12 research outputs found

    Transmission de la flavescence dorée par greffage en vert et présence du « Corky-Bark » sur un cépage corse (Nielluccio) <em>Scaphoideus littoralis</em> Ball., vecteur possible de cette maladie

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    A la suite d'essais de transmission de la Flavescence dorée par cicadelles, nous avons observé sur les clones d'un cépage corse (Nielluccio), d'une part des pantes présentant les symptÎmes typiques de la maladie, et d'autre part des pantes avec des symptÎmes atypiques. Ces derniÚres ont été indexées par greffage en vert sur l'indicateur LN 33. Les symptÎmes observés alors sont analogues à ceux du « Corky-Bark ». Des tentatives de transmission du « Corky-Bark » par cicadelles (Scaphoideus littoralis) sont en cours, en vue de préciser la nature encore inconnue de l'agent vecteur de cette virose. +++ Following transmission tests to obtain a golden-yellow flavescence by « cicadells », we observed on clones of a Corsican grape variety (Nielluccio), on the one hand plants showing the typical symptoms of the disease and on the other hand plants with untypical symptoms. The latter were indexed by green grafting under the indicator LN 33. The symptoms then observed are similar to those of « Corky-Bark ». by cicadells (Scaphoideus littoralis). Attempts to transmit « Corky-Bark » are in progress with a view to specifying the still unknown nature of this virus disease

    Comportement d'une collection de porte-greffes de vigne en présence d'une population de nématodes (<em>Meloidogyne sp.</em>) originaire du Sud-Ouest de la France

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    La présente étude vise à compléter les connaissances actuelles sur la résistance des porte-greffes de la vigne aux populations de Meloidogyne autochtones. La population utilisée, qui appartient au complexe M. incognita-arenaria semble nettement plus agressive que ies populations de M. arenaria originaire du Languedoc, en particulier vis-à-vis de Vitis Rupestris et de certains de ses hybrides. Toutefois, le classement relatif des porte-greffes ne semble pas profondément modifié, notamment en ce qui concerne les plus résistants. +++ The present study aims at completing the knowledge available at present concerning the resistance of vine stocks to the populations of autochthonous Meloidogyne. The population used, which belongs to the M. incognita-arenaria complex seems distinctly more aggressive than the populations of M. arenaria originating from the Languedoc, in particular in regard to the Rupestris and certain of its hybrids. Nevertheless, the relative classification of stocks does not seem to be changed greatly, notably in so far as the most resistant are concerned

    New data on an old pest complex: The status of Phlyctinus callosus Schönherr and Phlyctinus xerophilus Haran (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in South Africa

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    Material was collected under Cape Nature Permits Numbers CN35-28-13395 and CN44-30-4229, and with permission from private landowners.International audiencePhlyctinus is an endemic weevil genus of the Cape Floristic Region that comprises eight to ten species, previously classified under the monotypic P. callosus sensu lato concept. Two species of this genus, Phlyctinus callosus and P. xerophilus, are of economic concern to the deciduous fruit and grapevine industry in the Western Cape province of South Africa, causing primary damages and being of phytosanitary concern at the adult stage. The taxonomic revision conducted in 2020 raised doubts whether one of the two species was a newly emerging pest and/or what species was considered in studies before the clarification of species boundaries. Also unclear is whether these species can be controlled similarly using current control measures. The aim of this study therefore is to review the pest status of the two species over time based on museum records, field collections and historical publications, and to clarify how control measure(s) are impacted. We infer that neither species appear to be emerging pests in the region, both being of agricultural significance for at least 80 years. Phlyctinus callosus is mostly distributed along the southern coast, while P. xerophilus is distributed in inland valleys. The two species show similar biology, physiology and ecology in agro-ecosystems, and can be excluded from the host plant canopy using stem-barriers, adults being flightless. As such, it is shown that the naming of P. xerophilus as a pest is mainly a taxonomical clarification within a pre-existing species complex

    Evolution, systematics and historical biogeography of Palparini and Palparidiini antlions (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae): Old origin and in situ diversification in Southern Africa

