422 research outputs found

    Application Delivery of Goods and Documents PT Bymatrans Using Visual Basic 6.0

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    This writing contains about administrative problems in delivery of documents or goods atPT BYMATRANS by using visual basic. The author proposes an application to facilitatethe process of shipping an item or document. With the aim to make it easier to obta ininformation about the status of delivery of goods or documents.In this application can save the document or item of data, address, purpose and durationof delivery

    Pembuatan Web Site Persekutuan Oikumene STMIK Jakarta dengan Menggunakan Joomla dan Appserv.

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    Media informasi merupakan sarana untuk menyampaikan suatu berita atauinformasi yang dapat kita terima, baik secara lisan maupun tulisan, dan beragamjenisnya seperti koran, televisi, radio dan komputer.Internet merupakan salahsatu media informasi yang sangat cepat. Informasi yang dibutuhkan tentunyaadalah informasi yang sangat cepat, akurat, dan dapat di pertanggung jawabkankeasliannya. Persekutuan Oikumene (PO) adalah salah satu pusat informasi danaspirasi mahasiswa/i Kristen STMIK Jakarta STIK. Semoga dengan adanyawebsite PO ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah mahasiswa/i Kristen STMIKJakarta untuk memperoleh informasi kerohanian yang diinginkan

    Aplikasi Game Mewarnai dengan Macromedia Flash 8

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    Scientific writing is about the making of Game edutaintment.yang intended forchildren age play group, kindergarten and elementary school children in grade 1,many included images that allows users colored objects in coloredgambar.Game consists of two core components. The first component is thechoice of colors, usually displayed with the color blocks and objects whichbecome targets coloring and added sound notification on every color. Incompleting this writing, the author approached by reading books, articles andbrowse the Internet to get as much information so it can be used to solve theproblem in this writing

    Application Programming Language C Search For Errors Relative Value And Literature In Practicum Mathematical Pendulum Case Study: Basic Physics Laboratory STMIK Jakarta Sti&k

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    This writing describes how to find the value of relative error and the literature on experimentsconducted by the lab in the Laboratory of Basic Physics with Mathematical pendulummodule. The need for accurate data is needed. In the case of a mathematical pendulum labwork, data processing will be computerized using C language

    Implementation Through Online Game Rental Sites Php and Mysql Programming

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    The rapid development of the computer becomes a facilitator for information. The Internet is one way to get information. With the Internet one can obtain accurate information in order without spending a lot of cost. In addition, the Internet also can be used as a means of promotion. This site is created as a promotional tool for owners of rental online game and as a medium of information and means of interaction among visitors

    Radioisotope Production Process Optimization Mo99

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    One of the utilization of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes is in medicine,namely the use of radioisotopes that have short half-life as a medium to detect thecondition of the patient. from various short-lived radioisotopes, so the currentradioisotope Mo99, it needs to be done by considering various factors influencing theproduction process such radioisotopes. for it, has obtained results of the optimizationof production processes with the addition of service facilities in accordance with thedesired end result

    Viability Tests On The Seeds Of Rafflesia Arnoldii R.br. And R. Patma Blume

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    Rafflesia is a holoparasite that is facing extinction in nature. The Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Gardens LIPI has been pioneering ex situ conservation using grafting methods. However, ex situ conservation using seed innoculation has been a challenge. Studies on the viability testing of Rafflesia seeds aims to provide viable seeds for supporting the ex situ conservation programs based on seed innoculation methods. In particular, the aims of our recent research were: (1) to investigate the morphological characters of the seeds; (2) to determine a method for viability testing the seeds. The seeds of R. arnoldii and R. patma were used in this research. Firstly, the morphological characters of the seeds were observed under a binocular microscope. The viability test using bioassay procedures was as follows: (1) reagent preparation; (2) pre-staining; (3) embryo exposure; (4) staining, and (5) assessment. The research resulted in: (1) morphological description of the characteristics of Rafflesia seeds, and (2) techniques for bioassay viability testing of Rafflesia seeds

    Derived coisotropic structures II: stacks and quantization

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    We extend results about nn-shifted coisotropic structures from part I of this work to the setting of derived Artin stacks. We show that an intersection of coisotropic morphisms carries a Poisson structure of shift one less. We also compare non-degenerate shifted coisotropic structures and shifted Lagrangian structures and show that there is a natural equivalence between the two spaces in agreement with the classical result. Finally, we define quantizations of nn-shifted coisotropic structures and show that they exist for n>1n>1.Comment: 45 pages. Contains the second half of arXiv:1608.01482v1 with new material adde

    The association of food ingredients in breakfast cereal products and fumonisins production: risks identification and predictions

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    Breakfast processed products are remarkably at risk of fungal contamination. This research surveyed the fumonisins concentration in different breakfast products, and carried out in-vitro experiments measuring fumonisins content in different substrates inoculated with Fusarium verticillioides. The pipeline started with the identification of combinations of ingredients for 58 breakfast products. Twenty-three core ingredients, seven nutritional components and production types were analyzed using a Pearson correlation, k-means clustering and principal component analysis to show that no single factor is responsible for high fumonisins detection in processed cereals products. Consequently, decision tree regression was used as a means of determining and visualizing complex logical interactions between the same factors. We clustered the association of ingredients in low, medium, and high risk of fumonisin detection. The analysis showed that high fumonisins concentration is associated with those products that have high maize concentrations coupled especially with high sodium or rice. In a in-vitro experiment, different media were prepared by mixing the ingredients in the proportion found in the first survey and by measuring fumonisins production by Fusarium verticillioides. Results showed that: 1) fumonisins production by F. verticillioides is boosted by the synergistic effect of maize and highly ready carbohydrate content such as white flour; 2) a combination of maize >26%(w/w), rice >2.5%(w/w), NaCl >2.2%(w/w) led to high fumonisins production, while mono-ingredient products were more protective against fumonisins production. The observations in the in-vitro experiments appeared to align with the decision tree model that an increase in ingredient complexity can lead to fumonisins production by Fusarium. However, more research is urgently needed to develop the area of predictive mycology based on the association of processing, ingredients, fungal development, and mycotoxins production
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