979 research outputs found

    Germination data of four Mediterranean species of coastal sand dunes

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    The present work gathers new germination assays of four Mediterranean species of coastal sand dunes. The studied species are: Anthemis maritima L. subsp. maritima, Crucianella maritima L., Eryngium maritimum L. and Thinopyrum junceum (L.) Á.Löve. Seeds were collected at the time of natural seed dispersal in two sites in the South of Sardinia. The germination tests were carried out at the Sardinian Germplasm Bank (BG-SAR). Our results show a high germination capability and germination rate for the tested plant species

    Seed germination report for Limonium merxmuelleri subsp. merxmuelleri (Plumbaginaceae)

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    The present report illustrates the first germination data of Limonium merxmuelleri subsp. merxmuelleri, a pioneer species of mine waste materials of Iglesiente region (South-West Sardinia). After harvesting, seeds were subjected to germination tests at the Sardinian Germplasm Bank (BG-SAR). The results show a high germination capability and germination rate at each tested temperature, with a slight germination reduction at the highest temperature (25°C) that simulates the aridity of the summer period

    Using Mediterranean Native Plants for the Phytoremediation of Mining Sites: An Overview of the Past and Present, and Perspectives for the Future

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    Mining exploitation in the Mediterranean Basin has left evident scars on the environment, and poses serious risks for human health and biodiversity, especially when mine wastes are left abandoned. This review analysed the main issues of metal(loid)s pollution related to mine exploitation in the Mediterranean Basin. Here, a list of Mediterranean native plant species studied for phytoremediation is given and, considering their biological forms, vegetational types, and ecology, we categorised them into halotolerant and hydro/hygrophilous vegetation, annual and perennial meadows, garrigues and maquis, and high maquis and woods. The main conclusions of the review are as follows: (1) plant communities established on mine environments are often rich in endemic taxa which ensure a high biodiversity and landscape value, and can help in the psychophysical health of local inhabitants; (2) political and land management should take greater account of the use of native plants for the remediation of contaminated soils; (3) a multidisciplinary approach that includes, among others, studies on biochemical response to metal(loid)s as well as the application of innovative soil amendments gives better results; (4) phytoextraction applications require a detailed recovery plan that takes into consideration several issues, including the negative influence on biodiversity due to extensive use of monotypic plantations, disposal of harvested hazardous plants, and the risk of phytoextracts entering the food chain; and (5) more studies are necessary to increase knowledge and to detect suitable species—especially halophytic ones—for phytoremediation purposes

    Recanalization of the Native Artery in Patients with Bypass Failure

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    Our objective was to evaluate the possible role of endovascular recanalization of occluded native artery after a failed bypass graft in the case of either acute or chronic limb-threatening ischemia otherwise leading to amputation. In a single-center retrospective clinical analysis, from January 2004 to March 2007 we collected 31 consecutive high-surgical-risk patients (32 limbs) with critical limb ischemia following late ([30 days after surgery) failure of open surgery bypass graft reconstruction. All patients deemed unfit for surgery underwent tentative endovascular recanalization of the native occluded arterial tract. The mean follow-up period was 24 (range, 6–42) months. Technical success was achieved in 30 (93.7%) of 32 limbs. The cumulative primary assisted patency calculated by Kaplan–Meyer analysis was 92% and 88%, respectively, at 12 and 24 months. The limb salvage rate approached 90% at 30 months. In conclusion, our experience shows the feasibility of occluded native artery endovascular recanalization after a failed bypass graft, with optimal results in terms of midterm arterial patency and limb salvage. Our opinion is that successful recanalization of the arterial tract previously considered unsuitable for endovascular approach is allowed by improved competency and experience of vascular specialists, as well as the advances made in catheter and guidewire technology. This group of patients would previously have been relegated to repeat bypass grafts, with their inherently inferior patency and recognized added technical demands. We recognize previous surgical native artery disconnection and lack of pedal runoff to be the main cause of technical failure. Keywords Native artery Bypass failure Endovascular recanalizatio

    Effect of storage conditions on seed germination of eigTyrrhenian endemic vascular plant species of conservation interest

