1,781 research outputs found

    Tomographic reconstruction of treponemal cytoplasmic filaments reveals novel bridging and anchoring components

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    An understanding of the involvement of bacterial cytoplasmic filaments in cell division requires the elucidation of the structural organization of those filamentous structures. Treponemal cytoplasmic filaments are composed of one protein, CfpA, and have been demonstrated to be involved in cell division. In this study, we used electron tomography to show that the filaments are part of a complex with a novel molecular organization that includes at least two distinct features decorating the filaments. One set of components appears to anchor the filaments to the cytoplasmic membrane. The other set of components appears to bridge the cytoplasmic filaments on the cytoplasmic side, and to be involved in the interfilament spacing within the cell. The filaments occupy between 3 and 18% of the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane. These results reveal a novel filamentous molecular organization of independent filaments linked by bridges and continuously anchored to the membrane

    Semiconductor-enriched single wall carbon nanotube networks applied to field effect transistors

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    Substantial progress on field effect transistors "FETs" consisting of semiconducting single wall carbon nanotubes "s-SWNTs" without detectable traces of metallic nanotubes and impurities is reported. Nearly perfect removal of metallic nanotubes is confirmed by optical absorption, Raman measurements, and electrical measurements. This outstanding result was made possible in particular by ultracentrifugation (150 000 g) of solutions prepared from SWNT powders using polyfluorene as an extracting agent in toluene. Such s-SWNTs processable solutions were applied to realize FET, embodying randomly or preferentially oriented nanotube networks prepared by spin coating or dielectrophoresis. Devices exhibit stable p-type semiconductor behavior in air with very promising characteristics. The on-off current ratio is 10^5, the on-current level is around 10 μ\muA, and the estimated hole mobility is larger than 2 cm2 / V s

    Laska Eskulapa i Kaduceusz jako symbole medyczne

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    Perceiving numerosity from birth

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    Periplasm Organization in \u3ci\u3eTreponema denticola\u3c/i\u3e as Studied by Cryo-electron Tomography

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    As a spirochete, the genus Treponema is one of the few major bacterial groups whose natural phylogenic relationships are evident at the level of gross phenotypic characteristics such as their morphology. Treponema spp. are highly invasive due to their unique motility in dense media, and their ability to penetrate cell layers [1]. This feature is associated with the helical cell body and the presence of flagellar filaments in the periplasm [2]. Treponema denticola is an oral pathogen involved in endodontic infections and periodontal diseases. The presence and quantity of T. denticola in the subgingival biofilm is correlated with the severity of periodontal disease and tissue destruction [3,4]. The organism has also been detected in 75% of severe endodontic abscesses [5]. A better understanding of Treponema ultrastructure and motility will aid development of new strategies to control infection. Because of the similarity in ultrastructural organization among spirochetes, knowledge gained from T. denticola can be applied to other spirochetes causing diseases in human and animals (syphilis, digital dermatitis, Lyme disease, relapsing fever, leptospirosis, etc.)

    Geología y mineralogía del yacimiento polimetálico de Au-As (Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Sb) de Valiña-Azúmara (Lugo, NO de España)

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    Valiña-Azúmara is a polymetallic Au-As (Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Sb) deposit, located in the province of Lugo (NW Spain), that was mined for arsenic at the beginning of the 20th century. The mineralization is hosted in a Variscan thrust fault with a dip direction of N247-261ºE, and N-S and NE-SW Late-Variscan faults. These structures are hosted in black slates, Cambrian in age. To a lesser extent, the mineralization also occurs disseminated within narrow, weakly silicified and sericited selvages. Mineralization is divided into two hypogene stages. The first consists of quartz, calcite, rutile, sericite, arsenopyrite and pyrite. Two types of pyrite (Py-I and Py-II) are defined according to their chemical and textural characteristics. Py-II occurs as overgrowth of previous Py-I crystals. Py-II is As-rich (≤1.7 wt.%) and often contains traces of Te, Zn, Cu, Bi, Sb and Au. The mineralized drill core sections show a significant correlation between Au and As. This is due to Au occurring as invisible Au within the Py-II grains, with contents of up to 176 ppm. The Au/As ratios of Py-II indicate that Au was deposited as Au1+, as solid solution within the pyrite structure. The second stage of mineralization is enriched in Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Sb, replacing the first stage, and consists of quartz, calcite, chlorite, sphalerite, jamesonite, Ag-rich tetrahedrite, freibergite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and galena. Although jamesonite shows traces of Ag, the Cu-Ag sulfosalts are the main carriers of the Ag mineralization in the deposit, with contents that vary from 13.7 to 23.9 wt.% of Ag. In the most superficial levels of the area, secondary Fe oxide and hydroxide, scorodite and anglesite developed due to the oxidation of the ore.Valiña-Azúmara es un yacimiento filoniano de Au-As (Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Sb) situado en la provincia de Lugo (NO España), que fue explotado por arsénico a principios del siglo XX. La mineralización se encuentra encajada en un cabalgamiento Varisco de dirección de buzamiento N247-261°E y en fracturas tardivariscas de dirección N-S y NE-SO que cortan a filitas negras de edad Cámbrica. En menor medida la mineralización también se encuentra diseminada en el encajante, en finas salbandas levemente sericitizadas y silicificadas. La mineralización se divide en dos etapas hipogénicas. La primera está constituida por cuarzo, calcita, rutilo, sericita, arsenopirita y pirita. En base a su composición y textura, se diferencian dos tipos de pirita, Py-I y Py II. La Py-II suele encontrarse recrecida sobre la Py I, formando bandas poligonales. Esta pirita está enriquecida en As (≤1,7% en peso) y contiene trazas de otros metales como Te, Zn, Cu, Bi, Sb y Au. Los tramos mineralizados de sondeo del yacimiento presentan correlación geoquímica entre los elementos Au y As, debido a que el Au se halla en forma de oro refractario dentro de los cristales de pirita arsenical (Py-II), los cuales llegan a presentar concentraciones en Au de hasta 176 ppm. La relación Au/As de la Py-II sugiere que el oro se encuentra en forma de Au+1, en solución sólida dentro de la estructura cristalina del mineral. La segunda etapa de mineralización está enriquecida en Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Sb y consiste en cuarzo, calcita, clorita, esfalerita, jamesonita, cobres grises (tetraedrita argentífera y freibergita), calcopirita, pirrotina y galena. Esta etapa se encuentra rellenando fracturas y cavidades intersticiales en los minerales de la etapa anterior, reemplazándolos en parte. Los principales minerales portadores de Ag son los cobres grises, con contenidos que varían entre 13,7 y 23,9% en peso. En la parte más superficial del yacimiento, la alteración supergénica de la mena primaria dio como resultado la formación de óxidos e hidróxidos de hierro, escorodita y anglesita

