262 research outputs found

    Spontaneous radiation emitted by moving tethered systems

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    Some concepts related to radiation emitted by a large conductor moving through a magnetoplasma are outlined and referred to the case of long tethers. Some recent results of a theoretical calculation of Alfven wings, their structure and the power associated with are shown. How the problem of radiation from TSS or for any large conductor moving through a magnetoplasma should be approached is presented. The approach is that of the theory of antennas in plasmas

    Investigation of electrodynamic stabilization and control of long orbiting tethers

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    An algorithm for using electric currents to control pendular oscillations induced by various perturbing forces on the Skyhook wire is considered. Transverse and vertical forces on the tether; tether instability modes and causes during retrieval by space shuttle; simple and spherical pendulum motion and vector damping; and current generation and control are discussed. A computer program for numerical integration of the in-plane and out-of-plane displacements of the tether vs time was developed for heuristic study. Some techniques for controlling instabilities during payload retrieval and methods for employing the tether for launching satellites from the space shuttle are considered. Derivations and analyses of a general nature used in all of the areas studied are included

    Linear stability of electrodynamic tethers

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    We investigate the dynamic stability of electrodynamic tethers of the type envisaged for future applications like deorbiting spacecraft and/or propulsion. In such tethers, electrodynamic forces couple the tether natural oscillations in the orbital plane with those out of the orbital plane. The investigation is done with reference to a model where the time variation of the tether current is assumed to be given. In addition, we address both the case of a bare tether and that of an insulated conducting tether collecting current through a terminating balloon. In the linear approximation, we find possible instabilities of the tether libration modes, at moderate current values, for both the case of a bare tether and that of an insulated conducting tether. Instabilities are also found for the lateral oscillations (string modes) and the case of a bare tether. The equations obtained allow a discussion of the instability mechanisms

    Electrodynamic interactions

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    The electrodynamic interaction of long metallic tethers with the ionosphere is introduced. Due to the tether's motion across the Earth's field, a polarization electric field is generated along the tether. In a system like the Tethered Satellite System (TSS) where the tether is coated with dielectric and the electrical contact is between its two terminations and the ionosphere, the upper end termination will collect electrons and, in a passive system, the lower end termination will collect ions. Space charge regions will develop around the two terminations of the system, which can be at considerable potential with respect to the unperturbed ionospheric plasma and the current in the tether will be most significantly determined by local processes in such space charge regions. A qualitative view of the global perturbation induced by TSS in the ionosphere is outlined. One of the applications of electrodynamic tethers is that of using them as low frequency wave generators to communicate to the Earth. This application is briefly discussed. An equivalent circuit of the tether system is described. The basic equation of the circuit is given

    Current collection by a highly positive body moving in the ionospheric plasma

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    In this paper we derive an interesting feature of the space charge region surrounding a positively charged body moving in a magnetoplasma and, precisely, the fact that, for potentials of the body in excess of a certain value, at least in an inner region close to the body, the electron collection (and the structure of the self-consistent potential) is isotropic. This is used to derive current-voltage characteristics for such a situation. These theoretical characteristics are then convincingly compared with those obtained from the analysis of the data obtained during the recently flown TSS-1R mission

    Investigation of electrodynamic stabilization and control of long orbiting tethers

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    The possibility of using electrodynamic forces to control pendular oscillations during the retrieval of a subsatellite is investigated. The use of the tether for transferring payloads between orbits is studied

    Theoretical investigation of the generation and injection of electromagnetic waves in space plasma by means of a long-orbiting tether

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    Analysis of the various mechanisms of electromagnetic wave generation by the shuttle-borne orbiting tether of the T.S.S. Facility shows that significant electrodynamic power levels are available even when overestimating the loss mechanisms expected to intervene. This electrodynamic power is in part dissipated by Joule losses in the tether, in part goes to accelerate electrons through the sheath surrounding the balloon (when in a downward deployment), and in part goes into e.m. wave generation. A preliminary estimate shows that a 100 km tether in orbit would produce ULF/ELF signals that are detectable on the ground with state-of-the-art magnetometric instrumentation

    On the polarization state of hydromagnetic fluctuations in the solar wind

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    From presently available observations it can be inferred that the Alfvenic turbulence measured in the solar wind, predominantly on trailing edges of high speed streams, is a mixture of modes with two different polarizations, namely, Alfvenic modes and modes which are the incompressible limit of slow magnetosonic waves. Using Helios 2 magnetic data and a variance analysis, parallel (to the mean field) and perpendicular components of the fluctuations are separated and the possible correlation between such components is studied. Correlations between eigenvalues of the variance matrix are also investigated and discussed

    Radial evolution of power spectra of interplanetary Alfvenic turbulence

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    The radial evolution of the power spectra of the MHD turbulence within the trailing edge of high speed streams in the solar wind was investigated with the magnetic field data of Helios 1 and 2 for heliocentric distance between 0.3 and 0.9 AU. In the analyzed frequency range (.00028 Hz to .0083 Hz) the computed spectra have, near the Earth, values of the spectral index close to that predicted for an incompressible hydromagnetic turbulence in a stationary state. Approaching the Sun the spectral slope remains unchanged for frequencies f or approximately .00 Hz, whereas at lower frequencies, a clear evolution toward a less steep fall off with frequency is found. The radial gradient of the power in Alfvenic fluctuations depends on frequency and it increases upon increasing frequency. For frequencies f or approximately .00 Hz, however, the radial gradient remains approximately the same. Possible theoretical implications of the observational features are discussed

    Magnetic dips in the solar wind

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    Using magnetic data from the HELIOS 1 fluxgate magnetometer, with a 0.2 sec resolution, the structures of several interplanetary discontinuities involving magnetic dips and rotations of the magnetic field vector were investigated. A minimum variance analysis illustrates the behavior of the magnetic field through the transition in the plane of its maximum variation. Using this analysis, quite different structures have been individuated and, in particular, narrow transitions resembling almost one dimensional reconnected neutral sheets. For the thinner cases (scale lengths of the magnetic rotation of the order or smaller than 1,000 km), results show the observed structures could be the nonlinear effect of a resistive tearing mode instability having developed on an originally one dimensional neutral sheet at the solar corona