499 research outputs found

    Vibronic effects on resonant electron conduction through single molecule junctions

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    The influence of vibrational motion on electron conduction through single molecules bound to metal electrodes is investigated employing first-principles electronic-structure calculations and projection-operator Green's function methods. Considering molecular junctions where a central phenyl ring is coupled via (alkane)thiol-bridges to gold electrodes, it is shown that -- depending on the distance between the electronic π\pi-system and the metal -- electronic-vibrational coupling may result in pronounced vibrational substructures in the transmittance, a significantly reduced current as well as a quenching of negative differential resistance effects.Comment: Submitted to Chem. Phys. Lett. (13 pages, 5 figures) this version: typos and formating correcte

    Conical intersections in an ultracold gas

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    We find that energy surfaces of more than two atoms or molecules interacting via dipole-dipole po- tentials generically possess conical intersections (CIs). Typically only few atoms participate strongly in such an intersection. For the fundamental case, a circular trimer, we show how the CI affects adiabatic excitation transport via electronic decoherence or geometric phase interference. These phe- nomena may be experimentally accessible if the trimer is realized by light alkali atoms in a ring trap, whose dipole-dipole interactions are induced by off-resonant dressing with Rydberg states. Such a setup promises a direct probe of the full many-body density dynamics near a conical intersection.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, replacement to add archive referenc

    Ground-state degeneracies leave recognizable topological scars in the one-particle density

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    In Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) a fictitious system of non-interacting particles is constructed having the same ground-state (GS) density as the physical system of interest. A fundamental open question in DFT concerns the ability of an exact KS calculation to spot and characterize the GS degeneracies in the physical system. In this article we provide theoretical evidence suggesting that the GS density, as a function of position on a 2D manifold of parameters affecting the external potential, is "topologically scarred" in a distinct way by degeneracies. These scars are sufficiently detailed to enable determination of the positions of degeneracies and even the associated Berry phases. We conclude that an exact KS calculation can spot and characterize the degeneracies of the physical system

    MeV-scale seesaw and leptogenesis

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    We study the type-I seesaw model with three right-handed neutrinos and Majorana masses below the pion mass. In this mass range, the model parameter space is not only strongly constrained by the requirement to explain the light neutrino masses, but also by experimental searches and cosmological considerations. In the existing literature, three disjoint regions of potentially viable parameter space have been identified. In one of them, all heavy neutrinos decay shortly before big bang nucleosynthesis. In the other two regions, one of the heavy neutrinos either decays between BBN and the CMB decoupling or is quasi-stable. We show that previously unaccounted constraints from photodisintegration of nuclei practically rule out all relevant decays that happen between BBN and the CMB decoupling. Quite remarkably, if all heavy neutrinos decay before BBN, the baryon asymmetry of the universe can be quite generically explained by low-scale leptogenesis, i.e. without further tuning in addition to what is needed to avoid experimental and cosmological constraints. This motivates searches for heavy neutrinos in pion decay experiments

    Resonant Auger decay of the core-excited C∗^\astO molecule in intense X-ray laser fields

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    The dynamics of the resonant Auger (RA) process of the core-excited C∗^\astO(1s−1π∗,vr=0^{-1}\pi^\ast,v_r=0) molecule in an intense X-ray laser field is studied theoretically. The theoretical approach includes the analogue of the conical intersections of the complex potential energy surfaces of the ground and `dressed' resonant states due to intense X-ray pulses, taking into account the decay of the resonance and the direct photoionization of the ground state, both populating the same final ionic states coherently, as well as the direct photoionization of the resonance state itself. The light-induced non-adiabatic effect of the analogue of the conical intersections of the resulting complex potential energy surfaces gives rise to strong coupling between the electronic, vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom of the diatomic CO molecule. The interplay of the direct photoionization of the ground state and of the decay of the resonance increases dramatically with the field intensity. The coherent population of a final ionic state via both the direct photoionization and the resonant Auger decay channels induces strong interference effects with distinct patterns in the RA electron spectra. The individual impact of these physical processes on the total electron yield and on the CO+(A2Π)^+(A^2\Pi) electron spectrum are demonstrated.Comment: 13 figs, 1 tabe

    Theory of Vibrationally Inelastic Electron Transport through Molecular Bridges

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    Vibrationally inelastic electron transport through a molecular bridge that is connected to two leads is investigated. The study is based on a generic model of vibrational excitation in resonant transmission of electrons through a molecular junction. Employing methods from electron-molecule scattering theory, the transmittance through the molecular bridge can be evaluated numerically exactly. The current through the junction is obtained approximately using a Landauer-type formula. Considering different parameter regimes, which include both the case of a molecular bridge that is weakly coupled to the leads, resulting in narrow resonance structures, and the opposite case of a broad resonance caused by strong interaction with the leads, we investigate the characteristic effects of coherent and dissipative vibrational motion on the electron transport. Furthermore, the validity of widely used approximations such as the wide-band approximation and the restriction to elastic transport mechanisms is investigated in some detail.Comment: Submited to PRB, revised version according to comments of referees (minor text changes and new citations

    Resonance solutions of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in an open double-well potential

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    The resonance states and the decay dynamics of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger (or Gross-Pitaevskii) equation are studied for a simple, however flexible model system, the double delta-shell potential. This model allows analytical solutions and provides insight into the influence of the nonlinearity on the decay dynamics. The bifurcation scenario of the resonance states is discussed, as well as their dynamical stability properties. A discrete approximation using a biorthogonal basis is suggested which allows an accurate description even for only two basis states in terms of a nonlinear, nonhermitian matrix problem.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    Not gate in a cis-trans photoisomerization model

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    We numerically study the implementation of a NOT gate by laser pulses in a model molecular system presenting two electronic surfaces coupled by non adiabatic interactions. The two states of the bit are the fundamental states of the cis-trans isomers of the molecule. The gate is classical in the sense that it involves a one-qubit flip so that the encoding of the outputs is based on population analysis which does not take the phases into account. This gate can also be viewed as a double photo-switch process with the property that the same electric field controls the two isomerizations. As an example, we consider one-dimensional cuts in a model of the retinal in rhodopsin already proposed in the literature. The laser pulses are computed by the Multi Target Optimal Control Theory with chirped pulses as trial fields. Very high fidelities are obtained. We also examine the stability of the control when the system is coupled to a bath of oscillators modelled by an Ohmic spectral density. The bath correlation time scale being smaller than the pulse duration the dynamics is carried out in the Markovian approximation.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure
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