    The effect of relationship status on communicating emotions through touch

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    Research into emotional communication to date has largely focused on facial and vocal expressions. In contrast, recent studies by Hertenstein, Keltner, App, Bulleit, and Jaskolka (2006) and Hertenstein, Holmes, McCullough, and Keltner (2009) exploring nonverbal communication of emotion discovered that people could identify anger, disgust, fear, gratitude, happiness, love, sadness and sympathy from the experience of being touched on either the arm or body by a stranger, without seeing the touch. The study showed that strangers were unable to communicate the self-focused emotions embarrassment, envy and pride, or the universal emotion surprise. Literature relating to touch indicates that the interpretation of a tactile experience is significantly influenced by the relationship between the touchers (Coan, Schaefer, & Davidson, 2006). The present study compared the ability of romantic couples and strangers to communicate emotions solely via touch. Results showed that both strangers and romantic couples were able to communicate universal and prosocial emotions, whereas only romantic couples were able to communicate the self-focused emotions envy and pride

    Force and acceleration characteristics of military foot drill: implications for injury risk in recruits

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    Background: Foot drill involving marching and drill manoeuvres is conducted regularly during basic military recruit training. Characterising the biomechanical loading of foot drill will improve our understanding of the contributory factors to lower limb overuse injuries in recruits. Aim: Quantify and compare forces, loading rates and accelerations of British Army foot drill, within and between trained and untrained personnel. Methods: 24 trained soldiers (12 men and 12 women; TRAINED) and 12 civilian men (UNTRAINED) performed marching and five drill manoeuvres on force platforms; motion capture recorded tibial position. Peak vertical impact force (PF), peak vertical loading rate (PLR), expressed as multiples of body weight (BW) and peak tibial impact acceleration (PTA) were recorded. Results: Drill manoeuvre PF, PLR and PTA were similar, but higher in TRAINED men (PF, PLR: p<0.01; PTA: p<0.05). Peak values in TRAINED men were shown for the halt (mean (SD); PF: 6.5 (1.5) BW; PLR: 983 (333) BW/s PTA; PTA: 207 (57) m/s2) and left turn (PF: 6.6 (1.7) BW; PLR: 928 (300) BW/s; 184 (62) m/s2). Marching PF, PLR, PTA were similar between groups and lower than all drill manoeuvres (PF: 1.1–1.3 BW; PLR: 42–70 BW/s; p<0.01; PTA: 23–38 m/s2; p<0.05). Conclusions: Army foot drill generates higher forces, loading rates and accelerations than activities such as running and load carriage, while marching is comparable to moderate running (10.8 km/h). The large biomechanical loading of foot drill may contribute to the high rate of overuse injuries during initial military training, and strategies to regulate/reduce this loading should be explored

    Relating the metatranscriptome and metagenome of the human gut

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    Although the composition of the human microbiome is now wellstudied, the microbiota’s \u3e8 million genes and their regulation remain largely uncharacterized. This knowledge gap is in part because of the difficulty of acquiring large numbers of samples amenable to functional studies of the microbiota. We conducted what is, to our knowledge, one of the first human microbiome studies in a well-phenotyped prospective cohort incorporating taxonomic, metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic profiling at multiple body sites using self-collected samples. Stool and saliva were provided by eight healthy subjects, with the former preserved by three different methods (freezing, ethanol, and RNAlater) to validate self-collection. Within-subject microbial species, gene, and transcript abundances were highly concordant across sampling methods, with only a small fraction of transcripts (\u3c5%) displaying between-method variation. Next, we investigated relationships between the oral and gut microbial communities, identifying a subset of abundant oral microbes that routinely survive transit to the gut, but with minimal transcriptional activity there. Finally, systematic comparison of the gut metagenome and metatranscriptome revealed that a substantial fraction (41%) of microbial transcripts were not differentially regulated relative to their genomic abundances. Of the remainder, consistently underexpressed pathways included sporulation and amino acid biosynthesis, whereas up-regulated pathways included ribosome biogenesis and methanogenesis. Across subjects, metatranscriptional profiles were significantly more individualized than DNA-level functional profiles, but less variable than microbial composition, indicative of subject-specific whole-community regulation. The results thus detail relationships between community genomic potential and gene expression in the gut, and establish the feasibility of metatranscriptomic investigations in subject-collected and shipped samples
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