5 research outputs found

    NrsZ: a novel, processed, nitrogen-dependent, small non-coding RNA that regulates Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 virulence.

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    The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 has a remarkable capacity to adapt to various environments and to survive with limited nutrients. Here, we report the discovery and characterization of a novel small non-coding RNA: NrsZ (nitrogen-regulated sRNA). We show that under nitrogen limitation, NrsZ is induced by the NtrB/C two component system, an important regulator of nitrogen assimilation and P. aeruginosa's swarming motility, in concert with the alternative sigma factor RpoN. Furthermore, we demonstrate that NrsZ modulates P. aeruginosa motility by controlling the production of rhamnolipid surfactants, virulence factors notably needed for swarming motility. This regulation takes place through the post-transcriptional control of rhlA, a gene essential for rhamnolipids synthesis. Interestingly, we also observed that NrsZ is processed in three similar short modules, and that the first short module encompassing the first 60 nucleotides is sufficient for NrsZ regulatory functions

    Proteolytic Cleavage of a Spectrin-Related Protein by Calcium-Dependent Protease in Neurospora crassa

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    To investigate the functional significance of a cytoskeletal spectrin-like protein, we studied its localization pattern in Neurospora crassa and sought the answer to whether it is a substrate for another apically localized protein, the calcium-dependent protease (CDP II). Immunoblots of crude extracts from exponentially growing mycelia, separated by one- and two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using antichicken α/β-spectrin antibodies, revealed a single band of approximately relative mass (Mr) 100 kDa with an isoeletric point (pI) in the range of 6.5 to 7.0. Despite rigorous efforts, we could not confirm the presence of an Mr 240- to 220-kDa spectrin-like protein in N. crassa. The immunofluorescence- and immunogold-labeling Mr 100-kDa protein showed its predominance along the plasma membrane of the conidia during the swelling phase of germination. In contrast, in the germ tubes and the growing hyphae, the localization was polarized and concentrated mainly in the apical region. The in vitro proteolysis experiments showed that indeed this protein is a preferred substrate of CDP II which is, as mentioned previously, also localized in the apical regions of the hyphae. These results indicate a putative functional relationship between these two proteins (spectrin-like protein and CDP II) in the dynamics of tip growt

    Characterization of Neurospora crassa α-Actinin

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    α-Actinin, an actin-binding protein of the spectrin superfamily, is present in most eukaryotes except plants. It is composed of three domains: N-terminal CH-domains, C-terminal calcium-binding domain (with EF-hand motifs), and a central rod domain. We have cloned and expressed Neurospora crassa α-actinin as GST and GFP fusion proteins for biochemical characterization and in vivo localization, respectively. The intracellular localization pattern of α-actinin suggests that this protein is intimately associated with actin filaments and plays an important role in the processes of germination, hyphal elongation, septum formation, and conidiation. These functions were confirmed by the experiments on the effect of α-actinin gene deletion in N. crassa