1,308 research outputs found

    Linear and nonlinear resonant interaction of sound waves in dissipative layers

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    The theory of resonant nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in dissipative steady plasmas developed by Ballai and Erdélyi is used to study the effect of steady flows on nonlinear resonant heating of MHD waves in (a) linear, (b) weakly and (c) strongly nonlinear approximations. Nonlinear connection formulae for slow MHD waves are derived. This nonlinear theory of driven MHD waves is then used to study the interaction of sound waves with one-dimensional isotropic steady plasmas. We find that a steady equilibrium flow can significantly influence the efficiency of resonant absorption in the considered limits. In the case of strong nonlinearity, the efficiency of the resonant coupling is found to be proportional to the counterpart obtained in linear theory. The factor of proportion is approximately of the order of unity, justifying the commonly applied linear approximations

    Nonlinear theory of non-axisymmetric resonant slow waves in straight magnetic flux tubes

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    Nonlinear resonant slow magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are studied in weakly dissipative isotropic plasmas for a cylindrical equilibrium model. The equilibrium magnetic field lines are unidirectional and parallel with the z axis. The nonlinear governing equations for resonant slow magnetoacoustic (SMA) waves are derived. Using the method of matched asymptotic expansions inside and outside the narrow dissipative layer, we generalize the connection formulae for the Eulerian perturbation of the total pressure and for the normal component of the velocity. These nonlinear connection formulae in dissipative cylindrical MHD are an important extention of the connection formulae obtained in linear ideal MHD [Sakurai et al., Solar Phys. 133, 227 (1991)], linear dissipative MHD [Goossens et al., Solar Phys. 175, 75 (1995); Erdélyi, Solar Phys. 171, 49 (1997)] and in nonlinear dissipative MHD derived in slab geometry [Ruderman et al., Phys. Plasmas4, 75 (1997)]. These generalized connection formulae enable us to connect the solutions at both sides of the dissipative layer without solving the MHD equations in the dissipative layer. We also show that the nonlinear interaction of harmonics in the dissipative layer is responsible for generating a parallel mean flow outside the dissipative layer

    Chebyshev constants for the unit circle

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    It is proven that for any system of n points z_1, ..., z_n on the (complex) unit circle, there exists another point z of norm 1, such that 1/zzk2n2/4.\sum 1/|z-z_k|^2 \leq n^2/4. Equality holds iff the point system is a rotated copy of the nth unit roots. Two proofs are presented: one uses a characterisation of equioscillating rational functions, while the other is based on Bernstein's inequality.Comment: 11 page

    Torsional Alfvén waves: magneto-seismology in static and dynamic coronal plasmas

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    Aims: We study the properties of torsional Alfvén waves in coronal loops so that they may be exploited for coronal seismological applications. Methods: The governing equation is obtained for standing torsional Alfvén waves of a dynamic, gravitationally stratified plasma. The footpoints are assumed to obey line-tying conditions necessary for standing oscillations. Solutions are found in a number of different but typical scenarios to demonstrate the possibilities for both temporal and spatial magneto-seismology exploitation of waveguides with the standing torsional Alfvén oscillations. Results: It is found that the frequency of the standing Alfvén oscillation increases as the stratification of the plasma increases. The ratio of the periods of the fundamental modeand the first overtone is also found to change as the stratification of the plasma increases. Further, the eigenfunctions of the higher overtones of the standing oscillations are found to experience a shift of their anti-nodes. The influence of a dynamic plasma on the amplitudes of the mode is also investigated. The amplitude of the torsional Alfvén mode is found to increase as the plasma within the coronal loop experiences cooling

    Defining integrals over connections in the discretized gravitational functional integral

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    Integration over connection type variables in the path integral for the discrete form of the first order formulation of general relativity theory is studied. The result (a generalized function of the rest of variables of the type of tetrad or elementary areas) can be defined through its moments, i. e. integrals of it with the area tensor monomials. In our previous paper these moments have been defined by deforming integration contours in the complex plane as if we had passed to an Euclidean-like region. In the present paper we define and evaluate the moments in the genuine Minkowsky region. The distribution of interest resulting from these moments in this non-positively defined region contains the divergences. We prove that the latter contribute only to the singular (\dfun like) part of this distribution with support in the non-physical region of the complex plane of area tensors while in the physical region this distribution (usual function) confirms that defined in our previous paper which decays exponentially at large areas. Besides that, we evaluate the basic integrals over which the integral over connections in the general path integral can be expanded.Comment: 18 page

