204 research outputs found

    Special Geometry of Euclidean Supersymmetry III: the local r-map, instantons and black holes

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    We define and study projective special para-Kahler manifolds and show that they appear as target manifolds when reducing five-dimensional vector multiplets coupled to supergravity with respect to time. The dimensional reductions with respect to time and space are carried out in a uniform way using an epsilon-complex notation. We explain the relation of our formalism to other formalisms of special geometry used in the literature. In the second part of the paper we investigate instanton solutions and their dimensional lifting to black holes. We show that the instanton action, which can be defined after dualising axions into tensor fields, agrees with the ADM mass of the corresponding black hole. The relation between actions via Wick rotation, Hodge dualisation and analytic continuation of axions is discussed.Comment: 72 pages, 2 figure

    Non-extremal black holes from the generalised r-map

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    We review the timelike dimensional reduction of a class of five-dimensional theories that generalises 5D, N = 2 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets. As an application we construct instanton solutions to the four-dimensional Euclidean theory, and investigate the criteria for solutions to lift to static non-extremal black holes in five dimensions. We focus specifically on two classes of models: STU-like models, and models with a block diagonal target space metric. For STU-like models the second order equations of motion of the four-dimensional theory can be solved explicitly, and we obtain the general solution. For block diagonal models we find a restricted class of solutions, where the number of independent scalar fields depends on the number of blocks. When lifting these solutions to five dimensions we show, by explicit calculation, that one obtains static non-extremal black holes with scalar fields that take finite values on the horizon only if the number of integration constants reduces by exactly half.Comment: 22 pages. Based on talk by OV at "Black Objects in Supergravity School" (BOSS2011), INFN, Frascati, Italy, 9-13 May, 201

    Non-extremal Black Holes, Harmonic Functions, and Attractor Equations

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    We present a method which allows to deform extremal black hole solutions into non-extremal solutions, for a large class of supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric Einstein-Vector-Scalar type theories. The deformation is shown to be largely independent of the details of the matter sector. While the line element is dressed with an additional harmonic function, the attractor equations for the scalars remain unmodified in suitable coordinates, and the values of the scalar fields on the outer and inner horizon are obtained from their fixed point values by making specific substitutions for the charges. For a subclass of models, which includes the five-dimensional STU-model, we find explicit solutions.Comment: 33 page

    Type-II Calabi-Yau compactifications, T-duality and special geometry in general spacetime signature

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    We obtain the bosonic Lagrangians of vector and hypermultiplets coupled to four-dimensional N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supergravity in signatures (0,4)(0,4), (1,3)(1,3) and (2,2) by compactification of type-II string theories in signatures (0,10), (1,9) and (2,8) on a Calabi-Yau threefold. Depending on the signature and the distinctions between type-IIA/IIA^*/IIB/IIB^*/IIB' the resulting scalar geometries are special K\"ahler or special para-K\"ahler for vector multiplets and quaternion-K\"ahler or para-quaternion K\"ahler for hypermultiplets. By spacelike and timelike reductions we obtain three-dimensional N=4\mathcal{N}=4 supergravity theories coupled to two sets of hypermultiplets. We determine the c-maps relating vector to hypermultiplets, and show how the four-dimensional theories are related by spacelike, timelike and mixed, signature-changing T-dualities.Comment: 42 pages (including 10 page appendix), 14 tables, 2 figures. v2: LaTeX problem with arXiv identifiers fixe

    Black holes and black strings of N=2, d=5 supergravity in the H-FGK formalism

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    We study general classes and properties of extremal and non-extremal static black-hole solutions of N=2, d=5 supergravity coupled to vector multiplets using the recently proposed H-FGK formalism, which we also extend to static black strings. We explain how to determine the integration constants and physical parameters of the black-hole and black-string solutions. We derive some model-independent statements, including the transformation of non-extremal flow equations to the form of those for the extremal flow. We apply our methods to the construction of example solutions (among others a new extremal string solution of heterotic string theory on K_3 \times S^1). In the cases where we have calculated it explicitly, the product of areas of the inner and outer horizon of a non-extremal solution coincides with the square of the moduli-independent area of the horizon of the extremal solution with the same charges.Comment: 33 pages. Revised version: references added. No other change

