450 research outputs found

    Effect of the killing method on post-mortem change in length of larvae of Thanatophilus micans (Fabricius, 1794) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) stored in 70% ethanol

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    It is recommended that insect larvae collected for forensic purposes should be killed using the same method as was used to create existing models for rate of development. Certain killing methods have been shown to be preferable because they cause less distortion of the specimens, but these are not always practicable in a particular case, and so a method of correcting for effect of killing method is required. Larvae of all instars of Thanatophilus micans (Fabricius 1794) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) were measured and then killed by immersion in ethanol, immersion in hot water or freezing. Samples were re-measured immediately after death, then stored in excess 70% ethanol and re-measured after 1 week and again after 4 weeks. The change in length was significantly different from zero in all samples (t = -9.07022, p < 0.001). An analysis of covariance showed that instar, killing method and storage time all had a significant effect on the change in length. The results showed that T. micans larvae have a great potential for change in length during storage but that the change is not predictable, as the magnitude and sign of the change are variable

    3000 miles from home: a new Gastrosericus baobabicus Pulawski, 1995 (Hymenoptera, Larridae) distribution record highlights that the Sahel has a distinct entomofaunal signature

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    [from introduction] On October 30, 1953, an unidentified female wasp (Fig. 1) was collected from ‘Belet Uen, Somaliland’ (= Beledweyne, 4°44’N 45°12’E), situated in the valley of the Shebelle River, HiraanProvince,Somalia. It was deposited in the aculeate Hymenoptera collection of the Albany Museum, Grahamstown by D. Greathead prior to 1968. Apart from the words ‘Somaliland’ and ‘Desert Locust Survey’ the label is handwritten and the collector’snameis not recorded. Greathead’s sister, S. Gess (Albany Museum), deciphered the label and stated that he had worked for the Desert Locust Survey, investigating the natural enemies of locusts and had been in Somalia (then Somaliland) at that time (Murphy & Cock 2007). The specimen was sent in 2004 by F. Gess to W. Pulawski, who determined it as Gastrosericus baobabicus Pulawski, 1995. Gastrosericus species prey on spiders and a variety of small insects (Pulawski 1995), including Orthoptera (Krombein & Pulawski 1986), so it is likely that Greathead collected the specimen in connection with his interest in the insect enemies of Acridoidea (Orthoptera) (Greathead 1962)

    A history of southern African research relevant to forensic entomology

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    Entomological forensic evidence has been used in southern Africa for decades but explicitly forensic research began in southern Africa only 26 years ago. Although applicable local research has accumulated since 1921, it is scattered in a diverse literature or unpublished. Some overseas research has also touched on local species. This review uses a historical approach to synthesize the southern African literature and to illustrate the cross-disciplinary, opportunistic nature of forensic entomology. Distinct phases of research focused on agriculture (1921-1950), medicine (1952- 1965), ecology (1968-1990) and forensics (1980-2005), but systematics spanned the entire period and tended to be ad hoc. Few scientists were involved, situated at geographically distant locations and with widely disparate research interests. The review concludes with an overview of southern African entomologists who have been involved in medico-legal investigations, and a critical evaluation of the past and future of the discipline locally

    Karyology of the redfin minnows, genus Pseudobarbus Smith, 1841 (Teleostei: Cyprinidae): one of the evolutionarily tetraploid lineages of South African barbines

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    The karyotypes of six species of Pseudobarbus Smith, 1841, namely P. afer (Peters, 1864), P. asper (Boulenger, 1911), P. burchelli Smith, 1841, P. burgi (Boulenger, 1911), P. phlegethon (Barnard, 1938) and P. tenuis (Barnard, 1938), were examined by conventional Giemsa staining and described. All six karyotypes have 2n = 100 chromosomes, dominated by biarmed chromosomes, as does the only other member of the genus, P. quathlambae (Barnard, 1938). Sex-related intraspecific karyotype variation was not found. The shared chromosome numbers and general similarity of the karyotypes (FN = 186–192) provide a new synapomorphy to support their monophyly, which is already indicated by anatomical and mtDNA markers. Karyotype evolution within the genus has been accompanied by chromosomal inversions and centromeric shifts. Comparison of the diploid number found in Pseudobarbus with other African barbine cyprinines, which have in the region of 2n=50 and lower FNs, suggests a tetraploid evolutionary origin of the genus, possibly by allotetraploidy

    A comparison of two sampling methods for surveying mammalian herbivore impacts on beetle communities in the canopy of Acacia drepanolobium in Kenya

