3,208 research outputs found

    Empathy and Role Modeling. is IT Missing?

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    Let me start by congratulating the dedicated team of Pakistan Journal of Surgery and Medicine (PJSM) whose untiring effort brought this journal of International standard. I have the honor to be part of this professional and enthusiastic galaxy of highly intellectual writers. Insha'Allah you will witness the glory of this journal very soon

    Analisa Bond Index Dalam Penilaian Hasil Penyemenan (Cementing) Production Zone Pada Sumur Rnt-x Lapangan Rantau PT Pertamina Ep Field Rantau, Aceh

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    Analisa Bond Index merupakan salah satu metode yang dipakai untuk penilaian hasil penyemenan pada production zone yang berfungsi untuk mengevaluasi nilai bond index pada proses penyemanan. Analisa ini sangat penting sebab apabila didapatkan nilai bond index yang buruk akan mengakibatkan terakumulasinya sejumlah air dalam proses produksi migas di PT Pertamina EP Field Rantau. Tahapan dalam analisa ini meliputi ; menentukan nilai CBL, menentukan nilai attenuation rate, mencari nilai bond index tiap kedalaman, dan menganalisa hasil nilai bond index. Penulis membuat beberapa klasifikasi yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan analisa bond index. Dari klasifikasi ini didapatkan nilai bond index yang baik terdapat pada kedalaman 736 – 738, 713 – 715 , dan 700 – 702 meter, terbentuknya seal hydraulic serta terdapatnya zona isolasi pada bagian top dan bottom zona yang akan diperforasi pada kedalaman 736 – 738, 713 – 715 . Sehingga berdasarkan hasil ini, penilaian analisa Bond Index pada production zone dinilai sudah cukup baik untuk menahan sejumlah air yang akan terakumulasi pada proses produksi migas dan tidak perlu dilakukan cementing ulang

    Isolasi Nanokristalin Selulosa Bakterial Dari Jus Limbah Kulit Nanas: Optimasi Waktu Hidrolisis

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    Nanokristalin selulosa (NCC) adalah bionanomaterial yang terbarukan, berkelanjutan, ramah lingkungan, dan potensi penggunaannya sangat luas. Salah satu metode untuk mengisolasi NCC dari selulosa adalah dengan hidrolisis menggunakan asam. Waktu hidrolisis adalah salah satu faktor yang sangat menentukan keberhasilan isolasi NCC disamping konsentrasi asam dan suhu hidrolisis. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk memperoleh waktu hidrolisis optimum untuk isolasi NCC. Selulosa bakterial (BC), yang disintesis menggunakan media kultur jus limbah kulit nanas, digunakan sebagai sumber selulosa yang murah dan ramah lingkungan. Optimasi waku hidrolisis dikarakterisasi dengan stabilitas dispersi, %-hasil, dan diameter partikel rata-rata yang diukur menggunakan Particle Size Analyzer (PSA). Waktu optimum hidrolisis yang memberikan dispersi stabil dengan %-hasil terbanyak (62%) dan ukuran partikel terkecil (diameter rata-rata 41,6 nm) adalah 25 menit pada suhu dan konsentrasi asam tertentu. Analisis FTIR memperlihatkan spektrum NCC mirip dengan BC-asal dengan puncak-puncak serapan khas untuk selulosa. Sedikit pergeseran terjadi pada puncak sekitar 2900 cm−1 dan 1430 cm−1 yang disebabkan oleh adanya peningkatan derajat kristalinitas, hal ini menunjukkan pula bahwa BC telah berubah menjadi NCC. Pengamatan dengan Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) terhadap NCC memperlihatkan morfologi yang berbentuk jarum

    Perceived Delay in Healthcare-seeking for Episodes of Serious Illness and Its Implications for Safe Motherhood Interventions in Rural Bangladesh