    Particle dynamics near extreme Kerr throat and supersymmetry

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    The extreme Kerr throat solution is believed to be non-supersymmetric. However, its isometry group SO(2,1) x U(1) matches precisely the bosonic subgroup of N=2 superconformal group in one dimension. In this paper we construct N=2 supersymmetric extension of a massive particle moving near the horizon of the extreme Kerr black hole. Bosonic conserved charges are related to Killing vectors in a conventional way. Geometric interpretation of supersymmetry charges remains a challenge.Comment: V2: 10 pages; discussion in sect. 4 and 5 extended, acknowledgements and references adde

    The Kahler Cone as Cosmic Censor

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    M-theory effects prevent five-dimensional domain-wall and black-hole solutions from developing curvature singularities. While so far this analysis was performed for particular models, we now present a model-independent proof that these solutions do not have naked singularities as long as the Kahler moduli take values inside the extended Kahler cone. As a by-product we obtain information on the regularity of the Kahler-cone metric at boundaries of the Kahler cone and derive relations between the geometry of moduli space and space-time.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figure. Improved discussion of the relation between Kahler moduli and five-dimensional scalars. No changes in the conclusion

    The Hesse potential, the c-map and black hole solutions

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    We present a new formulation of the local c-map, which makes use of the real formulation of special Kahler geometry and the associated Hesse potential. As an application we use the temporal version of the c-map to derive the black hole attractor equations from geometric properties of the scalar manifold, and we construct various stationary solutions for four-dimensional vector multiplets by lifting instanton solutions of the time-reduced theory.Comment: 76 pages. Second revised version: substantial extension. Further references added and discussion extended. Construction of axion-free non-BPS extremal solutions for a class of non-homogeneous target spaces added. Accepted for publication in JHE

    Age-dependent Decrease in 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 (11β-HSD2) Activity in Hypertensive Patients

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    Background The prevalence of arterial hypertension lacking a defined underlying cause increases with age. Age-related arterial hypertension is insufficiently understood, yet known characteristics suggest an aldosterone-independent activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor. Therefore, we hypothesized that 11β-HSD2 activity is age-dependently impaired, resulting in a compromised intracellular inactivation of cortisol (F) with F-mediated mineralocorticoid hypertension. Methods Steroid hormone metabolites in 24-h urine samples of 165 consecutive hypertensive patients were analyzed for F and cortisone (E), and their TH-metabolites tetrahydro-F (THF), 5αTHF, TH-deoxycortisol (THS), and THE by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Apparent 11β-HSD2 and 11β-hydroxylase activity and excretion of F metabolites were assessed. Results In 72 female and 93 male patients aged 18-84 years, age correlated positively with the ratios of (THF + 5αTHF)/THE (P = 0.065) and F/E (P < 0.002) suggesting an age-dependent reduction in the apparent 11β-HSD2 activity, which persisted (F/E; P = 0.020) after excluding impaired renal function. Excretion of F metabolites remained age-independent most likely as a consequence of an age-dependent diminished apparent 11β-hydroxylase activity (P = 0.038). Conclusion Reduced 11β-HSD2 activity emerges as a previously unrecognized risk factor contributing to the rising prevalence of arterial hypertension in elderly. This opens new perspectives for targeted treatment of age-related hypertensio

    Extremal single-charge small black holes: Entropy function analysis

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    We study stretched horizons of the type AdS_2 x S^8 for certain spherically symmetric extremal small black holes in type IIA carrying only D0-brane charge making use of Sen's entropy function formalism for higher derivative gravity. A scaling argument is given to show that the entropy of this class of black holes for large charge behaves as \sqrt{|q|} where q is the electric charge. The leading order result arises from IIA string loop corrections. We find that for solutions to exist the force on a probe D0-brane has to vanish and we prove that this feature persists to all higher derivative orders. We comment on the nature of the extremum of these solutions and on the sub-leading corrections to the entropy. The entropy of other small black holes related by dualities to our case is also discussed.Comment: 19 pages, v2:typos corrected and references adde