13 research outputs found

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap dengan Tindakan Pencegahan Penularan HIV-AIDS pada Waria di Kota Padang Tahun 2013

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    AbstrakKasus HIV/AIDS di Provinsi Sumatera barat sampai Desember 2012 sebanyak 133 kasus positif HIV dan 120 kasus AIDS, jumlah kasus terbesar di kota Padang sebesar 78,94%. Faktor resiko paling banyak melalui hubungan seksual sebesar 32%, dan di antara 40 orang waria penjaja seks dibawah bimbingan LSM APP(Aia Pacah Peduli) dinyatakan 5 waria +HIV. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisa hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap dengan tindakan pencegahan penularan HIV-AIDS pada waria di kota Padang. Metode penelitian adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi penelitian adalah para waria penjaja seks dibawah bimbingan LSM APP Padang. Penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 40 waria penjaja seks. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 65% waria penjaja seks memiliki tindakan yang baik, 70% memiliki pengetahuan yang tinggi, dan 52,5% menunjukkan sikap sedang terhadap pencegahan penularan HIV-AIDS. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan bahwa ke dua variabel independen berhubungan secara bermakna dengan variabel dependen (p < 0,05) yaitu variabel pengetahuan (p = 0,040) dan sikap (p = 0,048).Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Tindakan, HIV-AIDS, Waria penjaja seksAbstractCases of HIV/AIDS in West Sumatra province until December 2012, is as many as 133 cases of HIV positive and 120 cases of AIDS, with the largest number is occured in Padang city that is 79.3%. The most influenced risk factor is through a sexual relationship amounted to 32%, and among the 40 transvestites sex workers who have been under the guidance of the APP (Aia Pacah Peduli)—an NGO, there are 5 transvestites with +HIV. This research aims to analyze the relationship of knowledge and attitude with the precautions of HIV/AIDS transmission on transvestites in Padang city. Methode of this research is an observational analytic study with cross sectional study approach. Population were all transvestites sex workers (40) who have been under the guidance of the APP (Aia Pacah Peduli)—an NGO that is 40. The amount of this sample is chosen using total sampling. Data analysis uses statistical test of chi-square. The research results showed that 65% of transvestites sex workers take good preventive action, 70% had high knowledge, and 52.5% show that they took sufficient attitude related to prevention of HIV/AIDS transmission. Chi-square test results showed that the two independent variables are significantly correlated with the dependent variable (p < 0,05), that is knowledge variable (p =0,040) and attitude (p =0,048).Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Action, HIV/AIDS, Transvestites sex worker

    Hubungan Jumlah Trombosit, Hematokrit dan Hemoglobin dengan Derajat Klinik Demam Berdarah Dengue pada Pasien Dewasa di RSUP. M. Djamil Padang

