1,352 research outputs found

    Nanoindentation-induced deformation of Ge

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    The deformation mechanisms of crystalline (100) Ge were studied using nanoindentation, cross sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) and Raman microspectroscopy. For a wide range of indentation conditions using both spherical and pointed indenters, multiple discontinuities were found in the force–displacement curves on loading, but no discontinuities were found on unloading. Raman microspectroscopy, measured from samples which had plastically deformed on loading, showed a spectrum shift from that in pristine Ge, suggesting only residual strain. No evidence (such as extra Raman bands) was found to suggest that any pressure-induced phase transformations had occurred, despite the fact that the material had undergone severe plastic deformation.Selected area diffraction pattern studies of the mechanically damaged regions also confirmed the absence of additional phases. Moreover, XTEM showed that, at low loads, plastic deformation occurs by twinning and dislocation motion. This indicates that the hardness of Gemeasured by indentation is not primarily dominated by phase transformation, rather by the nucleation and propagation of twin bands and/or dislocations

    The Role of Larval Dispersal in Metapopulation Gene Flow: Local Population Dynamics Matter

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    The degree of genetic connectivity among populations in a metapopulation has direct consequences for species evolution, development of disease resistance, and capacity of a metapopulation to adapt to climate change. This study used a metapopulation model that integrates population dynamics, dispersal, and genetics within an individual-based model framework to examine the mechanisms and dynamics of genetic connectivity within a metapopulation. The model was parameterized to simulate four populations of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) from Delaware Bay on the mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. Differences among the four populations include a strong spatial gradient in mortality, a spatial gradient in growth rates, and uneven population abundances. Simulations demonstrated a large difference in the magnitude of neutral allele transfer with changes in population abundance and mortality (on average between 14 and 25% depending on source population), whereas changes in larval dispersal were not effective in altering genetic connectivity (on average between 1 and 8%). Simulations also demonstrated large temporal changes in metapopulation genetic connectivity including shifts in genetic sources and sinks occurring between two regimes, the 1970s and 2000s. Although larval dispersal in a sessile marine population is the mechanism for gene transfer among populations, these simulations demonstrate the importance of local dynamics and characteristics of the adult component of the populations in the flow of neutral alleles within a metapopulation. In particular, differential adult mortality rates among populations exert a controlling influence on dispersal of alleles, an outcome of latent consequence for management of marine populations

    Outcomes of Asymmetric Selection Pressure and Larval Dispersal on Evolution of Disease Resistance: A Metapopulation Modeling Study With Oysters

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    Marine diseases are a strong selective force that can have important economic and ecological consequences. Larval dispersal patterns, selective mortality and individual growth rates can modulate metapopulation responses to disease pressure. Here, we use a modeling framework that includes distinct populations, connected via larval transport, with varying disease selection pressure and connectivity to examine how these dynamics enhance or inhibit the evolution of disease resistance in metapopulations. Our system, oysters and MSX disease, is one in which disease resistance is highly and demonstrably heritable. Simulations show that under conditions of population isolation (i.e. local retention of larvae) and strong disease selection, populations rapidly evolve genetic disease resistance. Varying the patterns of larval dispersal alone doubles the time for evolution of disease resistance. Spatially varying disease in the absence of larval dispersal leaves some populations unable to respond to the disease, whereas adding larval dispersal slows the response of populations under strong selection and speeds the response in populations under low selection when fitness is based on relatively limited genetic structure (‘juvenile fitness’ in our simulations). Under spatially variable disease pressure, larval dispersal generates a fourfold greater variance in fitness outcomes across the dispersal patterns tested. In a metapopulation, populations experiencing lower selection pressure will tend to slow the development of other, more heavily selected populations. This suggests that conservation efforts aimed at improving overall metapopulation resistance in the face of marine diseases should target those populations under modest or high disease pressure, rather than protecting those experiencing low selective pressure

    Bivalve Molluscs: Barometers of Climate Change in Arctic Marine Systems

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    Bivalve mollusks store a complete history of their life in the growth lines in their valves. Through sclerochronology, in combination with isotope signatures, it is possible to reconstruct both post-recruitment growth history at the individual level and commensurate environmental records of temperature and salinity. Growth patterns are integrators of local primary productivity; spatial and temporal changes in growth illustrate commensurate patterns of food availability. Mactrid clams are long-lived, benthic dominant species found on inner continental shelves throughout the Northern Hemisphere where they variously support major fisheries (Spisula solidissima in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, Mactromeris polynyma in eastern Canada, Spisula sachalinensis in Japan) and recreational fisheries (Mactromeris polynyma in Alaska), and serve as dietary items for charismatic species such as bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) and walrus Odobenus rosmarus divergens). Ongoing studies, employing sophisticated adult growth and larval dispersal models of the response of Spisula solidissima to climate change in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, suggest the general use of mactrids as barometers of climate change over broader geographic footprints. Mactromeris polynyma is a candidate species for shallow arctic marine systems, having a pan-arctic distribution from the Gulf of Maine in the Atlantic to the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska in the northern Pacific. The longevity of extant individuals (≤25 years) provides opportunity for detailed reconstruction of the benthic environment and food regimes at the decadal level.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/vimsbooks/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Phase transformations induced in relaxed amorphous silicon by indentation at room temperature

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    The deformation behavior of self-ion-implanted amorphous-Si (a-Si) has been studied using spherical nanoindentation in both relaxed (annealed) and unrelaxed (as-implanted) a-Si. Interestingly, phase transformations were clearly observed in the relaxed state, with the load–unload curves from these samples displaying characteristic discontinuities and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy images indicating the presence of high-pressure crystalline phases Si-III and Si-XII following pressure release. Thus, an amorphous to crystalline phase transformation has been induced by indentation at room temperature. In contrast, no evidence of a phase transformation was observed in unrelaxed a-Si, which appeared to deform via plastic flow of the amorphous phase. Furthermore, in situ electrical measurements clearly indicate the presence of a metallic Si phase during loading of relaxed a-Si but no such behavior was observed for unrelaxed a-S

    Phase transformations induced in relaxed amorphous silicon by indentation at room temperature

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    The deformation behavior of self-ion-implanted amorphous-Si (a-Si) has been studied using spherical nanoindentation in both relaxed (annealed) and unrelaxed (as-implanted) a-Si. Interestingly, phase transformations were clearly observed in the relaxed state, with the load–unload curves from these samples displaying characteristic discontinuities and cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy images indicating the presence of high-pressure crystalline phases Si-III and Si-XII following pressure release. Thus, an amorphous to crystalline phase transformation has been induced by indentation at room temperature. In contrast, no evidence of a phase transformation was observed in unrelaxed a-Si, which appeared to deform via plastic flow of the amorphous phase. Furthermore, in situ electrical measurements clearly indicate the presence of a metallic Si phase during loading of relaxed a-Si but no such behavior was observed for unrelaxed a-Si

    Rate-dependent phase transformations in nanoindented germanium

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    There is considerable controversy over the deformation behavior of germanium(Ge) under nanoindentation using a sharp diamond tip, with a diverse range of observations that suggest competing mechanisms. Here we show the deformation mechanism of Ge can be controlled by the rate of applied load. Loading rate is varied over three orders of magnitude using depth-sensing nanoindentation. At slow loading rates, shear-induced plasticity is observed. At rapid loading rates (>100 mN s¯¹), pressure-induced phase transformations are detected by ex situ micro-Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. This switch in the deformation mechanism is due to the differing rate sensitivities of the respective deformation modes, shear-induced plasticity or pressure-induced phase transformation
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