11,823 research outputs found

    Total destruction of invariant tori for the generalized Frenkel-Kontorova model

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    We consider generalized Frenkel-Kontorova models on higher dimensional lattices. We show that the invariant tori which are parameterized by continuous hull functions can be destroyed by small perturbations in the CrC^r topology with r<1r<1

    Optical Dielectric Functions of III-V Semiconductors in Wurtzite Phase

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    Optical properties of semiconductors can exhibit strong polarization dependence due to crystalline anisotropy. A number of recent experiments have shown that the photoluminescence intensity in free standing nanowires is polarization dependent. One contribution to this effect is the anisotropy of the dielectric function due to the fact that most nanowires crystalize in the wurtzite form. While little is known experimentally about the band structures wurtzite phase III-V semiconductors, we have previously predicted the bulk band structure of nine III-V semiconductors in wurtzite phase.Here, we predict the frequency dependent dielectric functions for nine non-Nitride wurtzite phase III-V semiconductors (AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs and InSb). Their complex dielectric functions are calculated in the dipole approximation by evaluating the momentum matrix elements on a dense grid of special k-points using empirical pseudopotential wave functions. Corrections to the momentum matrix elements accounting for the missing core states are made using a scaling factor which is determined by using the optical sum rules on the calculated dielectric functions for the zincblende polytypes. The dielectric function is calculated for polarizations perpendicular and parallel to the c-axis of the crystal

    Predicted band structures of III-V semiconductors in wurtzite phase

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    While non-nitride III-V semiconductors typically have a zincblende structure, they may also form wurtzite crystals under pressure or when grown as nanowhiskers. This makes electronic structure calculation difficult since the band structures of wurtzite III-V semiconductors are poorly characterized. We have calculated the electronic band structure for nine III-V semiconductors in the wurtzite phase using transferable empirical pseudopotentials including spin-orbit coupling. We find that all the materials have direct gaps. Our results differ significantly from earlier {\it ab initio} calculations, and where experimental results are available (InP, InAs and GaAs) our calculated band gaps are in good agreement. We tabulate energies, effective masses, and linear and cubic Dresselhaus zero-field spin-splitting coefficients for the zone-center states. The large zero-field spin-splitting coefficients we find may lead to new functionalities for designing devices that manipulate spin degrees of freedom

    The effect of clouds on the earth's radiation balance

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    The effect of global cloudiness on the radiation balance at the top of the atmosphere is studied in general circulation model experiments. Wintertime simulations were conducted with clouds that had realistic optical properties, and were compared with simulations in which the clouds were transparent to either solar or thermal radiation. Clouds increase the net balance by limiting longwave loss to space, but decrease it by reflecting solar radiation. It is found that the net result of cloudiness is to maintain net radiation which is less than would be realized under clear conditions: Clouds cause the net radiation at the top of the atmosphere to increase due to longwave absorption, but to decrease even more due to cloud reflectance of solar radiation

    Towards an optical potential for rare-earths through coupled channels

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    The coupled-channel theory is a natural way of treating nonelastic channels, in particular those arising from collective excitations, defined by nuclear deformations. Proper treatment of such excitations is often essential to the accurate description of reaction experimental data. Previous works have applied different models to specific nuclei with the purpose of determining angular-integrated cross sections. In this work, we present an extensive study of the effects of collective couplings and nuclear deformations on integrated cross sections as well as on angular distributions in a consistent manner for neutron-induced reactions on nuclei in the rare-earth region. This specific subset of the nuclide chart was chosen precisely because of a clear static deformation pattern. We analyze the convergence of the coupled-channel calculations regarding the number of states being explicitly coupled. Inspired by the work done by Dietrich \emph{et al.}, a model for deforming the spherical Koning-Delaroche optical potential as function of quadrupole and hexadecupole deformations is also proposed. We demonstrate that the obtained results of calculations for total, elastic and inelastic cross sections, as well as elastic and inelastic angular distributions correspond to a remarkably good agreement with experimental data for scattering energies above around a few MeV.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to the proceedings of the XXXVI Reuni\~ao de Trabalho de F\'{\i}sica Nuclear no Brasil (XXXVI Brazilian Workshop on Nuclear Physics), held in Maresias, S\~ao Paulo, Brazil in September 2013, which should be published on AIP Conference Proceeding Series. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1311.1115, arXiv:1311.042

    Infinite index extensions of local nets and defects

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    Subfactor theory provides a tool to analyze and construct extensions of Quantum Field Theories, once the latter are formulated as local nets of von Neumann algebras. We generalize some of the results of [LR95] to the case of extensions with infinite Jones index. This case naturally arises in physics, the canonical examples are given by global gauge theories with respect to a compact (non-finite) group of internal symmetries. Building on the works of Izumi, Longo, Popa [ILP98] and Fidaleo, Isola [FI99], we consider generalized Q-systems (of intertwiners) for a semidiscrete inclusion of properly infinite von Neumann algebras, which generalize ordinary Q-systems introduced by Longo [Lon94] to the infinite index case. We characterize inclusions which admit generalized Q-systems of intertwiners and define a braided product among the latter, hence we construct examples of QFTs with defects (phase boundaries) of infinite index, extending the family of boundaries in the grasp of [BKLR16].Comment: 50 page

    Impact of ultrafast electronic damage in single particle x-ray imaging experiments

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    In single particle coherent x-ray diffraction imaging experiments, performed at x-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs), samples are exposed to intense x-ray pulses to obtain single-shot diffraction patterns. The high intensity induces electronic dynamics on the femtosecond time scale in the system, which can reduce the contrast of the obtained diffraction patterns and adds an isotropic background. We quantify the degradation of the diffraction pattern from ultrafast electronic damage by performing simulations on a biological sample exposed to x-ray pulses with different parameters. We find that the contrast is substantially reduced and the background is considerably strong only if almost all electrons are removed from their parent atoms. This happens at fluences of at least one order of magnitude larger than provided at currently available XFEL sources.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures submitted to PR

    Primary cell uses neither liquid nor fused electrolytes

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    Dry, solid state primary battery cell establishes an electrode reaction by a charge transfer mechanism without liquid phase ionization of electrolyte compounds. The charge transfer complex is sufficiently conductive to permit the passage of useful current

    Electronic states in heterostructures formed by ultranarrow layers

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    Low-energy electronic states in heterosrtuctures formed by ultranarrow layer (single or several monolayers thickness) are studied theoretically. The host material is described within the effective mass approximation and effect of ultranarrow layers is taken into account within the framework of the transfer matrix approach. Using the current conservation requirement and the inversion symmetry of ultranarrow layer, the transfer matrix is written through two phenomenological parameters. The binding energy of localized state, the reflection (transmission) coefficient for the single ultranarrow layer case, and the energy spectrum of superlattice are determined by these parameters. Spectral dependency of absorption in superlattice due to photoexcitation of electrons from localized states into minibands is strongly dependent on the ultranarrow layers characteristics. Such a dependency can be used for verification of the transfer matrix parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
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