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    AbstrakDiagnosis yang tepat terhadap stadium dan kondisi penderita DBD penting untuk menentukan prognosisnya. Pemeriksaan trombosit, hematokrit, dan hemoglobin untuk setiap derajat klinik DBD diharapkan membantu dalam mengelompokkan dan mengelola pasien berdasarkan derajat kliniknya. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan hasil pemeriksaan trombosit, hematokrit, dan hemoglobin dengan derajat klinik DBD berdasarkan kriteria WHO.Penelitian dilakukan secara retrospektif terhadap 84 sampel dari rekam medik Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam di RSUP. M. Djamil Padang dari januari 2011 sampai 30 April 2013. Trombosit diperiksaan menggunakan metode Rees Ecker, hematokrit dengan metode langsung cara mikro, dan hemoglobin menggunakan metode Sahli. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis bivariat dengan uji hipotesis nonparametrik Kendal’s Tau dengan software SPSS.Hasil penelitian ditemukan rerata umur 25.49±10.09 tahun. Laki-laki 46 orang (54.8%) lebih banyak dari wanita 38 orang (45.2%). Hasil analisis dengan uji korelasi Kendal’s Tau didapatkan trombosit berhubungan dengan derajat klinik DBD, semakin rendah trombosit semakin berat derajat kliniknya (p 0.05, r = 0.059). Hemoglobin tidak berhubungan dengan derajat klinik DBD (p > 0.05, r = - 0.036).Semakin rendah jumlah trombosit semakin berat derajat klinik DBD, hematokrit dan hemoglobin tidak berhubungan dengan derajat klinik DBD.Kata kunci: jumlah trombosit, nilai hematokrit, kadar hemoglobin, derajat klinik DBD.AbstractPrompt diagnosis and as an accurate assessment of the stage and condition of DHF cases is a very important factor for determining patient prognosis. The existence of an exact value of the results of platelets, hematocrit, and hemoglobin for each grade of DHF are expected to greatly assist in classify and manage patients based on the clinical degree. This research was aimed to determine the relationship between the results of the hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets count with the degree of clinical DHF according to WHO criteria. This research with retrospective design in 84 samples were taken from the medical records of adult patients in RSUP. M. Djamil Padang from 1 January 2011 until 30 April 2013. Platelets used direct method Rees Ecker, hematocrit’s used direct method micro method, and hemoglobin’s used Sahli method. Data processed by Kendal Tau tests using SPSS software. Results found average ages of 25.49 ± 10,09 years. The number of male patients 46 (54.8%) higher than female patients 38 (45.2%). Analysis by hypotetic test showed that there is a relationship between the platelet with clinical degree of DHF, where the lower the number, the more severe the clinical degree of DHF (p 0.05, r = 0.059). There is no relation between hemoglobin with clinical degree of DHF (p > 0.05, r = - 0.036). More lower the number of trombosit, the more severe the clinical degree of DHF, and there is no relation between hematocrit and hemoglobin with clinical degree of DHF.Keywords: platelet count, hematocrit, hemoglobin levels, clinical degree of DHF

    Gambaran Laboratorium Leukemia Kronik di Bagian Penyakit Dalam RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang

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    AbstrakLeukemia merupakan penyakit keganasan sel darah yang berasal dari sumsum tulang ditandai oleh proliferasi sel-sel darah putih, dengan manifestasi adanya sel-sel abnormal dalam darah tepi. Pada tahun 2006, leukemia berada pada urutan ke-5 dari keseluruhan penderita kanker di Indonesia. Leukemia kronik merupakan leukemia yang paling sering terjadi pada dewasa dan lanjut usia. Secara umum leukemia kronik diklasifikasikan atas Leukemia Granulositik Kronik (LGK) dan Leukemia Limfositik Kronik (LLK). Leukemia kronik yang perjalanannya lambat dan diiringi oleh gejala yang tidak khas, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran laboratorium leukemia kronik di bagian Peyakit Dalam RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif retrospektif. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Instalasi Rekam Medik RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang berupa data pasien leukemia kronik yang dirawat di Bagian Penyakit Dalam RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang sejak 1 Januari 2010 – 31 Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 16 kasus leukemia granulositik kronik terdapat 37,5% pasien mengalami anemia sedang, 100% leukositosis, jumlah trombosit dapat menurun, normal, dan meningkat dengan presentase masing-masing 25%, 25%, dan 50%. Gambaran eritrosit sebagian besar normositik anisositosis. Separuh pemeriksaan darah tepi menunjukkan peningkatan persentasi mielosit, 31,25% menunjukkan peningkatan persentasi metamielosit dan eosinofil, serta sebagian besar menunjukkan presentasi blast. Sedangkan gambaran sumsum tulang hiperseluler, penekanan eritropoetik, mielopoetik hiperaktif, dan trombopoetik dalam batas normal. Leukemia limfositik kronik yang terdiri dari 1 kasus menunjukkan gambaran laboratorium berupa anemia sedang, leukositosis, trombositopenia, gambaran eritrosit nomokrom anisositosis, peningkatan jumlah leukosit, peningkatan jumlah limfosit, presentasi smudge cell, dan ditemukan presentasi blast pada darah tepi, tetapi selularitas tidak dapat dinilai.Kata kunci: leukemia kronik, darah tepi, BMPAbstractLeukemia is a malignant disease of blood cells derived from the bone marrow characterized by the proliferation of white blood cells, with the manifestation of the abnormal cells in the peripheral blood. In 2006, leukemia was ranked 5th of all cancer patients in Indonesia. Chronic leukemia is the most common leukemia in adult and the elderly. In general, chronic leukemia classified on chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The onset of chronic leukemia is insidious and accompanied by symptoms that are not typical, this research aims to describe the laboratory findings of chronic leukemia patients treated at Internal Medicine Department of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang.This research is a retrospective descriptive research. The instruments used in this research are the secondary data derived from the Medical Record Departement Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang in the form of leukemia chronic patients’ data who were treated in Internal Medicine Department of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang since January 1st 2010 – December 31st 2012. The results of this research showed that of 16 cases of chronic myelocytic leukemia contained 37.5% of the patients had moderate anemia, leukocytosis 100%, platelet count can be decreased, normal, and increased the percentage of each 25%, 25%, and 50%. The morphology of erythrocytes mostly normocytic anisocytosis. Half of peripheral blood examination showed an increase in the percentage of myelocyte, 31.25% showed an increase in the percentage metamyelocyte and eosinophils, as well as most of the shows presentation blast. The bone marrow are hypercellular, compressing erythropoietic, myelopoietic hyperactivity and thrombopoietic mostly normal in number. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia consisting of 1 case shows the laboratory findings are moderate anemia, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, the morphology of erythrocyte is normochromic anisocytosis, leukocytes increase in number, increase in the number of lymphocytes, presentations smudge cells, and blast presentation is found in the peripheral blood, but the cellularity not be assessed.Keywords: chronic leukemia, peripheral blood, BM

