62 research outputs found

    Calcaneal osteomyelitis presenting with acute tarsal tunnel syndrome: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Cases of acute tarsal tunnel syndrome are rare. To the best of our knowledge, we describe the only reported case of acute posterior tibial nerve compression resulting from adjacent haemotogenous pyogenic calcaneal osteomyelitis.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A previously healthy 38-year-old Caucasian woman developed symptoms of acute tarsal tunnel syndrome in her right foot over a six-day period. No antecedent trauma or systemic symptoms were noted. Magnetic resonance imaging and bone scan imaging, followed by surgical decompression and bone biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>calcaneal osteomyelitis. Her pain and paraesthesia disappeared after the operation, while her inflammatory markers normalised during a 12-week course of antibiotics. After four years she has remained asymptomatic without any indication of recurrence.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case is not just unique in describing osteomyelitis as a cause of tarsal tunnel syndrome, because haemotogenous calcaneal osteomyelitis is in itself a rare pathology. We recommend considering infection as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with acute tarsal tunnel syndrome.</p

    Non-specific low back pain in primary care in the Spanish National Health Service: a prospective study on clinical outcomes and determinants of management

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    BACKGROUND: The Spanish National Health Service is a universal and free health care system. Non-specific low back pain (LBP) is a prevalent disorder, generating large health and social costs. The objectives of this study were to describe its management in primary care, to assess patient characteristics that influence physicians' decisions, and to describe clinical outcome at 2 months. METHODS: A cross-sectional sample of 648 patients with non-specific low back pain was recruited by 75 physicians (out of 361 – 20.8%) working in 40 primary care centers in 10 of the 17 administrative regions in Spain, covering 693,026 out of the 40,499,792 inhabitants. Patients were assessed on the day they were recruited, and prospectively followed-up 14 and 60 days later. The principal patient characteristics that were analyzed were: sex, duration of the episode, history of LBP, working status, severity of LBP, leg pain and disability, and results of straight leg raising test. Descriptors of management were: performance of the straight leg raising test, ordering of diagnostic procedures, prescription of drug treatment, referral to physical therapy, rehabilitation or surgery, and granting of sick leave. Regression analysis was used to analyze the relationship between patients' baseline characteristics and physicians' management decisions. Only workers were included in the models on sick leave. RESULTS: Mean age (SD) of included patients was 46.5 (15.5) years, 367 (56.6%) were workers, and 338 (52.5%) were females. Median (25th–75th interquartile range) duration of pain when entering the study was 4 (2–10) days and only 28 patients (4.3%) had chronic low back pain. Diagnostic studies included plain radiographs in 43.1% of patients and CT or MRI scans in 18.8%. Drug medication was prescribed to 91.7% of patients, 19.1% were sent to physical therapy or rehabilitation, and 9.6% were referred to surgery. The main determinants of the clinical management were duration of the episode and, to a lesser extent, the intensity of the pain (especially leg pain), a positive straight leg raising test, and degree of disability. The main determinant of sick leave was the degree of disability, followed by the characteristics of the labor contract and the intensity of leg pain (but not low back pain). After at least 2 months of treatment, 37% of patients were still in pain and approximately 10% of patients had not improved or had worsened. CONCLUSION: Although the use of X-Rays is high, determinants of physicians' management of LBP in primary care made clinical sense and were consistent with patterns suggested by evidence-based recommendations. However, after 2 months of treatment more than one third of patients continued to have back pain and about 10% had worsened

    Predictors of opioid misuse in patients with chronic pain: a prospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Opioid misuse can complicate chronic pain management, and the non-medical use of opioids is a growing public health problem. The incidence and risk factors for opioid misuse in patients with chronic pain, however, have not been well characterized. We conducted a prospective cohort study to determine the one-year incidence and predictors of opioid misuse among patients enrolled in a chronic pain disease management program within an academic internal medicine practice. METHODS: One-hundred and ninety-six opioid-treated patients with chronic, non-cancer pain of at least three months duration were monitored for opioid misuse at pre-defined intervals. Opioid misuse was defined as: 1. Negative urine toxicological screen (UTS) for prescribed opioids; 2. UTS positive for opioids or controlled substances not prescribed by our practice; 3. Evidence of procurement of opioids from multiple providers; 4. Diversion of opioids; 5. Prescription forgery; or 6. Stimulants (cocaine or amphetamines) on UTS. RESULTS: The mean patient age was 52 years, 55% were male, and 75% were white. Sixty-two of 196 (32%) patients committed opioid misuse. Detection of cocaine or amphetamines on UTS was the most common form of misuse (40.3% of misusers). In bivariate analysis, misusers were more likely than non-misusers to be younger (48 years vs 54 years, p < 0.001), male (59.6% vs. 38%; p = 0.023), have past alcohol abuse (44% vs 23%; p = 0.004), past cocaine abuse (68% vs 21%; p < 0.001), or have a previous drug or DUI conviction (40% vs 11%; p < 0.001%). In multivariate analyses, age, past cocaine abuse (OR, 4.3), drug or DUI conviction (OR, 2.6), and a past alcohol abuse (OR, 2.6) persisted as predictors of misuse. Race, income, education, depression score, disability score, pain score, and literacy were not associated with misuse. No relationship between pain scores and misuse emerged. CONCLUSION: Opioid misuse occurred frequently in chronic pain patients in a pain management program within an academic primary care practice. Patients with a history of alcohol or cocaine abuse and alcohol or drug related convictions should be carefully evaluated and followed for signs of misuse if opioids are prescribed. Structured monitoring for opioid misuse can potentially ensure the appropriate use of opioids in chronic pain management and mitigate adverse public health effects of diversion

