478 research outputs found

    Effects of nicotine administration in rats on MMP2 and VEGF levels in periodontal membrane

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    Background: Nicotine is associated with increased incidence of periodontal disease and poor response to therapy. This article aimed at identifying the expression of matrix metalloproteinases 2 (MMPs2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) proteins on extracellular matrix, fibrous distribution and angiogenetic development in periodontitis caused by nicotine effects on periodontal membrane.Materials and methods: In this experimental study, rats were divided into nicotine and control groups. While the rats in the nicotine group (n = 6) were administered 2 mg/kg nicotine sulphate for 28 days, the animals in the control group (n = 6) were only administered 1.5 mL physiologic saline solution subcutaneously for 28 days.Results: Histological sections were prepared and immunohistochemically stained for MMP2 and VEGF. The sections stained with Trichrome-Masson were observed under light microscope. VEGF and MMP2 immunoreactivity of periodontal gingiva and dentin was assessed by immunohistochemical staining.Conclusions: Nicotine reduces MMP production, disrupts collagen synthesis and causes periodontitis. We observed that nicotine increases periodontitis by disrupting periodontal membrane and prevents tooth to anchor in dental alveoli by disrupting epithelial structure

    Effects of formaldehyde on vascular endothelial growth factor, matrix metallopeptidase 2 and osteonectin levels in periodontal membrane and alveolar bone in rats

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    Background: The objective of this study was to investigate whether long term formaldehyde inhalation may affect periodontal membrane and alveolar bone loss leading to periodontitis. The negative effects of formaldehyde were described using vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), matrix metallopeptidase 2 (MMP-2) and osteonectin antibodies involved in the extracellular matrix and angiogenetic development. Materials and methods: Thirty adult Wistar albino rats were used in this study. Rats were divided into two groups: a control group (n = 15) and formaldehyde administered group (n = 15). Formaldehyde group was exposed to inhalation of 10 ppm formaldehyde 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for 5 weeks. Maxillary bone regions were dissected under anaesthesia. After fixation in 10% formaldehyde solution, tissues were passed through graded ethanol series to obtain paraffin blocks. Five-micrometre histological sections were cut with RM2265 rotary microtome stained with Masson trichrome and VEGF, MMP-2 and osteonectin antibodies for examination under Olympus BH-2 light microscopy. Results: The present study revealed that congestion in blood vessels, degeneration of collagen fibres and alveolar matrix around alveolar bone were observed to be more significant in formaldehyde group than the control group (p ≤ 0.001). Interestingly, VEGF expression in the formaldehyde group was the most significant finding between the two groups (p < 0.001). When compared inflammation, MMP-2 and osteonectin expressions were significant (p < 0.01) in the formaldehyde group. Conclusions: It was suggested that formaldehyde toxicity decreased the expression of MMP-2 and in osteoblasts as well as affecting the retention of MMP levels in tooth cavity, which is very low in collagen fibres. But, vice versa for the expression of VEGF in dilated vascular endothelial cells and osteocytes in alveolar bone. As a conclusion, formaldehyde disrupts the periodontal membrane and may cause collagen fibres degeneration by affecting the alveolar bone matrix

    Histopathological changes in the choroid plexus after traumatic brain injury in the rats: a histologic and immunohistochemical study

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    Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is in part associated with the disruption of the blood-brain barrier. In this study, we analysed the histopathological changes in E-cadherin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression after TBI in rats.   Materials and methods: The rats were divided into two groups as the control and the trauma groups. Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to TBI with a weight-drop device using 300 g/1 m weight-height impact. After 5 days of TBI, blood samples were taken under ketamine hydroxide anaesthesia and biochemical analyses were performed. The control and trauma groups were compared in terms of biochemical values.   Results: There was no change in glutathione (GSH) levels and blood-brain barier permeability. However, malondialdehyde (MDA) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity levels increased in the trauma group. In the histopathological examination, choroid plexus in the lateral ventricle, near the pia mater membrane, was removed. In the traumatic group, some of epithelial cells were hyperplasic. Some of them were peeled off the apical surface and had local degeneration.   Conclusions: In addition, we observed congestion in capillary vessels and mononuclear cell infiltration around the vessels. After TBI, the increase in VEGF levels, vascular permeability, and interaction with VEGF receptors in endothelial cells lead to oedema of the vessel wall. On the other hand, E-cadherin expression decreased in the tight-junction structures between epithelial cells and basal membrane, resulting in an increase in cerebrospinal fluid in the intervillous area