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    Newly generated sequences were deposited in GenBank, and are registered with the following accession numbers: OQ581997–OQ582070(cob), OQ603605–OQ603608(18S), OQ606012–OQ606168(cox1), OQ624960–OQ625111(rrnL), OQ625113–OQ625252(rrnS) and OQ625254–OQ625279(28S) (see Table S2 for details).This study is dedicated to Dr. AndrĂ© Prost, who passed away on February 3, 2023. AndrĂ© Prost was a well-recognized Neuroptera specialist (former secretary of the International Association of Neuropterology), with a special interest for the West African fauna.Merwyn W.Mansell gratefully acknowledges the following organizations and people who contributed to research on antlion diversity in SouthernAfrica: Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation, the Tswalu Foundation, and Nicky, Jonathan and Strilli Oppenheimer ,who have actively encouraged and permitted Neuroptera research in their private reserves, Tswalu Kalahari Reserve and Rooipoort; Duncan MacFadyen (Oppenheimer Generations, Head Research and Con-servation), Dylan Smith (Tswalu Kalahari Reserve), who facilitated ourvisits and provided key specimens. Also, (i) the National Parks Boardof South Africa is acknowledged for permits enabling Neuroptera research in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (now Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park), the Kruger National Park and Karoo National Park,and the staff of these parks who enabled the visits and provided valuable material: (L.E.O. Braack, A. Braack, H. Braack; Dr S. Joubert), (C.E.O., Kruger Park); (ii) Northern Cape Nature Conservation is thanked for providing permits for the northern Cape region; (iii) the KwaZulu-Natal Parks are acknowledged for permission to work on their reserves. Dr M.K. Seely, Director of the Namib Desert Research Station at Gobabeb is thanked for providing facilities and much scientifico-operation over the years; (iv) the Directorate of Nature Conservation and Recreational Resorts of Namibia are acknowledged for use offacilities at Gobabeb and permission to work in the Namib/NaukluftPark, many years ago. Professor Clarke H. Scholtz (University of Pretoria) is especially thanked for organizing many of the field trips thatprocured important material. Merwyn W. Mansell also gratefullyacknowledges the following people especially, for providing crucial specimens: J.B. Ball (University of Pretoria), A.K. (Tony) Brinkman, A.J.Gardiner, H. de Klerk, P. Hawkes, D.M. Kroon, W. Jubber, A.P. Marais,R.W. Mansell, L.R. Minter, R.G. Oberprieler, H.S Staude, R.D. Stephenand those mentioned in Mansell and Oswald (2023). The JRS Biodiversity Foundation and GBIF are sincerely thanked for funding M.W.Mansell’s Southern African Lacewing project, especially the development of the “Palpares Relational Database” designed by Brian Kenyon,which underpinned the accumulation and collation of much data usedin this presentation, for which he is gratefully acknowledged. Whileworking at icipe (African Insect Science for Food and Health), B. Le Rubenefited from research and collect permits delivered by the KenyaPlant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) (B. Le Ru thanks A. Kibe,B. Musyoka, L. Ngala, G. Okuku and G. Ong’amo) and the Plant Pro-tection Division of the Ministry of Agriculture of Botswana (B. Le Ru EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS OF PALPARINE ANTLIONS thanks C. Nyakumondiwa, R. Mutamisha and E. Moeng). Bruno Michel also thanks the following people for providing several interesting specimens: B.F. Jacobs (Southern Methodist University, USA), M.Martinez (INRAE) and J.-Y. Rasplus (INRAE). We gratefully acknowledge the late A. Prost for communicating important information on the genusNosa. We are also indebted to the following persons whogave us permission to use pictures they took: S. Akame, T. Cardenos,H. de Klerk, G. Kunz, D. Robertson, H. Robertson, H. Roland, W.Roland and A.T. Schoeman. Laboratory facilities were provided by CBGP in France. We are grateful to the Genotoul bioinformatics platform Toulouse Occitanie (Bioinfo Genotoul, https://doi.org/10.15454/1.5572369328961167E12) for providing help and/or computing and/or storage resources.International audiencePalparine and palparidiine antlions constitute an emblematic clade of large and occasionally colourful insects that are only distributed in the western portion of the Eastern hemisphere, with about half of the known species diversity occurring exclusively in Southern Africa. Little is known about their evolutionary history, and the boundaries and relationships of most genera are still unresolved. In this study, we analyse a molecular dataset consisting of seven loci (five mitochondrial and two nuclear genes) for 144 antlion species and provide the first phylogenetic hypothesis for a representative sampling of Palparini and Palparidiini (62 Palparini species, representing 15 of the 17 known genera, and all three known Palparidiini species). In addition, we reconstruct their timing of diversification and historical biogeography. The resulting tree indicates that several extant palparine genera are polyphyletic or paraphyletic and provides interesting leads that ought to be helpful for future taxonomic revisions; it also enables us to re-evaluate the taxonomic utility and relevancy of a number of morphological characters that were previously used to define some genera. Molecular dating analyses indicate that the most recent common ancestor of both groups originated about 92 million years ago (Ma) in the Late Cretaceous. Finally, the results of historical biogeography analyses provide strong support for an origin in Southern Africa, which further acted as both a cradle of diversification and a springboard for successive waves of northern dispersals

    Phylogenetics, integrative taxonomy and systematics of the Sesamia cretica species group (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Apameini: Sesamiina), with the description of 21 new species from the Afrotropical region