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    Even though several methods are used to sample and monitor canopy arthropods, there are no studies to indicate which of these methods is more effective.We compared the efficacy of the beating and canopy fogging methods in collecting beetles that inhabit Acacia drepanolobium (Harms) tree canopies at Mpala Research Centre in Laikipia district, Kenya. These trees grow naturally on the black cotton soils of the Laikipia ecosystem, accounting for more than 98%of the overstorey at the study site, and are important for local cattle and wildlife production. The ultimate objective of this study was to determine the effect of differential grazing and browsing pressure from large mammalian herbivores on the beetle communities of A. drepanolobium. Seven hundred and twenty trees 1.0–2.5 m tall were sampled using each method, making a total of 1440 trees. Sampling using the two methods was done concurrently and repeated quarterly over a period of 14 months. In total, 4320 individuals were collected, 1456 by beating and 2864 by fogging. The methods jointly yielded beetle specimens from 13 families and 55 morphospecies. Fogging collected significantly more beetle morphospecies than beating, and there was a significant interaction effect between method and sampling date. We found that numerically Anthicidae and Curculionidae responded positively to the presence of cattle.We also found that Anthicidae sp. A and Myllocerus sp. A numbers significantly increased in plots where livestock were grazed

    Patterns and processes underlying evolutionary significant units in the Platypleura stridula L. species complex (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa

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    Cicadas have been shown to be useful organisms for examining the effects of distribution, plant association and geographical barriers on gene flow between populations. The cicadas of the Platypleura stridula species complex are restricted to the biologically diverse Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa. They are thus an excellent study group for elucidating the mechanisms by which hemipteran diversity is generated and maintained in the CFR. Phylogeographical analysis of this species complex using mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) and ribosomal 16S sequence data, coupled with preliminary morphological and acoustic data, resolves six clades, each of which has specific host-plant associations and distinct geographical ranges. The phylogeographical structure implies simultaneous or near-simultaneous radiation events, coupled with shifts in host-plant associations. When calibrated using published COI and 16S substitution rates typical for related insects, these lineages date back to the late Pliocene - early Pleistocene, coincident with vegetation change, altered drainage patterns and accelerated erosion in response to neotectonic crustal uplift and cyclic Pleistocene climate change, and glaciation-associated changes in climate and sea level

    Metrological framework for selecting morphological characters to identify species and estimate developmental maturity of forensically significant insect specimens

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    Accurate age estimates of immature necrophagous insects associated with a human or animal body can provide evidence of how long the body has been dead. These estimates are based on species-specific details of the insects’ aging processes, and therefore require accurate species identification and developmental stage estimation. Many professionals who produce or use identified organisms as forensic evidence have little training in taxonomy or metrology, and appreciate the availability of formalized principles and standards for biological identification. Taxonomic identifications are usually most readily and economically made using categorical and qualitative morphological characters, but it may be necessary to use less convenient and potentially more ambiguous characters that are continuous and quantitative if two candidate species are closely related, or if identifying developmental stages within a species. Characters should be selected by criteria such as taxonomic specificity and metrological repeatability and relative error. We propose such a hierarchical framework, critique various measurements of immature insects, and suggest some standard approaches to determine the reliability of organismal identifications and measurements in estimating postmortem intervals. Relevant criteria for good characters include high repeatability (including low scope for ambiguity or parallax effects), pronounced discreteness, and small relative error in measurements. These same principles apply to individuation of unique objects in general

    Identifying flies used for maggot debridement therapy

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    To the Editor: The use of maggots to clean necrotic wounds, known as maggot debridement therapy (MDT), has long been known to the scientific world. Its use has been recorded since the 1500s when soldiers’ wounds were often infested with maggots. Napoleon’s surgeon, Baron Dominic Larrey, reported that wounds that were infested with maggots appeared to heal faster than those without maggots.1 William Baer is considered to be the founder of modern MDT. While treating soldiers in World War I, he noted the good condition of wounds that had been infested with maggots, and was the first doctor on record to experiment with the use of maggots in treating infections.1 MDT even featured in the recent version of the film ‘Spartacus’. Various species of flies have been used for MDT,1 the most commonly used being Lucilia sericata, a greenbottle blowfly (Figs 1 and 2). This fly is closely related to another greenbottle, L. cuprina, but L. cuprina feeds on live as well as necrotic tissue, which is undesirable in MDT. L. cuprina is commonly named the ‘sheep blowfly’ because it is responsible for fly-strike in sheep, a form of massive, usually rectal myiasis that can kill sheep. A recent article2 suggested that L. cuprina was being used successfully for MDT at the Eugene Marais Hospital Wound Care Centre (EMHWCC). As this would be inconsistent with international experience in MDT and at odds with the usual biology of L. cuprina, it was decided to check the identity of these flies

    IziNambuzane: isiZulu names for insects

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    We provide a tool for communicating about insects in isiZulu to facilitate research and knowledge sharing in the fields of indigenous knowledge, cultural entomology, environmental education and community extensioninvolving isiZulu speakers. A total of 213 different names for 64 insect specimens were encountered among a sample of 67 respondents in 11 communities distributed across the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This list includes 93 names that can be considered core isiZulu vocabulary and which are widely used to identify insects that are agriculturally, medically, domestically, culturally or ecologically common or significant. Substantial variation was found regarding the names for particular insects, especially between regions, suggesting dialectal differences between isiZulu speakers. Grammatical and social variation in names was also recorded. This study highlights interdisciplinary teamwork in the field of indigenous knowledge research and the influences affecting the standardisation of South African languages for technical and scientific work
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