2,588 research outputs found

    Results from RHIC with Implications for LHC

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    Results from the PHENIX experiment at RHIC in p-p and Au+Au collisions are reviewed from the perspective of measurements in p-p collisions at the CERN-ISR which serve as a basis for many of the techniques used. Issues such as J/Psi suppression and hydrodynamical flow in A+A collisions require data from LHC-Ions for an improved understanding. Suppression of high pT particles in Au+Au collisions, first observed at RHIC, also has unresolved mysteries such as the equality of the suppression of inclusive pi0 (from light quarks and gluons) and direct-single electrons (from the decay of heavy quarks) in the transverse momentum range 4< pT < 9 GeV/c. This disfavors a radiative explanation of suppression and leads to a fundamental question of whether the Higgs boson gives mass to fermions. Observation of an exponential distribution of direct photons in central Au+Au collisions for 1< pT <2 GeV/c where hard-processes are negligible and with no similar exponential distribution in p-p collisions indicates thermal photon emission from the medium at RHIC, making PHENIX at the moment ``the hottest experiment in Physics''.Comment: Invited lectures at the International School of Subnuclear Physics, 47th Course, "The most unexpected at LHC and the status of High Energy Frontier'', Erice, Sicily, Italy, August 29-September 7. 2009. 32 pages, 22 figure

    A fundamental test of the Higgs Yukawa coupling at RHIC in A+A collisions

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    Searches for the intermediate boson, W±W^{\pm}, the heavy quantum of the Weak Interaction, via its semi-leptonic decay, We+νW\to e +\nu, in the 1970's instead discovered unexpectedly large hadron production at high pTp_T, notably π0\pi^0, which provided a huge background of e±e^{\pm} from internal and external conversions. Methods developed at the CERN ISR which led to the discovery of direct-single-e±e^{\pm} in 1974, later determined to be from the semi-leptonic decay of charm which had not yet been discovered, were used by PHENIX at RHIC to make precision measurements of heavy quark production in p-p and Au+Au collisions, leading to the puzzle of apparent equal suppression of light and heavy quarks in the QGP. If the Higgs mechanism gives mass to gauge bosons but not to fermions, then a proposal that all 6 quarks are nearly massless in a QGP, which would resolve the puzzle, can not be excluded. This proposal can be tested with future measurements of heavy quark correlations in A+A collisionsComment: 12 pages, 16 figures, 26th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Ocho Rios, Jamaica WI, January 2-9, 2010. Corrected citation of 1974 direct single lepton discover

    Hadronic centrality dependence in nuclear collisions

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    The kaon number density in nucleus+nucleus and p+p reactions is investigated for the first time as a function of the initial energy density ϵ\epsilon and is found to exhibit a discontinuity around ϵ\epsilon=1.3 GeV/fm3^3. This suggests a higher degree of chemical equilibrium for ϵ>\epsilon > 1.3 GeV/fm3^3. It can also be interpreted as reflection of the same discontinuity, appearing in the chemical freeze out temperature (T) as a function of ϵ\epsilon. The Nα1N^{\alpha \sim 1} dependence of (u,d,s) hadrons, whith N the number of participating nucleons, also indicates a high degree of chemical equilibrium and T saturation, reached at ϵ>\epsilon >1.3 GeV/fm3^3. Assuming that the intermediate mass region (IMR) dimuon enhancement seen by NA50 is due to open charm (DDˉD \bar{D}), the following observation can be made: a) Charm is not equilibrated. b) J/Ψ/DDˉJ/\Psi/D \bar{D} suppression -unlike J/Ψ/DYJ/\Psi/DY- appears also in S+A collisions, above ϵ\epsilon \sim1 GeV/fm3^3. c) Both charm and strangeness show a discontinuity near the same ϵ\epsilon. d) J/ΨJ/\Psi could be formed mainly through ccˉc \bar{c} coalescence. e) The enhancement factors of hadrons with u,d,s,c quarks may be connected in a simple way to the mass gain of these particles if they are produced out of a quark gluon plasma (QGP). We discuss these results as possible evidence for the QCD phase transition occuring near ϵ\epsilon \sim 1.3 GeV/fm3^3.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of Vth International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, 20-25 July 2000, Berkeley, California. To appear in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physic