    Gambaran Hasil Uji Widal Berdasarkan Lama Demam pada Pasien Suspek Demam Tifoid

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    AbstrakDiagnosis definitif demam tifoid adalah dengan biakan, tetapi pada beberapa daerah sering tidak tersedia fasilitas untuk biakan, maka cara lain untuk membantu menegakkan diagnosis yang praktis dan tersedia di rumah sakit yaitu uji Widal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran hasil uji Widal pada pasien suspek demam tifoid. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bagian Rekam Medik  RS Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah retrospektif deskriptif yang telah dilaksanakan dari Juli 2013 sampai Februari 2014. Jumlah sampel yang didapatkan adalah sebanyak 46 orang. Dari 46 sampel didapatkan hasil uji Widal dengan titer antibodi terhadap antigen O 1:80 sebanyak 6,51%, 1:160 sebanyak 73,89%, 1:320 sebanyak 19,54%, dan 1:640 sebanyak 0%. Titer antibodi terhadap antigen H 1:80 sebanyak 4,34%, 1:160 sebanyak 47,80%, 1:320 sebanyak 45,63%, dan 1:640 sebanyak 2,17%. Kesimpulan hasil studi ini ialah 1:160 adalah titer yang tersering ditemukan dengan titer antibodi terhadap antigen O tertinggi yakni 1:320 lebih sering ditemukan pada lama demam dengan rentang 6 – 8 hari sedangkan titer antibodi terhadap antigen H tertinggi yakni 1:640 ditemukan pada lama demam dengan rentang 6 – 8 hari.Kata kunci: demam tifoid, uji Widal, Salmonella typhi AbstractThe definitive diagnosis of typhoid fever is  proven by culture, but in some areas is often no way of culture. There is another examination that has been found to help the diagnosis that is practical and available in hospital which is called Widal test. The objective of this study was to describe the results of Widal test in patients with suspected typhoid fever. This research was conducted at the medical record of Dr. M. Djamil Padang Hospital. This is a descriptive research which was held in July 2013 – February 2014. The number of samples obtained are as many as 46 people.  The 46 samples obtained Widal test, the results was made with titres of antibodies against O antigens 1:80 as much as 6,51%, 1:160 as much as 73,89%, 1:320 as much as 19,54%, and 1:640 as much as  0%. Titers of antibodies against H antigens 1:80 as much as 4,34%, 1:160 as much as 47,80%, 1:320 as much as 45,63%, and 1:640 as much as 2,17%. The conclusion is 1:160 is the most often titres found in patients with suspected typhoid fever with the highest value of antibody titers against the O antigens that is 1:320, is more common in duration of fever with a range of 6-8 days and the highest value of antibody titers against H antigens that is 1:640 has found in duration of fever with range 6-8 days.Keywords: typhoid fever, Widal test, Salmonella typh

