93 research outputs found

    Low-gravity impact experiments: Progress toward a facility definition

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    Innumerable efforts were made to understand the cratering process and its ramifications in terms of planetary observations, during which the role of gravity has often come into question. Well known facilities and experiments both were devoted in many cases to unraveling the contribution of gravitational acceleration to cratering mechanisms. Included among these are the explosion experiments in low gravity aircraft, the drop platform experiments, and the high gravity centrifuge experiments. Considerable insight into the effects of gravity was gained. Most investigations were confined to terrestrial laboratories. It is in this light that the Space Station is being examined as a vehicle with the potential to support otherwise impractical impact experiments. The results of studies performed by members of the planetary cratering community are summarized

    Hypervelocity particle capture: Some considerations regarding suitable target media

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    Hypervelocity particles colliding with passive capture media will be traversed by shock waves; depending on the stress amplitude, the particle may remain solid or it may melt or vaporize. Any capture mechanism considered for cosmic dust collection in low Earth-orbit must be designed such that sample alteration and hence loss of scientific information is minimized. Capture of pristine particles is fundamentally difficult, because the specific heat of melting and even vaporization is exceeded upon impact at typical, geocentric encounter velocities. From the results of calculated and observed melting behaviors it is concluded that shock stresses in excess of 50 GPA should be avoided during hypervelocity particle capture on board Space Station and that stresses 20 GPa, even at 15 km/s collision velocities, should constitute desirable instrument design goals. Some principal characteristics of the capture medium that may satisfy these requirements are identified

    Shock Deformation in Zircon, a Comparison of Results from Shock-Reverberation and Single-Shock Experiments

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    The utility of the mineral zircon, ZrSiO4, as a shock-metamorphic geobarometer and geochronometer, has been steadily growing within the planetary science community. Zircon is an accessory phase found in many terrestrial rock types, lunar samples, lunar meteorites, martian meteorites and various other achondrites. Because zircon is refractory and has a high closure temperature for Pb diffusion, it has been used to determine the ages of some of the oldest material on Earth and elsewhere in the Solar System. Furthermore, major (O) and trace-element (REE, Ti, Hf) abundances and isotope compositions of zircon help characterize the petrogenetic environments and sources from which they crystallized. The response of zircon to impact-induced shock deformation is predominantly crystallographic, including dislocation creep and the formation of planar and sub-planar, low-angle grain boundaries; the formation of mechanical {112} twins; transformation to the high pressure polymorph reidite; the development of polycrystalline microtextures; and dissociation to the oxide constituents SiO2 and ZrO2. Shock microstructures can also variably affect the U- Pb isotope systematics of zircon and, in some instances, be used to constrain the impact age. While numerous studies have characterized shock deformation in zircon recovered from a variety of terrestrial impact craters and ejecta deposits and Apollo samples, experimental studies of shock deformation in zircon are limited to a handful of examples in the literature. In addition, the formation conditions (e.g., P, T) of various shock microstructures, such as planar-deformation bands, twins, and reidite lamellae, remain poorly con-strained. Furthermore, previous shocked-zircon experimental charges have not been analyzed using modern analytical equipment. This study will therefore under-take an new set of zircon shock experiments, which will then be microstructurally characterized using state-of-the-art instrumentation within the Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Division (ARES), NASA Johnson Space Center

    Block distributions on the lunar surface: A comparison between measurements obtained from surface and orbital photography

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    Among the hazards that must be negotiated by lunar-landing spacecraft are blocks on the surface of the Moon. Unfortunately, few data exist that can be used to evaluate the threat posed by such blocks to landing spacecraft. Perhaps the best information is that obtained from Surveyor photographs, but those data do not extend to the dimensions of the large blocks that would pose the greatest hazards. Block distributions in the vicinities of the Surveyor 1, 3, 6, and 7 sites have been determined from Lunar Orbiter photography and are presented here. Only large (i.e., greater than or equal to 2.5 m) blocks are measurable in these pictures, resulting in a size gap between the Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter distributions. Nevertheless, the orbital data are self-consistent, a claim supported by the similarity in behavior between the subsets of data from the Surveyor 1, 3, and 6 sites and by the good agreement in position (if not slopes) between the data obtained from the Surveyor 3 photography and those derived from the Lunar Orbiter photographs. Confidence in the results is also justified by the well-behaved distribution of large blocks at the surveyor site. Comparisons between the Surveyor distributions and those derived from the orbital photography permit these observations: (1) in all cases but that for Surveyor 3, the density of large blocks is overestimated by extrapolation of the Surveyor-derived trends; (2) the slopes of the Surveyor-derived distributions are consistently lower than those determined for the large blocks; and (3) these apparent disagreements could be mitigated if the overall shapes of the cumulative lunar block populations were nonlinear, allowing for different slopes over different size intervals. The relatively large gaps between the Surveyor-derived and Orbiter-derived data sets, however, do not permit a determination of those shapes

    Block distributions on the lunar surface: A comparison between measurements obtained from surface and orbital photography

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    Enlargements of Lunar-Orbiter photography were used in conjunction with a digitizing tablet to collect the locations and dimensions of blocks surrounding the Surveyor 1, 3, 6, and 7 landing sites. Data were reduced to the location and the major axis of the visible portion of each block. Shadows sometimes made it difficult to assess whether the visible major axis corresponded with the actual principal dimension. These data were then correlated with the locations of major craters in the study areas, thus subdividing the data set into blocks obviously associated with craters and those in intercrater areas. A block was arbitrarily defined to be associated with a crater when its location was within 1.1 crater radii of the crater's center. Since this study was commissioned for the ultimate purpose of determining hazards to landing spacecraft, such a definition was deemed appropriate in defining block-related hazards associated with craters. Size distributions of smaller fragments as determined from Surveyor photography were obtained as measurements from graphical data. Basic comparisons were performed through use of cumulative frequency distributions identical to those applied to studies of crater-count data

