841 research outputs found

    Automatic assembly design project 1968/9 :|breport of economic planning committee

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    Investigations into automatic assembly systems have been carried out. The conclusions show the major features to be considered by a company operating the machine to assemble the contact block with regard to machine output and financial aspects. The machine system has been shown to be economically viable for use under suitable conditions, but the contact block is considered to be unsuitable for automatic assembly. Data for machine specification, reliability and maintenance has been provided

    Sensitivity of Prescribing High-Intensity, Interval Training Using the Critical Power Concept

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 8(3): 202-212, 2015. The critical power (CP) concept enables the calculation of time to exhaustion (tLIM) for a given power output above CP using the equation of tLIM = Wā€™/(power ā€“ CP), where Wā€™ is the curvature constant, and CP is the asymptote for the power-tLIM relationship. The CP concept offers great promise for prescribing high-intensity interval training (HIIT); however, knowledge on the conceptā€™s sensitivity is lacking (i.e., how much of a difference in Wā€™ expenditure is needed to evoke different metabolic responses). We tested if two different power-tLIM configurations expending identical proportions of Wā€™ would evoke different end-exercise oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate (HR) values. Five men and five women completed a graded exercise test, 3-min all-out exercise tests, and intervals prescribed to deplete either 70 or 80% of Wā€™ on separate visits. Consistency statistics of intraclass correlation (ICC a), standard error of measure (SEM), and coefficient of variation (CV) were calculated on end-exercise values. End-exercise VO2 were similar for the 3.5- and 5-min bouts, depleting 70% of Wā€™ (ICC a = 0.91, SEM = 3.23 mLĀ·kg-1Ā·min-1, CV = 8.1%) and similar for the 4- and 5-min bouts, depleting 80% of Wā€™ (ICC a = 0.95, SEM = 2.34 mLĀ·kg-1Ā·min-1, CV = 8.1%). No VO2 differences were observed between trials or conditions (p = 0.58). Similarly, HR values (~181 bĀ·min-1) did not differ between trials or conditions (p = 0.45). Use of the CP concept for HIIT prescriptions of different power-tLIM configurations evokes similar end-exercise VO2 values on a given day. Our findings indicate that \u3e10% Wā€™ depletion is necessary to evoke different metabolic responses to HIIT

    Spatting restricts ankle motion more effectively than taping during exercise

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    Ankle injuries, via plantarflexion (PF) and inversion, are commonplace today. To reduce ankle injuries, restrictive appliances such as taping and bracing have been employed. These appliances, however, have the disadvantage of potentially loosening considerably with mild activity. Spattingā€”applying tape over the shoe and sockā€”has been suggested as a viable alternative, yet its efficacy has not been researched widely. We examined the effects of taping or spatting the ankles on 17 men (age = 20.7 Ā± 2.1 years; height = 185.7 Ā± 5.7 cm; mass = 93.6 Ā± 16.2 kg) before, during, and after 60 minutes of exercise involving multi-directional activity. Active range of motion (ROM) for PF and inversion was measured via goniometry for each subject\u27s dominant leg to establish baseline values. ROM was measured after the appliances were applied, then following a five-minute warm-up period, and after each of three, 20-minute exercise periods. The subjects also completed a 5-item, 5-point Likert-type scale survey regarding their perceptions of each ankle appliance with respect to comfort, effectiveness, and protective ability. Separate, two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures were used to assess differences in PF and inversion ROM relative to time. A series of Wilcoxon tests were used to assess the Likert-type scale survey. In comparison to spatting, taping loosened by ~5Ā° for PF at 40 minutes and by ~3Ā° for inversion at 20 minutes (both significant interactions, p \u3c 0.01). Thus indicating that spatting is more restrictive than taping after 20 minutes of exercise. Interestingly, taping was perceived as more comfortable than spatting (Z = 2.03, p = 0.04); nonetheless, the perceived protection along with the perceived ability to move before, during, and after exercise was rated similarly between the appliances (p \u3e 0.05). Despite an advantage of restricting PF and inversion during exercise with spatting, it is not known if the loss of tape-skin contact underscores the potential benefits associated with the neuromuscular reactivity that have been reported with taping. Additional research is needed to clarify this issue

    An intracellular motif of GLUT4 regulates fusion of GLUT4-containing vesicles

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insulin stimulates glucose uptake by adipocytes through increasing translocation of the glucose transporter GLUT4 from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane. Fusion of GLUT4-containing vesicles at the cell surface is thought to involve phospholipase D activity, generating the signalling lipid phosphatidic acid, although the mechanism of action is not yet clear.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report the identification of a putative phosphatidic acid-binding motif in a GLUT4 intracellular loop. Mutation of this motif causes a decrease in the insulin-induced exposure of GLUT4 at the cell surface of 3T3-L1 adipocytes via an effect on vesicle fusion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The potential phosphatidic acid-binding motif identified in this study is unique to GLUT4 among the sugar transporters, therefore this motif may provide a unique mechanism for regulating insulin-induced translocation by phospholipase D signalling.</p

    Multi-label classification using ensembles of pruned sets

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    This paper presents a Pruned Sets method (PS) for multi-label classification. It is centred on the concept of treating sets of labels as single labels. This allows the classification process to inherently take into account correlations between labels. By pruning these sets, PS focuses only on the most important correlations, which reduces complexity and improves accuracy. By combining pruned sets in an ensemble scheme (EPS), new label sets can be formed to adapt to irregular or complex data. The results from experimental evaluation on a variety of multi-label datasets show that [E]PS can achieve better performance and train much faster than other multi-label methods

    Searching for New Physics Through AMO Precision Measurements

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    We briefly review recent experiments in atomic, molecular, and optical physics using precision measurements to search for physics beyond the Standard Model. We consider three main categories of experiments: searches for changes in fundamental constants, measurements of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, and searches for an electric dipole moment of the electron.Comment: Prepared for Comments on AMO Physics at Physica Script

    A procedure for the change point problem in parametric models based on phi-divergence test-statistics

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    This paper studies the change point problem for a general parametric, univariate or multivariate family of distributions. An information theoretic procedure is developed which is based on general divergence measures for testing the hypothesis of the existence of a change. For comparing the accuracy of the new test-statistic a simulation study is performed for the special case of a univariate discrete model. Finally, the procedure proposed in this paper is illustrated through a classical change-point example
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