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    Delay in accessing emergency obstetric-care facilities during life-threatening obstetric complications is a significant determinant of high maternal mortality in developing countries. To examine the factors associated with delays in seeking care for episodes of serious illness and their possible implications for safe motherhood interventions in rural Bangladesh, a cross-sectional study was initiated in Matlab sub-district on the perceptions of household heads regarding delays in seeking care for episodes of serious illness among household members. Of 2,177 households in the study, 881 (40.5%) reported at least one household member who experienced an illness perceived to be serious enough to warrant care-seeking either from health facilities or from providers. Of these, 775 (88.0%) actually visited some providers for treatment, of whom 79.1% used transport. Overall, 69.3% perceived a delay in deciding to seek care, while 12.1% and 24.6% perceived a delay in accessing transport and in reaching the provider respectively. The median time required to make a decision to seek care was 72 minutes, while the same was 10 minutes to get transport and 80 minutes to reach a facility or a provider. Time to decide to seek care was shortest for pregnancy-related conditions and longest for illnesses classified as chronic, while time to reach a facility was longest for pregnancy-related illnesses and shortest for illnesses classified as acute. However, the perceived delay in seeking care did not differ significantly across socioeconomic levels or gender categories but differed significantly between those seeking care from informal providers compared to formal providers. Reasons for the delay included waiting time for results of informal treatment, inability to judge the graveness of disease, and lack of money. For pregnancy-related morbidities, 45% reported ‘inability to judge the graveness of the situation’ as a reason for delay in making decision. After controlling for possible confounders in multivariate analysis, type of illness and facility visited were the strongest determinants of delay in making decision to seek care. To reduce delays in making decision to seek care in rural Bangladesh, safe motherhood interventions should intensify behaviour change-communication efforts to educate communities to recognize pregnancy-danger signs for which a prompt action must be taken to save life. This strategy should be combined with efforts to train community-based skilled birth attendants, upgrading public facilities to provide emergency obstetric care, introduce voucher schemes to improve access by the poorest of the poor, and improve the quality of care at all levels

    Advanced Computational Methods in Bio-Mechanics

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    A novel partnership between surgeons and machines, made possible by advances in computing and engineering technology, could overcome many of the limitations of traditional surgery. By extending surgeons’ ability to plan and carry out surgical interventions more accurately and with fewer traumas, computer-integrated surgery (CIS) systems could help to improve clinical outcomes and the efficiency of healthcare delivery. CIS systems could have a similar impact on surgery to that long since realised in computer-integrated manufacturing. Mathematical modelling and computer simulation have proved tremendously successful in engineering.Computational mechanics has enabled technological developments in virtually every area of our lives. One of the greatest challenges for mechanists is to extend the success of computational mechanics to fields outside traditional engineering, in particular to biology, the biomedical sciences, and medicine. Biomechanics has significant potential for applications in orthopaedic industry, and the performance arts since skills needed for these activities are visibly related to the human musculoskeletal and nervous systems.Although biomechanics is widely used nowadays in the orthopaedic industry to design orthopaedic implants for human joints, dental parts, external fixations and other medical purposes, numerous researches funded by billions of dollars are still running to build a new future for sports and human healthcare in what is called biomechanics era

    The Immunological Effectiveness of Some Common Plants

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    Three plant species were picked randomly and their alcoholic extracts have been screened to know their effects on the phagocytic capability and intracellular killing of yeast by human peripheral macrophages. Macrophage cultures were incubated with different concentration of each plant extract: for 15 min., 30 min .and 45 min. The phagocytes activity in Iresine herbstii extract was significantly (p?0.05) increased with increasing dose and time of incubation. In Mentha piperita extract, increasing in dose and time of incubation leads to elevate phagocytic capbility, especially in the dose of 20% and 25% of plant extract, perhaps because the antimicrobial and antiviral activities of this plant, as well as strong antioxidant and antitumor actions. While in Elettaria cardamomum, a significant elevation has been observed in phagocytic efficiency when the dose of extract increase to 15%, then decreased in the subsequent doses (20% and 25%), in three periods of time. These findings may suggest that cardamom exert immunomodulatory roles

    Analisis Kuat Tekan Beton Dengan Bahan Tambah Reduced Water Dan Accelerated Admixture

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    Concrete consist of: cement mortar, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, water, and addictive materials. The main ingredient in manufacturing of concrete: rock material that called as aggregates. Aggregate has an important role on the quality of the concrete. Various types and trademarks for admixture of concrete that can be used as addictive of the concrete mix with specific purpose. The study aims to determine the effect of the added material of Reduced Water and Accelerated Admixture (Bestmittel) on compressive strength of concrete.The research was conducted in four variations with compressive strength of 25 MPa. One of each variation consists of nine cylinders with length of 30 cm and diameter of 15 cm. Concrete mix with added material Reduced Water and Accelerated Admixture (Bestmittel) in testing at the age of 7 days, 14 days and 28 days, with a variation of 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% with 9 samples one of each them. One is normal concrete cylindrical specimen as comparison.The research show by adding Reduced Water and Accelerated Admixture (Bestmittel) by 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6% by weight of cement and water will (1) increase the workability and (2) increase of average compressive strength of normal concrete (0,2% for 25.61 Mpa; 0,4% for 27.66 Mpa; 0,4% for 29.50 Mpa; and 0,6% for 31.44 Mpa)
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