    A Comparison of Crater-Size Scaling and Ejection-Speed Scaling During Experimental Impacts in Sand

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    Nondimensional scaling relationships are used to understand various cratering processes including final crater sizes and the excavation of material from a growing crater. The principal assumption behind these scaling relationships is that these processes depend on a combination of the projectile's characteristics, namely its diameter, density, and impact speed. This simplifies the impact event into a single pointsource. So long as the process of interest is beyond a few projectile radii from the impact point, the pointsource assumption holds. These assumptions can be tested through laboratory experiments in which the initial conditions of the impact are controlled and resulting processes measured directly. In this contribution, we continue our exploration of the congruence between cratersize scaling and ejectionspeed scaling relationships. In particular, we examine a series of experimental suites in which the projectile diameter and average grain size of the target are varied

    Experimental Impacts into Strength-Layered Targets: Crater Morphology and Morphometry

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    Impact cratering is a fundamental physical process that has dominated the evolution and modification of nearly every planetary surface in the Solar System. Impact craters serve as a means to probe the subsurface structure of a planetary body and provide hints about target surface properties. By examining small craters on the lunar maria and comparing these to experimental impacts in the laboratory, Oberbeck and Quaide first suggested that crater morphology can be used to estimate the thickness of a regolith layer on top of a more competent unit. Lunar craters show a morphological progression from a simple bowl shape to flat-floored and concentric craters as crater diameter increases for a given regolith thickness. This quantitative relationship is commonly used to estimate regolith thicknesses on the lunar surface and has also been explored via numerical and experimental studies. Here we report on a series of experimental impact craters formed in targets com-posed of a thin layer of loose sand on top of a stronger substrate at the Experimental Impact Laboratory at NASA Johnson Space Center

    Experimental Investigation of the Distribution of Shock Effects in Regolith Impact Ejecta Using an Ejecta Recovery Chamber

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    Because the mass-flux of solar system meteoroids is concentrated in the approx. 200 microns size range, small-scale impacts play a key role in driving the space weathering of regoliths on airless bodies. Quantifying this role requires improved data linking the mass, density and velocity of the incoming impactors to the nature of the shock effects produced, with particular emphasis on effects, such as production of impact melt and vapor, that drive the optical changes seen in space weathered regoliths. Of particular importance with regard to space weathering is understanding not only the composition of the shock melt created in small-scale impacts, but also how it is partitioned volumetrically between the local impact site and more widely distributed ejecta. To improve the ability of hypervelocity impact experiments to obtain this type of information, we have developed an enclosed sample target chamber with multiple-geometry interior capture cells for in-situ retention of ejecta from granular targets. A key design objective was to select and test capture cell materials that could meet three requirements: 1) Capture ejecta fragments traveling at various trajectories and velocities away from the impact point, while inducing minimal additional damage relative to the primary shock effects; 2) facilitate follow-up characterization of the ejecta either on or in the cell material by analytical SEM, or ex-situ by microprobe, TEM and other methods; and 3) enable the trajectories of the captured and characterized ejecta to be reconstructed relative to the target

    Experimental Impacts into Strength-Layered Targets: Ejecta Kinematics

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    AImpact cratering has dominated the evolution and modification of planetary surfaces through-out the history of the solar system. Impact craters can serve as probes to understanding the details of a planetary subsurface; for example, Oberbeck and Quaide, suggested that crater morphology can be used to estimate the thickness of a regolith layer on top of a more competent unit. Lunar craters show a morphological progression from a simple bowl shape to flat-floored and concentric craters as crater diameter in-creases for a given regolith thickness. The final shape of the impact crater is a result of the subsurface flow-field initiated as the projectile transfers its energy and momentum to the target surface at the moment of impact. Therefore, when a regolith layer is present over a stronger substrate, such as is the case on the lunar surface, the substrate modifies the flow-field and thereby the excavation flow of the crater, which is reflected in the morphology of the final crater. Here we report on a series of experimental impacts into targets composed of a thin layer of loose sand on top of a stronger substrate. We use the Ejection-Velocity Measurement System developed to examine the ejecta kinematics during the formation of these craters

    Impact Melt in Small Lunar Highlands Craters

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    Impact-melt deposits are a typical characteristic of complex impact craters, occurring as thick pools on the crater floor, ponds on wall terraces, veneers on the walls, and flows outside and inside the rim. Studies of the distribution of impact melt suggested that such deposits are rare to absent in and around small (km to sub-km), simple impact craters. noted that the smallest lunar crater observed with impact melt was approximately 750 m in diameter. Similarly, theoretical models suggest that the amount of melt formed is a tiny fraction (<1%) of the total crater volume and thus significant deposits would not be expected for small lunar craters. LRO LROC images show that impact-melt deposits can be recognized associated with many simple craters to diameters down to approximately 200 m. The melt forms pools on the crater floor, veneer on the crater walls or ejecta outside the crater. Such melt deposits are relatively rare, and can be recognized only in some fresh craters. These observations indicate that identifiable quantities of impact melt can be produced in small impacts and the presence of such deposits shows that the material can be aggregated into recognizable deposits. Further, the present of such melt indicates that small craters could be reliably radiometrically dated helping to constrain the recent impact flux
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