    Perbandingan Dosis Warfarin terhadap Durasi Tercapainya Target INR pada Pasien CHF dengan Fibrilasi Atrial

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    A study of comparison between warfarin dose with achieving target INR in patients with CHF and atrial fibrillation at RSUP. DR. M. Djamil Padang has been investigated. This study analyzed using one-way ANOVA and if the result is significant then followed by post hoc test. Of the total 27 patients, all the patients suffering from CHF and 11 patients suffering from hypertension. There were 15 patients aged <60 years, 11 patients aged between 60-74 years, and 1 patient aged ≥75 years. The number male and female patients are 11 and 16 people. The mean duration of achieving the target INR at dose 2 mg, dose (2 mg and 4 mg) and dose 5 mg are 38.22, 29.33, and 6.56 days. There is a significant difference in the mean duration of achieving the target INR in the dose group. 5 mg dose had a mean duration of achieving the target INR which significantly different compared to the other doses. A study of comparison betweenwarfarin dose with achieving target INR in patients with CHF and atrial fibrillation at RSUP. DR. M. Djamil Padang has been investigated. This study analyzed using one-way ANOVA and if the result is significant then followed by post hoc test. Of the total 27 patients,all the patients suffering fromCHF and11 patients suffering from hypertension. There were 15 patients aged <60 years, 11 patients aged between 60-74 years, and 1 patient aged ≥75 years. The number male and female patients are11 and 16 people. The mean duration of achieving the target INR at dose 2 mg, dose (2 mg and 4 mg) and dose 5 mg are 38.22, 29.33, and 6.56 days. There is a significant difference in the mean duration of achieving the target INR in the dose group. 5 mg dose had a mean duration of achieving the target INRwhich significantly different compared to the other doses.Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai perbandingan dosis warfarin terhadap durasi tercapainya target INR pada pasien CHF dengan fibrilasi atrial di RSUP DR. M. Djamil Padang. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan metode anova satu arah yang jika bermakna dilanjutkan dengan uji post hoc. Dari total 27 pasien, seluruhnya menderita penyakit CHF dan 11 orang menderita hipertensi. Pasien dengan umur <60 tahun sebanyak 15 orang, 60-74 tahun sebanyak 11 orang, dan ≥75 tahun sebanyak 1 orang. Pasien berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan masing-masing berjumlah 11 dan 16 orang. Rata-rata durasi tercapainya target INR pada dosis 2 mg adalah 38,22 hari; dosis (2 mg dan 4 mg) adalah 29,33 hari; dan dosis 5 mg adalah 6,56 hari. Terdapat perbedaan rerata durasi tercapainya target INR secara bermakna pada kelompok dosis. Dosis 5 mg memiliki rerata durasi tercapainya target INR yang berbeda signifikan dibandingkan dengan dosis lainnya