    Dijagnostika supkliničkog mastitisa zasnovana na aktivnosti arginaze u mlijeku.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationships between subclinical mastitis and milk arginase activity in dairy cows. Thirty, various breed 4-8 year old cows from Firat University Animal Hospital were used in the study. Subclinical mastitis was diagnosed by the California Mastitis Test (CMT) combined with bacteriological examination of milk samples. The subclinical mastitis group consisted of fifteen clinically healthy but CMT and microbiologically positive animals. CMT and microbiologically negative animals (n = 15) served as the control group. Arginase activity in milk samples was measured by spectrophotometer using the thiocemicarbazide diacetylmonoxime urea (TDMU) method and protein was determined with the folin phenol reagent. Arginase activity in the milk of animals with subclinical mastitis (0.26 ± 0.07 U/mg protein) significantly increased compared to the arginase activity in the milk from healthy animals in the control group (0.10 ± 0.03 U/mg protein). Milk enzyme activity in the mildly severe disease (0.26 ± 0.01 U/mg protein) was significantly lower than in the moderately severe disease (0.30 ± 0.01 U/mg). No relationship was found between the nature of the bacterial infection of the cows with subclinical mastitis and their milk arginase activity. It was concluded that assay of milk arginase activity may be used as an additional laboratory method for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između supkliničkog mastitisa i aktivnosti arginaze u mlijeku krava. U istraživanje je uključeno 30 krava u dobi od 4 do 8 godina. Krave su bile različitih pasmina i pacijenti bolnice Firat Sveučilišta. Supklinički mastitis dijagnosticiran je kombinacijom kalifornijskog mastitis testa (KMT) i bakteriološke pretrage uzoraka mlijeka. Skupinu sa supkliničkim mastitisom činilo je 15 klinički zdravih krava pozitivnih pretragom s KMT i bakteriološki pozitivnim nalazom. Petnaest krava s pozitivnim KMT i bakteriološki negativnim nalazom poslužilo je kao kontrolna skupina. Aktivnost arginaze u uzorcima mlijeka utvrđena je spektrofotometrijski, uz primjenu tiocemikarbazid diacetilmonoksim ureja metode (TDMU), a bjelančevine su bile određene pomoću folin fenol reagensa. Aktivnost arginaze u mlijeku krava sa supkliničkim mastitisom (0,26 ± 0,07 U/mg bjelančevina) bila je značajno povišena u usporedbi s uzorcima iz mlijeka zdravih krava kontrolne skupine (0,10 ± 0,03 U/mg bjelančevina). U krava sa slabo izraženim simptomima bolesti, aktivnost enzima u mlijeku (0,26 ± 0,01 U/mg protein) bila je značajno niža u odnosu na krave s umjerenim simptomima (0,30 ± 0,01 U/mg). Nije utvrđena povezanost između prirode bakterijske infekcije i supkliničkog mastitisa odnosno aktivnosti arginaze u mlijeku. Zaključak je da analiza aktivnosti arginaze može poslužiti kao dodatna laboratorijska metoda za dijagnostiku supkliničkog mastitisa

    Prioritization of healthcare systems during pandemics using Cronbach's measure based fuzzy WASPAS approach

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    Pandemics are well-known as epidemics that spread globally and cause many illnesses and mortality. Because of globalization, the accelerated occurrence and circulation of new microbes, the infection has emerged and the incidence and movement of new microbes have sped up. Using technological devices to minimize the visit durations, specifying days for handling chronic diseases, subsidy for the staff are the alternatives that can help prevent healthcare systems from collapsing during pandemics. The study aims to define the efficient usage of optimization tools during pandemics to prevent healthcare systems from collapsing. In this study, a new integrated framework with fuzzy information is developed, which attempts to prioritize these alternatives for policymakers. First, rating data are assigned respective fuzzy values using the standard singleton grades. Later, criteria weights are determined by extending Cronbach´s measure to fuzzy context. The measure not only understands data consistency comprehensively, but also takes into consideration the attitudinal characteristics of experts. By this approach, a rational weight vector is obtained for decision-making. Further, an improved Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) algorithm is put forward for ranking alternatives, which is flexibly considering criteria along with personalized ordering and holistic ordering alternatives. The usefulness of the developed framework is tested with the help of a real case study. Rank values of alternatives when unbiased weights are used is given by 0.741, 0.582, 0.640 with ordering as R1≻R3≻R2. The sensitivity/comparative analysis reveals the impact of the proposed model as useful in selecting the best alternative for the healthcare systems during pandemics

    Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients

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    Protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is based on cell-mediated immunity, most importantly involving CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell subsets. The aim of this study was to evaluate CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell profiles and CD19(+) and CD3(−)CD(16+56)(+) populations in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, B-lymphocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells were evaluated in 75 active (APTB) and 25 inactive (IPTB) pulmonary tuberculosis cases and 20 healthy subjects (HCs). The results were compared at different stages of antituberculosis treatment in the APTB patients and also according to X-ray findings in the newly diagnosed APTB patients. The percentages of CD4(+) T cells were significantly lower (P < .01) and those of CD3(−)CD(16 + 56)(+) cells were significantly higher (P < .01) in APTB patients than in HCs. CD8(+) T cells were significantly decreased (P < .05), and CD3(−)CD(16+56)(+) cells were significantly increased (P < .01), in IPTB patients compared to HCs. The percentages of CD4(+), CD8(+), CD3(−)CD19(+), and CD3(−)CD(16+56)(+) cells showed no differences at different times of the antituberculosis regimen, and different stages of newly diagnosed APTB patients. APTB patients have a reduced percentage of circulating CD4(+) T cells and an increased percentage of NK cells compared with healthy individuals. These cells could play important roles in the immune response to M tuberculosis infection

    The effect of anesthesia type on stress hormone response: Comparison of general versus epidural anesthesia

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different types of anesthesia on stress hormones.Materials and Methods: The study was included 60 ASAI-II cases scheduled for major lower extremity surgery. The cases were randomized into 2  groups: The EA group was administered epidural anesthesia and the GA group was administered standard general anesthesia. In order to evaluate the surgical trauma - related stress response, CRP, TSH, cortisol, and fasting blood sugar(FBS) levels were measured preoperatively, 30 min after surgical incision, and 24 h post surgery.Results: Between-group comparisons; Preoperative values were not  significantly different between the groups.(P &gt; 0,05) Pulse rate and cortisol values significantly higher in general group at 30 min. (P &lt; 0,05), and the FBS values were significantly higher in the epidural group at 24 h.(P &lt; 0,05) There were not found differences for other parameters at evaluation times.Conclusion: No differences were observed between the two anesthesia methods, in terms of minimizing the stress response due to surgical trauma during major low extremity surgery.Key words: Epidural anesthesia, general anesthesia, stress hormone