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    International audienceIn this study, 31 species of noctuid stemborers belonging to the genus Sesamia Guenee, 1852 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Noctuinae: Apameini: Sesamiina) are reviewed. All these species are assigned to the Sesamia cretica group sensu Tams & Bowden (1953). Based on genitalic characters, several subgroups are hereby defined. Nine species belong to a species complex defined as the Sesamia albivena Hampson, 1902 subgroup; it consists of S. albivena, S. mocoensis Tams & Bowden, 1953, n. stat., S. sudanensis Tams & Bowden, 1953, n. stat. S. taenioleuca (Wallengren, 1863), and five new species that are described (S. aethiopica Le Ru n. sp. from Ethiopia, S. kafulo Le Ru n. sp. from Botswana and Zambia, S. kavirondo Le Ru n. sp. from Kenya and Uganda, S. maloukou Le Ru n. sp. from Republic of Congo, and S. soyema Le Ru n. sp. from Ethiopia). Four species belong to a species complex defined as the Sesamia cretica subgroup; this encompasses S. cretica, S. rufescens Hampson, 1910, and two new species that are described (S. ihambane Le Ru n. sp. from Mozambique and Tanzania and S. kikuyuensis Le Ru n. sp. from Kenya); two new synonyms are introduced for Sesamia cretica: Nonagria uniformis Dudgeon, 1905 n. syn. and Sesamia griselda Warren, 1913, n. syn. Ten species belong to a species complex defined as the Sesamia fuscifrontia Hampson, 1914 subgroup; this includes S. fuscifrontia, S. geyri (Strand, 1915) and eight new species that are described (S. babati Le Ru n. sp. from Tanzania, S. babessi Le Ru n. sp. from Cameroon and Zambia, S. mabira Le Ru n. sp. from Uganda, S. nangaensis Le Ru n. sp. from Cameroon and Republic of Congo, S. rungwa Le Ru n. sp. from Tanzania, S. simillima Le Ru n. sp. from Benin, Cameroon, Kenya and Uganda, S. taveta Le Ru n. sp. from Kenya and S. ulaukae Le Ru n. sp. from Ethiopia). One species belongs to a species complex defined as the Sesamia salama Le Ru n. sp. subgroup; this consists of S. salama Le Ru n. sp. from Kenya and another undescribed Sesamia species from South Africa. One species belongs to a species complex defined as the Sesamia viettei Rungs, 1954 subgroup. Six species belong to a species complex defined as the Sesamia wiltshirei Rungs, 1963 subgroup; this groups S. wiltshirei and five new species that are described (S. djenoensis Le Ru n. sp. from Republic of Congo, S. inexpectata Le Ru n. sp. from South Africa and Zambia, S. lefini Le Ru n. sp. from Republic of Congo, S. echinochloa Le Ru n. sp. from Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia and S. rindini Le Ru n. sp. from Tanzania). A supplemental description of the previously described species is also provided. Novel host plant records are also provided for 11 species of the S. cretica group. To complement the morphological study, both phylogenetic and molecular species delimitation analyses were carried out on a multimarker (four mitochondrial and two nuclear genes) molecular dataset encompassing 144 specimens representing 35 species (including 25 species from the S. cretica group). Molecular analyses provide a well-supported phylogenetic framework for the species of interest, which are all recovered monophyletic. Molecular species delimitation analyses also support the species status of almost all sampled species. Interestingly, the inferred tree indicates that the S. cretica group and the S. fuscifrontia subgroup are both paraphyletic; this indicates that, while highly informative, the chosen genitalic characters in Sesamia are not all synapomorphies

    Characterization of the groESL Operon in Listeria monocytogenes: Utilization of Two Reporter Systems (gfp and hly) for Evaluating In Vivo Expression

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    The ability of intracellular pathogens to sense and adapt to the hostile environment of the host is an important factor governing virulence. We have sequenced the operon encoding the major heat shock proteins GroES and GroEL in the gram-positive food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. The operon has a conserved orientation in the order groES groEL. Upstream of groES and in the opposite orientation is a gene encoding a homologue of the Bacillus subtilis protein YdiL, while downstream of groEL is a gene encoding a putative bile hydrolase. We used both reverse transcriptase-PCR (RT-PCR) and transcriptional fusions to the UV-optimized Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein (GFP(UV)) to analyze expression of groESL under various environmental stress conditions, including heat shock, ethanol stress, and acid shock, and during infection of J774 mouse macrophage cells. Strains harboring GFP(UV) transcriptional fusions to the promoter region of groESL demonstrated a significant increase in fluorescence following heat shock that was detected by both fluorimetry and fluorescence microscopy. Using both RT-PCR and GFP technology we detected expression of groESL following internalization by J774 cells. Increased intracellular expression of dnaK was also determined using RT-PCR. We have recently described a system which utilizes L. monocytogenes hemolysin as an in vivo reporter of gene expression within the host cell phagosome (C. G. M. Gahan and C. Hill, Mol. Microbiol. 36:498–507, 2000). In this study a strain was constructed in which hemolysin expression was placed under the control of the groESL promoter. In this strain hemolysin expression during infection also confirms transcription from the groESL promoter during J774 and murine infection, albeit at lower levels than the known virulence factor plcA