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    The conservation of endemic and endangered plant species is of great interest to the scientific and research community. In this frame, seed banks play a crucial role when biodiversity preservation and climate change are considered. The study of seed viability and germination during storage conditions provides basic and useful information to ensure successful ex situ conservation. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether storage time and conditions (i.e., base collection at -25°C and active collection at +5°C) affect seed germination in the long term. For these purposes, eight Tyrrhenian endemic vascular plant species (mostly endangered) with orthodox seeds were studied: Brassica insularis, Centranthus amazonum, Dianthus morisianus, Digitalis purpurea var. gyspergerae, Ferula arrigonii, Helicodiceros muscivorus, Iberis integerrima and Verbascum plantagineum. These species were stored in the Sardinian Germplasm Bank (BG-SAR) at -25°C and at +5°C for a time ranging from 2 to 12 years. Germination tests were carried out following the optimal conditions reported in the literature for each species. The results showed, in general terms, the high seed germination capacity of all species stored at both conditions; regarding the time of seed storage, germination in some tested species (such as B. insularis and C. amazonum) slightly decreased over time. We argued that seed dehydration, low seed moisture content during storage and the use of hermetic glass containers can be considered key factors for long-term conservation of these orthodox seeds. In conclusion, this study showed that the conservation of these endemic species is ensured by seed bank storage, according to the general assumption that seed longevity depends on seed lot quality, on well-sealed storage containers and conditions before and during storage

    Positive effects of Nordic Walking on anthropometric and metabolic variables in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Objectives. — Lack of physical activity predisposes people to chronic diseases including diabetes mellitus, obesity, and coronary artery diseases. Identifying forms of physical activity is warranted for prevention of these chronic diseases. Daily exercise has also been considered a significant contributing factor in the management of type 2 diabetes. Nordic Walking is shown to be easy to teach and learn, simple and adaptable to subjects with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Nordic Walking allows training of about 90% of body muscles in the active propulsion phase, thus increasing energy expenditure by 30 to 50%. Aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of Nordic Walking structured training in a group of female patients with type 2 diabetes, looking at changes in anthropometric, metabolic and bioelectrical variables pre- and post-activities. A follow-up of 6 months after the end of the program was also performed. Equipment and methods. — Twenty women with type 2 diabetes, aged 40—65 years, were enrolled. The participants were randomized in two groups: (1) 10 women in the Nordic Walking active gr

    A natural biogenic fluorapatite as a new biomaterial for orthopedics and dentistry: antibacterial activity of lingula seashell and its use for nanostructured biomimetic coatings

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    Calcium phosphates are widely studied in orthopedics and dentistry, to obtain biomimetic and antibacterial implants. However, the multi-substituted composition of mineralized tissues is not fully reproducible from synthetic procedures. Here, for the first time, we investigate the possible use of a natural, fluorapatite-based material, i.e., Lingula anatina seashell, resembling the composition of bone and enamel, as a biomaterial source for orthopedics and dentistry. Indeed, thanks to its unique mineralization process and conditions, L. anatina seashell is among the few natural apatite-based shells, and naturally contains ions having possible antibacterial efficacy, i.e., fluorine and zinc. After characterization, we explore its deposition by ionized jet deposition (IJD), to obtain nanostructured coatings for implantable devices. For the first time, we demonstrate that L. anatina seashells have strong antibacterial properties. Indeed, they significantly inhibit planktonic growth and cell adhesion of both Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli. The two strains show different susceptibility to the mineral and organic parts of the seashells, the first being more susceptible to zinc and fluorine in the mineral part, and the second to the organic (chitin-based) component. Upon deposition by IJD, all films exhibit a nanostructured morphology and sub-micrometric thickness. The multi-doped, complex composition of the target is maintained in the coating, demonstrating the feasibility of deposition of coatings starting from biogenic precursors (seashells). In conclusion, Lingula seashell-based coatings are non-cytotoxic with strong antimicrobial capability, especially against Gram-positive strains, consistently with their higher susceptibility to fluorine and zinc. Importantly, these properties are improved compared to synthetic fluorapatite, showing that the films are promising for antimicrobial applications.Lingula anatina seashell is an apatite-based shells, and naturally contains fluorine and zinc alongside an organic part (chitin). For the first time, we demonstrate that it has strong antibacterial properties, and that it can be used as nanostructured coatings for orthopaedics and dentistry