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    AbstrakSeorang laki-laki umur 50 tahun dirawat di Emergensi Penyakit Dalam RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang dengan keluhan utama sesak nafas meningkat sejak 1 hari yang lalu. Sesak nafas semakin meningkat jika beraktifitas, dan berkurang jika istirahat dengan posisi bantal yang ditinggikan. Jika sesak nafas sering diikuti dengan bibir dan kuku yang membiru. Pasien sudah dikenal menderita penyakit jantung bawaan, awalnya lahir dengan kulit kebiruan dan mudah tersedak jika menyusu. Dari pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan: Clubbing finger, sianosis, peningkatan Vena Jugolaris, kardiomegali, dan pitting oedema. Dari laboratorium didapatkan: Hemoglobin: 17,1 gr/dl, Hematokrit : 62%, Ureum : 39 mg/dl, Kreatinin : 2,0 mg/dl, TKK :31, Echo Cardiography: Transposisi Arteri Besar, Large Ventrikel Septal Devect, trikuspit regurgitasi dengan hipertensi pulmonal dan moderat Mitral Regurgitasi. Pasien di diagnosa dengan Congestive Heart Failure Functional Class IV LVH- RVH, irama RBBB karena transposisi Arteri Besar dengan Ventrikel Septal Defek.Kata kunci: Transposisi Arteri Besar, Kelainan Jantung Bawaan.AbstractHas been treated a 50 years old man was hospitallized in Internal emengency Department of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang with cief complaints of shortness of breath influenced activity, frequent night waking due to shortness of breath, and an elevated bed with a pillow. On physical examination found: clubbing, cyanosis, increased Jugolaris veins, cardiomegaly, and pitting edema. From the laboratium: Hemoglobin: 17,1 gr/dl, Hematokrit : 62%, Ureum : 39 mg/dl, Kreatinin : 2,0 mg/dl, TKK :31, Echo Cardiography shows: Transposition of the Great Arteries, Large Ventricle Septal Defect, Tricuspid Regurgitation with pulmonary hypertension, and moderate Mitral Regurgitation. Patients with definitife diagnosis: Congestive Heart Failure Functional Class IV LVH- RVH, RBBB rhythm Cause By Transposition of the Great Arteries with a Ventrikel Septal Defec.Key word : Transposition of the Great Arteries, Kongenital Heart Desease.</p


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    AbstrakSeorang laki-laki umur 50 tahun dirawat di Emergensi Penyakit Dalam RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang dengan keluhan utama sesak nafas meningkat sejak 1 hari yang lalu. Sesak nafas semakin meningkat jika beraktifitas, dan berkurang jika istirahat dengan posisi bantal yang ditinggikan. Jika sesak nafas sering diikuti dengan bibir dan kuku yang membiru. Pasien sudah dikenal menderita penyakit jantung bawaan, awalnya lahir dengan kulit kebiruan dan mudah tersedak jika menyusu. Dari pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan: Clubbing finger, sianosis, peningkatan Vena Jugolaris, kardiomegali, dan pitting oedema. Dari laboratorium didapatkan: Hemoglobin: 17,1 gr/dl, Hematokrit : 62%, Ureum : 39 mg/dl, Kreatinin : 2,0 mg/dl, TKK :31, Echo Cardiography: Transposisi Arteri Besar, Large Ventrikel Septal Devect, trikuspit regurgitasi dengan hipertensi pulmonal dan moderat Mitral Regurgitasi. Pasien di diagnosa dengan Congestive Heart Failure Functional Class IV LVH- RVH, irama RBBB karena transposisi Arteri Besar dengan Ventrikel Septal Defek.Kata kunci: Transposisi Arteri Besar, Kelainan Jantung Bawaan.AbstractHas been treated a 50 years old man was hospitallized in Internal emengency Department of Dr. M. Djamil Hospital Padang with cief complaints of shortness of breath influenced activity, frequent night waking due to shortness of breath, and an elevated bed with a pillow. On physical examination found: clubbing, cyanosis, increased Jugolaris veins, cardiomegaly, and pitting edema. From the laboratium: Hemoglobin: 17,1 gr/dl, Hematokrit : 62%, Ureum : 39 mg/dl, Kreatinin : 2,0 mg/dl, TKK :31, Echo Cardiography shows: Transposition of the Great Arteries, Large Ventricle Septal Defect, Tricuspid Regurgitation with pulmonary hypertension, and moderate Mitral Regurgitation. Patients with definitife diagnosis: Congestive Heart Failure Functional Class IV LVH- RVH, RBBB rhythm Cause By Transposition of the Great Arteries with a Ventrikel Septal Defec.Key word : Transposition of the Great Arteries, Kongenital Heart Desease

    Hubungan Jumlah Trombosit, Hematokrit dan Hemoglobin dengan Derajat Klinik Demam Berdarah Dengue pada Pasien Dewasa di RSUP. M. Djamil Padang

