7,965 research outputs found

    Separating Stimulus-Induced and Background Components of Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Naturalistic fMRI

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    We consider the challenges in extracting stimulus-related neural dynamics from other intrinsic processes and noise in naturalistic functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Most studies rely on inter-subject correlations (ISC) of low-level regional activity and neglect varying responses in individuals. We propose a novel, data-driven approach based on low-rank plus sparse (L+S) decomposition to isolate stimulus-driven dynamic changes in brain functional connectivity (FC) from the background noise, by exploiting shared network structure among subjects receiving the same naturalistic stimuli. The time-resolved multi-subject FC matrices are modeled as a sum of a low-rank component of correlated FC patterns across subjects, and a sparse component of subject-specific, idiosyncratic background activities. To recover the shared low-rank subspace, we introduce a fused version of principal component pursuit (PCP) by adding a fusion-type penalty on the differences between the columns of the low-rank matrix. The method improves the detection of stimulus-induced group-level homogeneity in the FC profile while capturing inter-subject variability. We develop an efficient algorithm via a linearized alternating direction method of multipliers to solve the fused-PCP. Simulations show accurate recovery by the fused-PCP even when a large fraction of FC edges are severely corrupted. When applied to natural fMRI data, our method reveals FC changes that were time-locked to auditory processing during movie watching, with dynamic engagement of sensorimotor systems for speech-in-noise. It also provides a better mapping to auditory content in the movie than ISC

    Recurrence-based time series analysis by means of complex network methods

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    Complex networks are an important paradigm of modern complex systems sciences which allows quantitatively assessing the structural properties of systems composed of different interacting entities. During the last years, intensive efforts have been spent on applying network-based concepts also for the analysis of dynamically relevant higher-order statistical properties of time series. Notably, many corresponding approaches are closely related with the concept of recurrence in phase space. In this paper, we review recent methodological advances in time series analysis based on complex networks, with a special emphasis on methods founded on recurrence plots. The potentials and limitations of the individual methods are discussed and illustrated for paradigmatic examples of dynamical systems as well as for real-world time series. Complex network measures are shown to provide information about structural features of dynamical systems that are complementary to those characterized by other methods of time series analysis and, hence, substantially enrich the knowledge gathered from other existing (linear as well as nonlinear) approaches.Comment: To be published in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2011

    The Role of Whey Acidic Protein Four-Disulfide-Core Proteins in Respiratory Health and Disease

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    Abstract Members of the whey acidic protein (WAP) or WAP four-disulfide-core (WFDC) family of proteins are a relatively under-explored family of low molecular weight proteins. The two most prominent WFDC proteins, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) and elafin (or the precursor, trappin-2), have been shown to possess multiple functions including anti-protease, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. It is therefore of no surprise that both SLPI and elafin/trappin-2 have been developed as potential therapeutics. Given the abundance of SLPI and elafin/trappin-2 in the human lung, most work in the area of WFDC research has focused on the role of WFDC proteins in protecting the lung from proteolytic attack. In this review, we will outline the current evidence regarding the expanding role of WFDC protein function with a focus on WFDC activity in lung disease as well as emerging data regarding the function of some of the more recently described WFDC proteins.</jats:p

    The success-index: an alternative approach to the h-index for evaluating an individual's research output

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    Among the most recent bibliometric indicators for normalizing the differences among fields of science in terms of citation behaviour, Kosmulski (J Informetr 5(3):481-485, 2011) proposed the NSP (number of successful paper) index. According to the authors, NSP deserves much attention for its great simplicity and immediate meaning— equivalent to those of the h-index—while it has the disadvantage of being prone to manipulation and not very efficient in terms of statistical significance. In the first part of the paper, we introduce the success-index, aimed at reducing the NSP-index's limitations, although requiring more computing effort. Next, we present a detailed analysis of the success-index from the point of view of its operational properties and a comparison with the h-index's ones. Particularly interesting is the examination of the success-index scale of measurement, which is much richer than the h-index's. This makes success-index much more versatile for different types of analysis—e.g., (cross-field) comparisons of the scientific output of (1) individual researchers, (2) researchers with different seniority, (3) research institutions of different size, (4) scientific journals, etc

    Adult Age Differences in Direct and Indirect Tests of Memory

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    Technologies for restricting mould growth on baled silage

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    End of project reportSilage is made on approximately 86% of Irish farms, and 85% of these make some baled silage. Baled silage is particularly important as the primary silage making, storage and feeding system on many beef and smaller sized farms, but is also employed as a secondary system (often associated with facilitating grazing management during mid-summer) on many dairy and larger sized farms (O’Kiely et al., 2002). Previous surveys on farms indicated that the extent of visible fungal growth on baled silage was sometimes quite large, and could be a cause for concern. Whereas some improvements could come from applying existing knowledge and technologies, the circumstances surrounding the making and storage of baled silage suggested that environmental conditions within the bale differed from those in conventional silos, and that further knowledge was required in order to arrive at a secure set of recommendations for baled silage systems. This report deals with the final in a series (O’Kiely et al., 1999; O’Kiely et al., 2002) of three consecutive research projects investigating numerous aspect of the science and technology of baled silage. The success of each depended on extensive, integrated collaboration between the Teagasc research centres at Grange and Oak Park, and with University College Dublin. As the series progressed the multidisciplinary team needed to underpin the programme expanded, and this greatly improved the amount and detail of the research undertaken. The major objective of the project recorded in this report was to develop technologies to improve the “hygienic value” of baled silage

