12 research outputs found

    Experimental observation of spontaneous spin polarization of electrons in hybridized states of transition element impurities in semiconductors

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    Experimental evidence of the possible existence of spontaneous spin polarization of the electron system in hybridized states formed by transition element impurity atoms in the conduction band of semiconducting crystals is examined. The details of a quantitative interpretation of experiments on the temperature dependence of the specific heat and elastic moduli of mercury selenide crystals with iron impurities confirm the feasibility of establishing the presence of electron spin polarization in this type of experiment, as well as the possible existence of polarization in the crystals studied here. Theoretical arguments support the observation of a thermodynamic anomalous Hall effect owing to spontaneously polarized donor electrons from low-concentration impurities. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

    Етіопатогенез гастриту типу В у дітей

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    The data of the scientific literature on etiology and pathogenesis features of type B gastritis have been analysed.Проанализированы данные научной литературы об этиологии, патогенетических особенностях гастрита типа В у детей.Проаналізовано дані наукової літератури щодо етіології, патогенетичних особливостей гастриту типу В у дітей


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    The problem devoted to determination of prescription of death coming (PDC) takes one of the leading places in practice of an expert of forensic medicine. Improvement and elaboration of express methods that enable objectivity and precisely determine the prescription of death coming are urgent at modern stage of development of forensic medical science. There was no universal and effective method till now which might satisfy legal investigating agencies in decision of the given question in full measure. Forensic medical experts in day-to-day practice orientate themselves mainly to dynamics of the development of early and late changes of cadavers, however this evaluation is rather subjective and mostly depends upon the level of practical skills of a specialist, as well as the type, cause of death and specific characteristics of its coming.We suggest a new approach in the decision of this task – establishment of the totality of differential criteria for objective determination of the prescription of death coming according to a complex of polarizable, matrix, statistical and correlative parameters of laser images of biological tissues of different morphological structure and media of the human body.Hour’ range to determine prescription of death coming from 1 to 140 hours and exactness of determination – 1.5 hours has been established as a result of investigation, carried out by us, taking the muscular tissue as an example.Thus, the elaborated diagnostic method supplements the existing methods to define the prescription of death coming and enables to get objective demonstrable basis for legal investigating agencies. Taking into consideration efficacy of laser polarimetry we consider broadening of the range of the investigated tissues and studying possibility of investigation of fluids and media of the body for elaboration of the new methods of diagnostics of port-mortem and life time processes in a human body to be expedient.В статье предлагается и обосновывается новый подход к диагностике давности наступления смерти. Установлен ряд особенностей и закономерностей изменения свойств лазерного пучка в результате прохождения через биологические ткани, обоснован комплекс объективных судебно-медицинских критериев установления давности наступления смерти.У статті пропонується та обґрунтовується новий підхід до діагностики давності настання смерті. Встановлено ряд особливостей та закономірностей зміни властивостей лазерного пучка в результаті проходження через біологічні тканини, обґрунтовано комплекс об’єктивних судово-медичних критеріїв встановлення давності настання смерті