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    AbstrakDiagnosis yang tepat terhadap stadium dan kondisi penderita DBD penting untuk menentukan prognosisnya. Pemeriksaan trombosit, hematokrit, dan hemoglobin untuk setiap derajat klinik DBD diharapkan membantu dalam mengelompokkan dan mengelola pasien berdasarkan derajat kliniknya. Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan hasil pemeriksaan trombosit, hematokrit, dan hemoglobin dengan derajat klinik DBD berdasarkan kriteria WHO.Penelitian dilakukan secara retrospektif terhadap 84 sampel dari rekam medik Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam di RSUP. M. Djamil Padang dari januari 2011 sampai 30 April 2013. Trombosit diperiksaan menggunakan metode Rees Ecker, hematokrit dengan metode langsung cara mikro, dan hemoglobin menggunakan metode Sahli. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis bivariat dengan uji hipotesis nonparametrik Kendal’s Tau dengan software SPSS.Hasil penelitian ditemukan rerata umur 25.49±10.09 tahun. Laki-laki 46 orang (54.8%) lebih banyak dari wanita 38 orang (45.2%). Hasil analisis dengan uji korelasi Kendal’s Tau didapatkan trombosit berhubungan dengan derajat klinik DBD, semakin rendah trombosit semakin berat derajat kliniknya (p &lt; 0.05, r = 0.336). Hematokrit tidak berhubungan dengan derajat klinik DBD (p &gt; 0.05, r = 0.059). Hemoglobin tidak berhubungan dengan derajat klinik DBD (p &gt; 0.05, r = - 0.036).Semakin rendah jumlah trombosit semakin berat derajat klinik DBD, hematokrit dan hemoglobin tidak berhubungan dengan derajat klinik DBD.Kata kunci: jumlah trombosit, nilai hematokrit, kadar hemoglobin, derajat klinik DBD.AbstractPrompt diagnosis and as an accurate assessment of the stage and condition of DHF cases is a very important factor for determining patient prognosis. The existence of an exact value of the results of platelets, hematocrit, and hemoglobin for each grade of DHF are expected to greatly assist in classify and manage patients based on the clinical degree. This research was aimed to determine the relationship between the results of the hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets count with the degree of clinical DHF according to WHO criteria. This research with retrospective design in 84 samples were taken from the medical records of adult patients in RSUP. M. Djamil Padang from 1 January 2011 until 30 April 2013. Platelets used direct method Rees Ecker, hematocrit’s used direct method micro method, and hemoglobin’s used Sahli method. Data processed by Kendal Tau tests using SPSS software. Results found average ages of 25.49 ± 10,09 years. The number of male patients 46 (54.8%) higher than female patients 38 (45.2%). Analysis by hypotetic test showed that there is a relationship between the platelet with clinical degree of DHF, where the lower the number, the more severe the clinical degree of DHF (p &lt; 0.05, r = - 0336). There is no relation between hematocrit with clinical degree of DHF (p &gt; 0.05, r = 0.059). There is no relation between hemoglobin with clinical degree of DHF (p &gt; 0.05, r = - 0.036). More lower the number of trombosit, the more severe the clinical degree of DHF, and there is no relation between hematocrit and hemoglobin with clinical degree of DHF.Keywords: platelet count, hematocrit, hemoglobin levels, clinical degree of DHF.</p

    The Role of Galectin-3 in Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Narrative Literature Review

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    Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is a protein, namely a lectin, that binds to beta galactosides. Gal-3 has been shown to be related to the process of fibrosis, classification of atherosclerosis, and cardiac remodeling. Gal-3 regulation is known to be involved in the process of atherogenesis. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) Oxidation increases Gal-3 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. Gal-3 also induces fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells to proliferate and produce fibrosis-related proteins in the extracellular matrix. Inhibition of Gal-3 can reduce the atherosclerotic process and reduce the progression of plaque formation. Gal-3 also induces fibroblasts and vascular smooth muscle cells to proliferate and produce fibrosis-related proteins in the extracellular matrix. Inhibition of Gal-3 can reduce the atherosclerotic process and reduce the progression of plaque formation. Several clinical trials have focused on the role of Gal-3 in acute myocardial infarction patients showing that Gal-3 is upregulated. In these patients. This literature review aims to describe the role of Gal-3 in acute myocardial infarction