    Elastic energy of polyhedral bilayer vesicles

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    In recent experiments [M. Dubois, B. Dem\'e, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, J.-C. Dedieu, C. Vautrin, S. D\'esert, E. Perez, and T. Zemb, Nature (London) Vol. 411, 672 (2001)] the spontaneous formation of hollow bilayer vesicles with polyhedral symmetry has been observed. On the basis of the experimental phenomenology it was suggested [M. Dubois, V. Lizunov, A. Meister, T. Gulik-Krzywicki, J. M. Verbavatz, E. Perez, J. Zimmerberg, and T. Zemb, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. Vol. 101, 15082 (2004)] that the mechanism for the formation of bilayer polyhedra is minimization of elastic bending energy. Motivated by these experiments, we study the elastic bending energy of polyhedral bilayer vesicles. In agreement with experiments, and provided that excess amphiphiles exhibiting spontaneous curvature are present in sufficient quantity, we find that polyhedral bilayer vesicles can indeed be energetically favorable compared to spherical bilayer vesicles. Consistent with experimental observations we also find that the bending energy associated with the vertices of bilayer polyhedra can be locally reduced through the formation of pores. However, the stabilization of polyhedral bilayer vesicles over spherical bilayer vesicles relies crucially on molecular segregation of excess amphiphiles along the ridges rather than the vertices of bilayer polyhedra. Furthermore, our analysis implies that, contrary to what has been suggested on the basis of experiments, the icosahedron does not minimize elastic bending energy among arbitrary polyhedral shapes and sizes. Instead, we find that, for large polyhedron sizes, the snub dodecahedron and the snub cube both have lower total bending energies than the icosahedron

    Why We Conform

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    Are humans fundamentally helpful, or does coercion inevitably come with altruism? Julia Fischer examines this question in her review of Michael Tomasello's new book, Why We Cooperate

    Peculiar Motions in the Region of the Ursa Major Supercluster of Galaxies

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    We have investigated the peculiar motions of clusters of galaxies in the Ursa Major (UMa) supercluster and its neighborhood. Based on SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) data, we have compiled a sample of early-type galaxies and used their fundamental plane to determine the cluster distances and peculiar velocities. The samples of early-type galaxies in the central regions (within R_200) of 12 UMa clusters of galaxies, in three main subsystems of the supercluster -- the filamentary structures connecting the clusters, and in nine clusters from the nearest UMa neighborhood have similar parameters. The fairly high overdensity (3 by the galaxy number and 15 by the cluster number) suggests that the supercluster as a whole is gravitationally bound, while no significant peculiar motions have been found: the peculiar velocities do not exceed the measurement errors by more than a factor of 1.5-2. The mean random peculiar velocities of clusters and the systematic deviations from the overall Hubble expansion in the supercluster are consistent with theoretical estimates. For the possible approach of the three UMa subsystems to be confirmed, the measurement accuracy must be increased by a factor of 2-3.Comment: 21 pages, 4 tables, 7 figure

    Propagation Effectiveness of the Surrogator for Northern Bobwhites in Southern Texas

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    Attempts to restore populations of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) using pen-raised quail have been documented since the early 1900s. Low restoration success, based on low post-release survival rates and long distance dispersal from release sites, have proven the ineffectiveness of pen-raised quail in restoration of wild populations. The Surrogatort, a recent quail propagation tool using pen-raised quail, has been publicized as a method for increasing success rates in restoration of northern bobwhite populations by producing higher post-release survival and minimal dispersal. We tested the hypothesis that the Surrogatort is an effective means of supplementing populations of northern bobwhites in southern Texas. We raised 1,000 northern bobwhites in 2 Surrogators and conducted 2 trials in 2010 on a 990-ha ranch in Wilson County, Texas. Twenty northern bobwhites from each Surrogator were fitted with radio transmitters 12 hrs before release. We attempted to locate each bird daily for 3 weeks upon release from Surrogators followed by a reduced effort of 3 times per week until 100% mortality. Daily survival rates were low in Trial 1 (Surrogator A 1⁄4 0.87 and Surrogator B 1⁄4 0.96) and Trial 2 (Surrogator A 1⁄4 0.83 and Surrogator B 1⁄4 0.87). Mean distances traveled by post-released birds for Trial 1 were 401 and 1,416 m for Surrogators A and B, respectively. The Surrogator is not an effective means of restoring wild populations of northern bobwhites in southern Texas