    Tuberculosis control: decentralization, local planning and management specificities

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    The goal was to analyze, according to the perception of health managers, the practices that guide tuberculosis control actions in cities in the metropolitan region of João Pessoa - PB, Brazil. This qualitative study involved eight professionals in management functions. Testimonies were collected through semi-structured interviews between May and June 2009 and organized through content analysis. Despite the acknowledged benefits of tuberculosis control action decentralization, local planning indicates the predominance of a bureaucratic model that is restricted to negotiation and supplies. Local programming is centered on the coordinator, which shows a command line and vertical management that lead to the fragmentation of the work process. Management action should follow an innovative and transformative route that surpasses bureaucratic barriers and faces the biggest challenge it is proposed: to balance professional interrelations with a view to improving health work performance.Se buscó analizar, según la percepción de los gestores de salud, las prácticas que orientan las acciones de control de la tuberculosis en municipios de la región metropolitana de Joao Pesoa, estado de Paraíba. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo que envolvió ocho profesionales que ejercían cargos de gestión. Las declaraciones fueron recolectadas por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas, entre mayo y julio de 2009, y organizadas mediante análisis de contenido. A pesar de que se reconozcan los beneficios de la descentralización de las acciones de control de la tuberculosis, la planificación local señala la predominancia del modelo burocrático restricto a negociación y suministro de insumos. La programación local se centra en la figura del coordinador, retratando una línea de comando y gestión vertical que induce a la fragmentación del proceso de trabajo. La tarea de administrar debe explorar un camino innovador y transformador, que ultrapase las barreras burocráticas y alcance el mayor desafío que le es impuesto: equilibrar las interrelaciones profesionales con la finalidad de perfeccionar el desempeño del trabajo en salud.Buscou-se analisar, segundo a percepção dos gestores de saúde, as práticas que norteiam as ações de controle da tuberculose, em municípios da região metropolitana de João Pessoa, PB. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo que envolveu oito profissionais que exerciam cargos de gestão. Os depoimentos foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, entre maio e julho de 2009, e organizados mediante análise de conteúdo. Embora se reconheça os benefícios da descentralização das ações de controle da tuberculose, o planejamento local sinaliza a predominância de modelo burocrático restrito à negociação e provisão de insumos. A programação local centra-se na figura do coordenador, retratando uma linha de comando e gestão vertical que induzem à fragmentação do processo de trabalho. A tarefa de gerenciar deve trilhar caminho inovador e transformador que ultrapasse as barreiras burocráticas e alcance o maior desafio que lhe é imposto: equilibrar as inter-relações profissionais no intuito de aperfeiçoar o desempenho do trabalho em saúde

    A perspectiva territorial da inovação em saúde: a necessidade de um novo enfoque

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    A inovação ganha um campo de estudo privilegiado na saúde, dado que esta é responsável por parcela importante do investimento nacional em pesquisa e desenvolvimento e possui uma base industrial e de serviços que articula tecnologias portadoras de futuro. Assim, estreita-se o relacionamento entre saúde e desenvolvimento também em função do protagonismo da saúde na geração de inovação. A despeito disso, persiste a fragilidade da base produtiva da saúde, prejudicando tanto a prestação universal de serviços em saúde quanto uma inserção competitiva internacional. Este artigo, que utiliza o arcabouço teórico da Economia Política e dos sistemas de inovação, teve como objetivo identificar variáveis em espaços subnacionais que influenciam a dinâmica de geração de inovação em saúde, a partir de uma abordagem teórica que considera que a inovação é um processo contextualizado e social. Parte do pressuposto de que a fragilidade da base produtiva em saúde persistirá se novas variáveis envolvidas na dinâmica de inovação não forem consideradas.La innovación gana un campo de estudio privilegiado en la salud, dado que ésta es responsable por fracción importante de la inversión nacional en investigación y desarrollo y posee una base industrial y de servicios que articula tecnologías portadoras de futuro. Así, también se estrecha la relación entre salud y desarrollo en función del protagonismo de la salud en la generación de innovación. A este respecto, persiste la fragilidad de la base productiva de la salud, perjudicando tanto la prestación universal de servicios en salud como la inserción competitiva internacional. Este artículo, que utiliza la armazón teórica de la Economía Política y de los sistemas de innovación, tuvo como objetivo identificar variables en espacios subnacionales que influencian la dinámica de generación de innovación en salud, a partir de un abordaje teórico que considera que la innovación es un proceso contextualizado y social. Parte de la suposición que la fragilidad de la base productiva en salud persistirá si nuevas variables envueltas en la dinámica de innovación no llegan a ser consideradas.Innovation plays an increasingly important role in health care, partly because it is responsible for a significant share of national investment in research and development, and partly because of its industrial and service provision base, which provides a conduit to future technology. The relationship between health care and development is also strengthened as a result of the leading role of health care in generating innovation. Nevertheless, Brazil's health care production base is persistently weak, hindering both universal provision of health care services and international competitiveness. This article, based on the theoretical framework of Political Economy and innovation systems, has sought to identify variables in subnational contexts that influence the dynamic of innovation generation in health care. To this end, the theoretical approach used lies on the assumption that innovation is a contextualized social process and that the production base in healthcare will remain weak if new variables involved in the dynamic of innovation are not taken into account
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