11 research outputs found

    Variáveis experimentais para as culturas do trigo, triticale, centeio, cevada e canola.

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    Organisational innovation facilitators as drivers for international trade between China and European Union

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    This paper analyses the role of innovation policy and the main facilitators to promote China's international trade in the European Union. The theme Innovation Policy of China to potentiate their international trade in the European Union (EU), from 2014 to 2019. To undertake this, research was established the literature survey. The results show that regarding the research areas there is a multiplicity of themes, including Trade Policy, Digital Trade, International negotiations, Multilateral relations, Leadership, China – Politics & Government, Digital Trade Apps, International Trade, Trade Balance, and Goods balance. Also, the US–China trade war has consequences on the GTC because China, but also the EU and other countries are focussing their trade interest in other regions, especially consumers in Asia, Eurasia, Africa, and South America. For future studies, it is suggested to expand the search for articles concerning China and EU Trade on other databases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Produção de morangos a partir de fertilizantes alternativos em pré-plantio Pre-planting fertilization effects on strawberry fruit yield

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar doses de fertilizantes alternativos na adubação de pré-plantio quanto à produção de frutos de morangueiro. Os tratamentos foram baseados em doses de adubação NPK (kg ha-1) recomendada para a cultura do morangueiro em que as doses de torta de mamona (TM), fosforita alvorada (FA) e cloreto de potássio (KCl) variaram de acordo com a recomendação da análise de solo. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em delineamento em blocos casualizados em parcelas subdivididas, sendo as cultivares dispostas na parcela e as adubações na subparcela. Foi utilizado um esquema fatorial 2x4, em que o fator cultivar apresentou dois níveis: 'Camarosa' e 'Camino Real', e o fator adubação de pré-plantio, quatro níveis. As avaliações realizadas foram produção de frutos por planta, massa seca da parte aérea e índice de clorofila. A cultivar 'Camarosa' apresentou maior número e massa de frutos por planta e maior massa seca da parte aérea. A cultivar 'Camino Real' apresentou maior massa média por fruto e maior índice de clorofila. Com relação às doses de adubação de pré-plantio que propiciaram maior número e massa de frutos por planta, foram 1.937kg ha-1 e 1.713kg ha-1 de adubo, respectivamente.<br>The study aimed to evaluate the doses of alternative fertilizer pre-planting fertilization on strawberries yield. The treatments were based on doses of NPK (kg ha-1) recommended for strawberry culture in which the doses of castor bean (TM), phosphorite dawn (FA) and potassium chloride (KCl) varied according to the recommendation of the soil analysis. The treatments were arranged in randomized blocks design at split plots with cultivars in the plot and fertilization in the sub-plot. It was used a factorial 2x4 arrangement, in which the cultivar factor had two levels: 'Camarosa' and 'Camino Real', and the pre-planting fertilizer factor with four levels. The evaluations were fruit yield per plant, shoot dry mass and chlorophyll content. 'Camarosa' cultivar showed a greater number and weight of fruits per plant and higher dry mass shoots. Cultivar 'Camino Real' had the largest average per fruit and increased chlorophyll content. Regarding the fertilization rates of pre-planting, which fostered a greater number and weight of fruits per plant, it was 1937kg ha-1 and 1713kg ha-1 of fertilizer, respectively