1,546 research outputs found

    Superradiance-like Electron Transport through a Quantum Dot

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    We theoretically show that intriguing features of coherent many-body physics can be observed in electron transport through a quantum dot (QD). We first derive a master equation based framework for electron transport in the Coulomb-blockade regime which includes hyperfine (HF) interaction with the nuclear spin ensemble in the QD. This general tool is then used to study the leakage current through a single QD in a transport setting. We find that, for an initially polarized nuclear system, the proposed setup leads to a strong current peak, in close analogy with superradiant emission of photons from atomic ensembles. This effect could be observed with realistic experimental parameters and would provide clear evidence of coherent HF dynamics of nuclear spin ensembles in QDs.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Hybrid Architecture for Engineering Magnonic Quantum Networks

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    We show theoretically that a network of superconducting loops and magnetic particles can be used to implement magnonic crystals with tunable magnonic band structures. In our approach, the loops mediate interactions between the particles and allow magnetic excitations to tunnel over long distances. As a result, different arrangements of loops and particles allow one to engineer the band structure for the magnonic excitations. Furthermore, we show how magnons in such crystals can serve as a quantum bus for long-distance magnetic coupling of spin qubits. The qubits are coupled to the magnets in the network by their local magnetic-dipole interaction and provide an integrated way to measure the state of the magnonic quantum network.Comment: Manuscript: 4 pages, 3 figures. Supplemental Material: 9 pages, 4 figures. V2: Published version in PRA: 14 pages + 8 figures. Substantial rearrangement of the content of the previous versio

    Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Double Quantum Dots: Multi-Stability, Dynamical Polarization, Criticality and Entanglement

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    We theoretically study the nuclear spin dynamics driven by electron transport and hyperfine interaction in an electrically-defined double quantum dot (DQD) in the Pauli-blockade regime. We derive a master-equation-based framework and show that the coupled electron-nuclear system displays an instability towards the buildup of large nuclear spin polarization gradients in the two quantum dots. In the presence of such inhomogeneous magnetic fields, a quantum interference effect in the collective hyperfine coupling results in sizable nuclear spin entanglement between the two quantum dots in the steady state of the evolution. We investigate this effect using analytical and numerical techniques, and demonstrate its robustness under various types of imperfections.Comment: 35 pages, 19 figures. This article provides the full analysis of a scheme proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 246802 (2013). v2: version as publishe

    Expansion velocity of a one-dimensional, two-component Fermi gas during the sudden expansion in the ballistic regime

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    We show that in the sudden expansion of a spin-balanced two-component Fermi gas into an empty optical lattice induced by releasing particles from a trap, over a wide parameter regime, the radius RnR_n of the particle cloud grows linearly in time. This allow us to define the expansion velocity VexV_{ex} from Rn=VextR_n=V_{ex}t. The goal of this work is to clarify the dependence of the expansion velocity on the initial conditions which we establish from time-dependent density matrix renormalization group simulations, both for a box trap and a harmonic trap. As a prominent result, the presence of a Mott-insulating region leaves clear fingerprints in the expansion velocity. Our predictions can be verified in experiments with ultra-cold atoms.Comment: 8 pages 10 figures, version as published with minor stylistic change

    Mixed population of competing TASEPs with a shared reservoir of particles

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    We introduce a mean-field theoretical framework to describe multiple totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes (TASEPs) with different lattice lengths, entry and exit rates, competing for a finite reservoir of particles. We present relations for the partitioning of particles between the reservoir and the lattices: these relations allow us to show that competition for particles can have non-trivial effects on the phase behavior of individual lattices. For a system with non-identical lattices, we find that when a subset of lattices undergoes a phase transition from low to high density, the entire set of lattice currents becomes independent of total particle number. We generalize our approach to systems with a continuous distribution of lattice parameters, for which we demonstrate that measurements of the current carried by a single lattice type can be used to extract the entire distribution of lattice parameters. Our approach applies to populations of TASEPs with any distribution of lattice parameters, and could easily be extended beyond the mean-field case.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Crop Knowledge Discovery Based on Agricultural Big Data Integration

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    Nowadays, the agricultural data can be generated through various sources, such as: Internet of Thing (IoT), sensors, satellites, weather stations, robots, farm equipment, agricultural laboratories, farmers, government agencies and agribusinesses. The analysis of this big data enables farmers, companies and agronomists to extract high business and scientific knowledge, improving their operational processes and product quality. However, before analysing this data, different data sources need to be normalised, homogenised and integrated into a unified data representation. In this paper, we propose an agricultural data integration method using a constellation schema which is designed to be flexible enough to incorporate other datasets and big data models. We also apply some methods to extract knowledge with the view to improve crop yield; these include finding suitable quantities of soil properties, herbicides and insecticides for both increasing crop yield and protecting the environment.Comment: 5 page

    Measuring the Impact of Agglomeration on Productivity: Evidence from Chilean Retailers

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    This research extends the agglomeration literature to a country that has not been studied and a market sector that has received little attention. The majority of research that examines how density affects productivity has indirectly measured productivity through worker wages or property prices. The research uses individual supermarkets’ store productivity, proxied by 10 years of annual sales per square foot. Studying supermarkets permits the examination of the effect consumers might have on productivity. Agglomerations (density) could increase or decrease productivity depending on the relative extent of increased competition versus productivity gains, as consumers choose where to shop based on their interests in reducing shopping time (transport costs) and comparison shopping (product quality and pricing). Stores are described by who operates the store, the brand of the store and the size of the store. Results indicate that density has a differential impact depending on the store itself and the mix of stores nearby