    Transverse momentum fluctuations and percolation of strings

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    The behaviour of the transverse momentum fluctuations with the centrality of the collision shown by the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider data is naturally explained by the clustering of color sources. In this framework, elementary color sources --strings-- overlap forming clusters, so the number of effective sources is modified. These clusters decay into particles with mean transverse momentum that depends on the number of elementary sources that conform each cluster, and the area occupied by the cluster. The transverse momentum fluctuations in this approach correspond to the fluctuations of the transverse momentum of these clusters, and they behave essentially as the number of effective sources.Comment: 16 pages, RevTex, 4 postscript figures. Enhanced version. New figure

    Recent results in relativistic heavy ion collisions: from ``a new state of matter'' to "the perfect fluid"

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    Experimental Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions dates from 1992 when a beam of 197Au of energy greater than 10A GeV/c first became available at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) soon followed in 1994 by a 208Pb beam of 158A GeV/c at the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research). Previous pioneering measurements at the Berkeley Bevalac in the late 1970's and early 1980's were at much lower bombarding energies (~ 1 A GeV/c) where nuclear breakup rather than particle production is the dominant inelastic process in A+A collisions. More recently, starting in 2000, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at BNL has produced head-on collisions of two 100A GeV beams of fully stripped Au ions, corresponding to nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy, sqrt(sNN)=200 GeV, total c.m. energy 200A GeV. The objective of this research program is to produce nuclear matter with extreme density and temperature, possibly resulting in a state of matter where the quarks and gluons normally confined inside individual nucleons (r < 1 fm) are free to act over distances an order of magnitude larger. Progress from the period 1992 to the present will be reviewed, with reference to previous results from light ion and proton-proton collisions where appropriate. Emphasis will be placed on the measurements which formed the basis for the announcements by the two major laboratories: "A new state of matter", by CERN on Feb 10, 2000 and "The perfect fluid", by BNL on April 19, 2005.Comment: 62 pages, 39 figures. Review article published in Reports on Progress in Physics on June 23, 2006. In this published version, mistakes, typographical errors, and citations have been corrected and a subsection has been adde

    Supergravity and the jet quenching parameter in the presence of R-charge densities

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    Following a recent proposal, we employ the AdS/CFT correspondence to compute the jet quenching parameter for N=4 Yang-Mills theory at nonzero R-charge densities. Using as dual supergravity backgrounds non-extremal rotating branes, we find that the presence of the R-charges generically enhances the jet quenching phenomenon. However, at fixed temperature, this enhancement might or might not be a monotonically increasing function of the R-charge density and depends on the number of independent angular momenta describing the solution. We perform our analysis for the canonical as well as for the grand canonical ensemble which give qualitatively similar results.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures; v3: clarifying comments added, references added, version to appear in JHE

    An Overview of Fluctuation and Correlation Results in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    A great deal of recent data on event-by-event fluctuation and correlation measurements has been released by several experiments at the SPS and RHIC. Recent results on charge fluctuations, balance functions in pseudorapidity, and average transverse momentum fluctuations will be reviewed. The results will be compared to various model predictions after examining contributions to each observable from known physics processes.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Ultra Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2004), Oakland, California, 11-17 Jan 2004. Submitted to J.Phys.

    Gut Microbiome Phenotypes Driven by Host Genetics Affect Arsenic Metabolism

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    Large individual differences in susceptibility to arsenic-induced diseases are well-documented and frequently associated with different patterns of arsenic metabolism. In this context, the role of the gut microbiome in directly metabolizing arsenic and triggering systemic responses in diverse organs raises the possibility that gut microbiome phenotypes affect the spectrum of metabolized arsenic species. However, it remains unclear how host genetics and the gut microbiome interact to affect the biotransformation of arsenic. Using an integrated approach combining 16S rRNA gene sequencing and HPLC-ICP-MS arsenic speciation, we demonstrate that IL-10 gene knockout leads to a significant taxonomic change of the gut microbiome, which in turn substantially affects arsenic metabolism.National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P30 ES010126)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS grant P30 ES002109)University of Georgia. College of Public Health (internal grant)University of Georgia (Faculty Research Grant (FRG)