6,418 research outputs found

    Viewpoint consistency in Z and LOTOS: A case study

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    Specification by viewpoints is advocated as a suitable method of specifying complex systems. Each viewpoint describes the envisaged system from a particular perspective, using concepts and specification languages best suited for that perspective. Inherent in any viewpoint approach is the need to check or manage the consistency of viewpoints and to show that the different viewpoints do not impose contradictory requirements. In previous work we have described a range of techniques for consistency checking, refinement, and translation between viewpoint specifications, in particular for the languages LOTOS and Z. These two languages are advocated in a particular viewpoint model, viz. that of the Open Distributed Processing (ODP) reference model. In this paper we present a case study which demonstrates how all these techniques can be combined in order to show consistency between a viewpoint specified in LOTOS and one specified in Z. Keywords: Viewpoints; Consistency; Z; LOTOS; ODP

    Experimental active and passive dosimetry systems for the NASA Skylab program

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    Active and passive dosimetry instrumentation to measure absorbed dose, charged particle spectra, and linear energy transfer spectra inside the command module and orbital workshop on the Skylab program were developed and tested. The active dosimetry system consists of one integral unit employing both a tissue equivalent ionization chamber and silicon solid state detectors. The instrument measures dose rates from 0.2 millirad/hour to 25 rads/hour, linear energy transfer spectra from 2.8 to 42.4 Kev/micron, and the proton and alpha particle energy spectra from 0.5 to 75 Mev. The active dosimeter is equipped with a portable radiation sensor for use in astronaut on-body and spacecraft shielding surveys during passage of the Skylab through significant space radiations. Data are transmitted in real time or are recorded by onboard spacecraft tape recorder for rapid evaluation of the radiation levels. The passive dosimetry systems consist of twelve (12) hard-mounted assemblies, each containing a variety of passive radiation sensors which are recoverable at the end of the mission for analysis

    Emotional and Adrenocortical Responses of Infants to the Strange Situation: The Differential Function of Emotional Expression

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    The aim of the study was to investigate biobehavioural organisation in infants with different qualities of attachment. Quality of attachment (security and disorganisation), emotional expression, and adrenocortical stress reactivity were investigated in a sample of 106 infants observed during Ainsworth’s Strange Situation at the age of 12 months. In addition, behavioural inhibition was assessed from maternal reports. As expected, securely attached infants did not show an adrenocortical response. Regarding the traditionally defined insecurely attached groups, adrenocortical activation during the strange situation was found for the ambivalent group, but not for the avoidant one. Previous ndings of increased adrenocortical activity in disorganised infants could not be replicated. In line with previous ndings, adrenocortical activation was most prominent in insecure infants with high behavioural inhibition indicating the function of a secure attachment relationship as a social buffer against less adaptive temperamental dispositions. Additional analyses indicated that adrenocortical reactivity and behavioural distress were not based on common activation processes. Biobehavioural associations within the different attachment groups suggest that biobehavioural processes in securely attached infants may be different from those in insecurely attached and disorganised groups. Whereas a coping model may be applied to describe the biobehavioural organisation of secure infants, an arousal model explanation may be more appropriate for the other groups

    Late biological effects of heavy charged particles: Cataracts, vascular injury and life shortening in mice

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    Risks associated with extended habitation in a space environment, particularly hazards to space workers that might result from exposure to high energy heavy ion particles (HZE), were studied. Biological effects of HZE were investigated in mice to assess their potential adverse health hazards. The potential effects of HZE particles on the crystalline lens of the eye and the carcinogenic effects and blood vessel (vascular) damage from radiation were evaluated by a risk assessment. Animal experiments to evaluate dose response relationships for tumor induction/promotion and for vascular injury were introduced. Cataract productions and preliminary results on cacinogenic and vascular effects are presented for perspective

    Cataract production in mice by heavy charged particles

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    The cataractogenic effects of heavy charged particles are evaluated in mice in relation to dose and ionization density. The relative biological effectiveness in relation to linear energy transfer for various particles is considered. Results indicated that low single doses (5 to 20 rad) of Fe 56 or Ar 40 particles are cataractogenic at 11 to 18 months after irradiation; onset and density of the opacification are dose related and cataract density (grade) at 9, 11, 13, and 16 months after irradiation shows partial linear energy transfer dependence. The severity of cataracts is reduced significantly when 417 rad of Co 60 gamma radiation is given in 24 weekly 17 rad fractions compared to giving this radiation as a single dose, but cataract severity is not reduced by fractionation of C12 doses over 24 weeks

    Sub-arcsecond high sensitivity measurements of the DG~Tau jet with e-MERLIN

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    We present very high spatial resolution deep radio continuum observations at 5 GHz (6 cm) made with e-MERLIN of the young stars DG Tau A and B. Assuming it is launched very close (~=1 au) from the star, our results suggest that the DG Tau A outflow initially starts as a poorly focused wind and undergoes significant collimation further along the jet (~=50 au). We derive jet parameters for DG Tau A and find an initial jet opening angle of 86 degrees within 2 au of the source, a mass-loss rate of 1.5x10^-8 solar masses/yr for the ionised component of the jet, and the total ejection/accretion ratio to range from 0.06-0.3. These results are in line with predictions from MHD jet-launching theories.Comment: Accepted MNRAS Letter

    An Unstructured Parallel Least-Squares Spectral Element Solver for Incompressible Flow Problems

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    The parallelization of the least-squares spectral element formulation of the Stokes problem has recently been discussed for incompressible flow problems on structured grids. In the present work, the extension to unstructured grids is discussed. It will be shown that, to obtain an efficient and scalable method, two different kinds of distribution of data are required involving a rather complicated parallel conversion between the data. Once the data conversion has been performed, a large symmetric positive definite algebraic system has to be solved iteratively. It is well known that the Conjugate Gradient method is a good choice to solve such systems. To improve the convergence rate of the Conjugate Gradient process, both Jacobi and Additive Schwarz preconditioners are applied. The Additive Schwarz preconditioner is based on domain decomposition and can be implemented such that a preconditioning step corresponds to a parallel matrix-by-vector product. The new results reveal that the Additive Schwarz preconditioner is very suitable for the p-refinement version of the least-squares spectral element method. To obtain good portable programs which may run on distributed-memory multiprocessors, networks of workstations as well as shared-memory machines we use MPI (Message Passing Interface). Numerical simulations have been performed to validate the scalability of the different parts of the proposed method. The experiments entailed simulating several large scale incompressible flows on a Cray T3E and on an SGI Origin 3800 with the number of processors varying from one to more than one hundred. The results indicate that the present method has very good parallel scaling properties making it a powerful method for numerical simulations of incompressible flows

    Topological Qubit Design and Leakage

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    We examine how best to design qubits for use in topological quantum computation. These qubits are topological Hilbert spaces associated with small groups of anyons. Op- erations are performed on these by exchanging the anyons. One might argue that, in order to have as many simple single qubit operations as possible, the number of anyons per group should be maximized. However, we show that there is a maximal number of particles per qubit, namely 4, and more generally a maximal number of particles for qudits of dimension d. We also look at the possibility of having topological qubits for which one can perform two-qubit gates without leakage into non-computational states. It turns out that the requirement that all two-qubit gates are leakage free is very restrictive and this property can only be realized for two-qubit systems related to Ising-like anyon models, which do not allow for universal quantum computation by braiding. Our results follow directly from the representation theory of braid groups which means they are valid for all anyon models. We also make some remarks on generalizations to other exchange groups.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure
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