU-13/9

    Generalizing Boolean Satisfiability I: Background and Survey of Existing Work

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    This is the first of three planned papers describing ZAP, a satisfiability engine that substantially generalizes existing tools while retaining the performance characteristics of modern high-performance solvers. The fundamental idea underlying ZAP is that many problems passed to such engines contain rich internal structure that is obscured by the Boolean representation used; our goal is to define a representation in which this structure is apparent and can easily be exploited to improve computational performance. This paper is a survey of the work underlying ZAP, and discusses previous attempts to improve the performance of the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland algorithm by exploiting the structure of the problem being solved. We examine existing ideas including extensions of the Boolean language to allow cardinality constraints, pseudo-Boolean representations, symmetry, and a limited form of quantification. While this paper is intended as a survey, our research results are contained in the two subsequent articles, with the theoretical structure of ZAP described in the second paper in this series, and ZAP's implementation described in the third

    A Color Dual Form for Gauge-Theory Amplitudes

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    Recently a duality between color and kinematics has been proposed, exposing a new unexpected structure in gauge theory and gravity scattering amplitudes. Here we propose that the relation goes deeper, allowing us to reorganize amplitudes into a form reminiscent of the standard color decomposition in terms of traces over generators, but with the role of color and kinematics swapped. By imposing additional conditions similar to Kleiss-Kuijf relations between partial amplitudes, the relationship between the earlier form satisfying the duality and the current one is invertible. We comment on extensions to loop level.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of cryogenic irradiation on NERVA structural alloys

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    Several alloys (Hastelloy X, AISI 347, A-286 bolts, Inconel 718, Al 7039-T63 and Ti-5Al-2.5Sn ELI) were irradiated in liquid nitrogen (140 R) to neutron fluences between 10 to the 17th power and 10 to the 19th power nvt (E greater than 1.0 Mev). After irradiation, tensile properties were obtained in liquid nitrogen without permitting any warmup except for some specimens which were annealed at 540 R. The usual trend of radiation damage typical for materials irradiated at and above room temperature was observed, such as an increase in strength and decrease in ductility. However, the damage at 140 R was greater because this temperature prevented the annealing of radiation-induced defects which occurs above 140 R

    Canadian national sport organisations’ use of the web for relationship marketing in promoting sport participation

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    Sport participation development requires a systematic process which involves knowledge creation, dissemination and interactions between National Sport Organisations, participants, clubs and associations as well as other agencies. Using a relationship marketing approach (Grönroos, 1997, Gummesson, 2002, Olkkonen, 1999), this paper addressed the question ‘How do Canadian NSOs use the Web, in terms of functionality and services offered, to create and maintain relationships with sport participants and their sport delivery partners?’ Ten Canadian NSOs’ websites were examined: functionality was analysed using Burgess and Cooper’s (2000) eMICA model, while NSOs’ utilisation of the Internet to establish and maintain relationships with sport participants was analysed using Wang, Head and Archer’s (2000) relationship-building process model for the Web. It was found that Canadian NSOs were receptive to the use of the Web, but their information-gathering and dissemination activities, which make-up the relationship-building process, appear sparse, and in some cases are lagging behind the voluntary sector in the country

    All tree-level amplitudes in massless QCD

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    We derive compact analytical formulae for all tree-level color-ordered gauge theory amplitudes involving any number of external gluons and up to three massless quark-anti-quark pairs. A general formula is presented based on the combinatorics of paths along a rooted tree and associated determinants. Explicit expressions are displayed for the next-to-maximally helicity violating (NMHV) and next-to-next-to-maximally helicity violating (NNMHV) gauge theory amplitudes. Our results are obtained by projecting the previously-found expressions for the super-amplitudes of the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (N=4 SYM) onto the relevant components yielding all gluon-gluino tree amplitudes in N=4 SYM. We show how these results carry over to the corresponding QCD amplitudes, including massless quarks of different flavors as well as a single electroweak vector boson. The public Mathematica package GGT is described, which encodes the results of this work and yields analytical formulae for all N=4 SYM gluon-gluino trees. These in turn yield all QCD trees with up to four external arbitrary-flavored massless quark-anti-quark-pairs.Comment: 40 pages, Mathematica package GGT.m and example notebook is included in submission, v2: QCD four fermion line translations provided; GGT version 1.1 update with a numerical evaluation function; comments on computer speed optimizations, v3: Minor changes, version to be published in JHEP, v4: published version in JHE
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