29 research outputs found

    Scaling and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Si/SiGe Quantum Wells

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    The existence of a metal-insulator transition at zero magnetic field in two- dimensional electron systems has recently been confirmed in high mobility Si-MOSFETs. In this work, the temperature dependence of the resistivity of gated Si/SiGe/Si quantum well structures has revealed a similar metal- insulator transition as a function of carrier density at zero magnetic field. We also report evidence for a Coulomb gap in the temperature dependence of the resistivity of the dilute 2D hole gas confined in a SiGe quantum well. In addition, the resistivity in the insulating phase scales with a single parameter, and is sample independent. These results are consistent with the occurrence of a metal-insulator transition at zero magnetic field in SiGe square quantum wells driven by strong hole-hole interactions.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    "Forbidden" transitions between quantum Hall and insulating phases in p-SiGe heterostructures

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    We show that in dilute metallic p-SiGe heterostructures, magnetic field can cause multiple quantum Hall-insulator-quantum Hall transitions. The insulating states are observed between quantum Hall states with filling factors \nu=1 and 2 and, for the first time, between \nu=2 and 3 and between \nu=4 and 6. The latter are in contradiction with the original global phase diagram for the quantum Hall effect. We suggest that the application of a (perpendicular) magnetic field induces insulating behavior in metallic p-SiGe heterostructures in the same way as in Si MOSFETs. This insulator is then in competition with, and interrupted by, integer quantum Hall states leading to the multiple re-entrant transitions. The phase diagram which accounts for these transition is similar to that previously obtained in Si MOSFETs thus confirming its universal character

    Fate of the extended states in a vanishing magnetic field: the role of spins in strongly-interacting 2D electron systems

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    In non-interacting or weakly-interacting 2D electron systems, the energy of the extended states increases as the perpendicular magnetic field approaches zero: the extended states "float up" in energy, giving rise to an insulator. However, in those 2D systems where metallic conductivity has been recently observed in zero magnetic field, the energy of the extended states remains constant or even decreases as B -> 0, thus allowing conduction in the limit of zero temperature. Here we show that aligning the electrons' spins causes the extended states to once more "float up" in energy in the vanishing perpendicular magnetic field, as they do for non- or weakly-interacting electrons. The difference between extended states that float up (an insulator) or remain finite (a metal) is thus tied to the existence of the spins

    Possible Metal/Insulator Transition at B=0 in Two Dimensions

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    We have studied the zero magnetic field resistivity of unique high- mobility two-dimensional electron system in silicon. At very low electron density (but higher than some sample-dependent critical value, ncr1011n_{cr}\sim 10^{11} cm2^{-2}), CONVENTIONAL WEAK LOCALIZATION IS OVERPOWERED BY A SHARP DROP OF RESISTIVITY BY AN ORDER OF MAGNITUDE with decreasing temperature below 1--2 K. No further evidence for electron localization is seen down to at least 20 mK. For ns<Ncrn_s<N_{cr}, the sample is insulating. The resistivity is empirically found to SCALE WITH TEMPERATURE BOTH BELOW AND ABOVE ncrn_{cr} WITH A SINGLE PARAMETER which approaches zero at ns=ncrn_s=n_{cr} suggesting a metal/ insulator phase transition.Comment: 10 pages; REVTeX v3.0; 3 POSTSCRIPT figures available upon request; to be published in PRB, Rapid Commu

    On the Electron-Electron Interactions in Two Dimensions

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    In this paper, we analyze several experiments that address the effects of electron-electron interactions in 2D electron (hole) systems in the regime of low carrier density. The interaction effects result in renormalization of the effective spin susceptibility, effective mass, and g*-factor. We found a good agreement among the data obtained for different 2D electron systems by several experimental teams using different measuring techniques. We conclude that the renormalization is not strongly affected by the material or sample-dependent parameters such as the potential well width, disorder (the carrier mobility), and the bare (band) mass. We demonstrate that the apparent disagreement between the reported results on various 2D electron systems originates mainly from different interpretations of similar "raw" data. Several important issues should be taken into account in the data processing, among them the dependences of the effective mass and spin susceptibility on the in-plane field, and the temperature dependence of the Dingle temperature. The remaining disagreement between the data for various 2D electron systems, on one hand, and the 2D hole system in GaAs, on the other hand, may indicate more complex character of electron-electron interactions in the latter system.Comment: Added refs; corrected typos. 19 pages, 7 figures. To be published in: Chapter 19, Proceedings of the EURESCO conference "Fundamental Problems of Mesoscopic Physics ", Granada, 200

    Maximum Metallic Conductivity in Si-MOS Structures

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    We found that the conductivity of the two-dimensional electron system in Si-MOS structures is limited to a maximum value, G_{max}, as either density increases or temperature decreases. This value G_{max} is weakly disorder dependent and ranging from 100 to 140 e^2/h for samples whose mobilities differ by a factor of 4.Comment: 3 pages, 3 ps-figs, RevTex, new dat

    Metal Insulator transition at B=0 in p-SiGe

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    Observations are reported of a metal-insulator transition in a 2D hole gas in asymmetrically doped strained SiGe quantum wells. The metallic phase, which appears at low temperatures in these high mobility samples, is characterised by a resistivity that decreases exponentially with decreasing temperature. This behaviour, and the duality between resistivity and conductivity on the two sides of the transition, are very similar to that recently reported for high mobility Si-MOSFETs.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX with 3 ps figure

    Projetivismo dos valores em Nietzsche

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    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to claim Nietzsche’s place within the philosophical tradition of projectivism. Indeed, as will be shown, although Nietzsche is almost unanimously ignored by scholars working on projectivism, during the whole development of his philosophical thought, he holds a position which can be reasonably defined as “projectivist”. Resumo: Este artigo tem por objetivo reivindicar o lugar da filosofia nietzschiana na tradição filosófica do projetivismo. Com efeito, como mostrarei, mesmo se Nietzsche é quase unanimemente ignorado nas obras dos especialistas nessa tradição, ele mantém, ao longo de seu desenvolvimento filosófico, uma posição que se pode com razão definir como “projetivista”

    The barocaloric effect: A Spin-off of the Discovery of High-Temperature Superconductivity

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    Some key results obtained in joint research projects with Alex M\"uller are summarized, concentrating on the invention of the barocaloric effect and its application for cooling as well as on important findings in the field of high-temperature superconductivity resulting from neutron scattering experiments.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Effect of Tilted Magnetic Field on the Anomalous H=0 Conducting Phase in High-Mobility Si MOSFETs

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    The suppression by a magnetic field of the anomalous H=0 conducting phase in high-mobility silicon MOSFETs is independent of the angle between the field and the plane of the 2D electron system. In the presence of a parallel field large enough to fully quench the anomalous conducting phase, the behavior is similar to that of disordered GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures: the system is insulating in zero (perpendicular) field and exhibits reentrant insulator-quantum Hall effect-insulator transitions as a function of perpendicular field. The results demonstrate that the suppression of the low-T phase is related only to the electrons' spin.Comment: 4 pages, including 3 figures. We corrected several typos in the figures and caption