20 research outputs found

    Chaotic properties of an FIR filtered H\'enon map

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    When chaotic signals are used in practical communication systems, it is essential to control and eventually limit the spectral bandwidth occupied by these signals. One way to achieve this goal is to insert a discrete-time filter into a nonlinear map that generates chaotic signals. However, this can completely change the dynamic properties of the original map. Considering this situation, this paper presents a series of numerical experiments aimed at obtaining the Lyapunov exponents of the signals generated by the two-dimensional H\'enon map with a set of prototypical finite impulse response (FIR) filters added in the feedback loop. Our results show that the number of filter coefficients and the location of the zeros have a significant and complex impact on the behavior of the generated signals. Therefore, FIR filters should be carefully designed to preserve or suppress chaos in practical applications.Comment: Published at Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (Elsevier) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cnsns.2024.10784

    Route to chaos in a third-order phase-locked loop network

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    a b s t r a c t Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are widely used in applications related to control systems and telecommunication networks. Here we show that a single-chain master-slave network of third-order PLLs can exhibit stationary, periodic and chaotic behaviors, when the value of a single parameter is varied. Hopf, period-doubling and saddle-saddle bifurcations are found. Chaos appears in dissipative and non-dissipative conditions. Thus, chaotic behaviors with distinct dynamical features can be generated. A way of encoding binary messages using such a chaos-based communication system is suggested

    Spectral properties of chaotic signals generated by the skew tent map

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    Chaotic signals have been considered potentially attractive in many signal processing applications ranging from wideband communication systems to cryptography and watermarking. Besides, some devices as nonlinear adaptive filters and phase-locked loops can present chaotic behavior. In this paper, we derive analytical expressions for the autocorrelation sequence, power spectral density and essential bandwidth of chaotic signals generated by the skew tent map. From these results, we suggest possible applications in communication systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.MackpesquisaCAPESCNP

    Using An Evolutionary Denoising Approach To Improve The Robustness Of Chaotic Synchronization

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    Chaotic synchronization in master-slave networks has been extensively studied in the last years, with a relevant impact in application domains like communication systems and the modeling of neuronal and other biomedical signals and systems. Many recent papers have shown that chaotic synchronization is easily lost when there is additive noise in the link between master and slave. This lack of robustness can simply derail the use of chaos-based communication systems in non-ideal environments. In the present work we employ a bio-inspired optimization technique to increase the signal-to-noise-ratio of the chaotic signal that arrives in the slave node of a master-slave discrete-time network and we show that this technique can improve the robustness of the chaotic synchronization to noise. © 2012 IFAC.3539Asociacion de Mexico de Control Automatico (AMCA),IFAC TC Adaptive and Learning Systems,Division de Matematicas Aplicadas at IPICyT (DMAp-IPICYT)Agarwal, R.P., (1992) Difference Equations and Inequalities: Theory, Methods, and Applications, , M. Dekker, New YorkBaptista, M.S., Macau, E.E., Grebogi, C., Lai, Y.C., Rosa, E., Integrated chaotic communication scheme (2000) Phys. Rev. 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    Chaos in optimal communication waveforms

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