    Dam Rain and Cumulative Gain

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    We consider a financial contract that delivers a single cash flow given by the terminal value of a cumulative gains process. The problem of modelling and pricing such an asset and associated derivatives is important, for example, in the determination of optimal insurance claims reserve policies, and in the pricing of reinsurance contracts. In the insurance setting, the aggregate claims play the role of the cumulative gains, and the terminal cash flow represents the totality of the claims payable for the given accounting period. A similar example arises when we consider the accumulation of losses in a credit portfolio, and value a contract that pays an amount equal to the totality of the losses over a given time interval. An explicit expression for the value process is obtained. The price of an Arrow-Debreu security on the cumulative gains process is determined, and is used to obtain a closed-form expression for the price of a European-style option on the value of the asset. The results obtained make use of various remarkable properties of the gamma bridge process, and are applicable to a wide variety of financial products based on cumulative gains processes such as aggregate claims, credit portfolio losses, defined-benefit pension schemes, emissions, and rainfall.Comment: 25 Pages, 1 Figur

    Perturbation approach to multifractal dimensions for certain critical random matrix ensembles

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    Fractal dimensions of eigenfunctions for various critical random matrix ensembles are investigated in perturbation series in the regimes of strong and weak multifractality. In both regimes we obtain expressions similar to those of the critical banded random matrix ensemble extensively discussed in the literature. For certain ensembles, the leading-order term for weak multifractality can be calculated within standard perturbation theory. For other models such a direct approach requires modifications which are briefly discussed. Our analytical formulas are in good agreement with numerical calculations.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    A new basis for eigenmodes on the Sphere

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    The usual spherical harmonics YmY_{\ell m} form a basis of the vector space V{\cal V} ^{\ell} (of dimension 2+12\ell+1) of the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the sphere, with eigenvalue λ= (+1)\lambda_{\ell} = -\ell ~(\ell +1). Here we show the existence of a different basis Φj\Phi ^{\ell}_j for V{\cal V} ^{\ell}, where Φj(X)(XNj)\Phi ^{\ell}_j(X) \equiv (X \cdot N_j)^{\ell}, the th\ell ^{th} power of the scalar product of the current point with a specific null vector NjN_j. We give explicitly the transformation properties between the two bases. The simplicity of calculations in the new basis allows easy manipulations of the harmonic functions. In particular, we express the transformation rules for the new basis, under any isometry of the sphere. The development of the usual harmonics YmY_{\ell m} into thee new basis (and back) allows to derive new properties for the YmY_{\ell m}. In particular, this leads to a new relation for the YmY_{\ell m}, which is a finite version of the well known integral representation formula. It provides also new development formulae for the Legendre polynomials and for the special Legendre functions.Comment: 6 pages, no figure; new version: shorter demonstrations; new references; as will appear in Journal of Physics A. Journal of Physics A, in pres

    Magneto-seismology of solar atmospheric loops by means of longitudinal oscillations

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    There is increasingly strong observational evidence that slow magnetoacoustic modes arise in the solar atmosphere. Solar magneto-seismology is a novel tool to derive otherwise directly un-measurable properties of the solar atmosphere when magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave theory is compared to wave observations. Here, MHD wave theory is further developed illustrating how information about the magnetic and density structure along coronal loops can be determined by measuring the frequencies of the slow MHD oscillations. The application to observations of slow magnetoacoustic waves in coronal loops is discused.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of IAU Symp 286, Comparative Magnetic Minima, C. H. Mandrini, ed

    The effects of twisted magnetic field on coronal loops oscillations and dissipation

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    The standing MHD modes in a zero-β\beta cylindrical magnetic flux tube modelled as a straight core surrounded by a magnetically twisted annulus, both embedded in a straight ambient external field is considered. The dispersion relation for the fast MHD waves is derived and solved numerically to obtain the frequencies of both the kink (m=1m=1), and fluting (m=2,3m=2,3) waves. Damping rates due to both viscous and resistive dissipations in presence of the twisted magnetic field is derived and solved numerically for both the kink and fluting waves.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure