387 research outputs found

    Screening of respiratory pathogens by Respiratory Multi Well System (MWS) r-gene™ assay in hospitalized patients

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    Novel respiratory viruses have been identified as possible agents of upper and lower respiratory tract infections. Multiplex real-time PCRs have been developed to identify clinically relevant respiratory pathogens. In this study, 178 respiratory samples already screened for influenza virus types A and B by Flu A/B ASR real-time PCR kit were retrospectively analyzed with the Respiratory Multi Well System (MWS) r-gene™ real-time PCR kit which detects a wide spectrum of respiratory pathogens. The goal was to demonstrate the importance of a wide spectrum screening compared to a single diagnostic request. The Flu A/B ASR kit detected influenza B virus in 1.7% of the samples (3/178) and no influenza A virus. The MWS r-gene™ kit detected influenza virus in 6.7% (12/178) of samples (0.6% influenza A, and 6.2% influenza B), while the overall detection rate for respiratory pathogens was 54% (96/178). Co-infections were detected in 8/178 (4.5%) samples. Adenovirus was the infectious agent detected most frequently, followed by respiratory syncytial virus. The risk of being infected by respiratory syncytial virus is almost threefold higher in patients older than 65 years compared to the younger age group (OR:2.7, 95% CI: 1.2-6.2). Wide spectrum screening of respiratory pathogens by real-time PCR is an effective means of detecting clinically relevant viral pathogens

    High-Resolution Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary History of HIV-1 Subtypes in Albania

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    HIV-1 epidemic in Western Europe is largely due to subtype B. Little is known about the HIV-1 in Eastern Europe, but a few studies have shown that non-B subtypes are quite common. In Albania, where a recent study estimated a ten-fold increase of AIDS incidence during the last six years, subtype A and B account for 90% of the know infections.We investigated the demographic history of HIV-1 subtype A and B in Albania by using a statistical framework based on coalescent theory and phylogeography. High-resolution phylogenetic and molecular clock analysis showed a limited introduction to the Balkan country of subtype A during the late 1980s followed by an epidemic outburst in the early 1990 s. In contrast, subtype B was apparently introduced multiple times between the mid-1970s and mid-1980s. Both subtypes are growing exponentially, although the HIV-1A epidemic displays a faster growth rate, and a significantly higher basic reproductive number R(0). HIV-1A gene flow occurs primarily from the capital Tirane, in the center of the country, to the periphery, while HIV-1B flow is characterized by a balanced exchange between center and periphery. Finally, we calculated that the actual number of infections in Albania is at least two orders of magnitude higher than previously thought.Our analysis demonstrates the power of recently developed computational tools to investigate molecular epidemiology of pathogens, and emphasize the complex factors involved in the establishment of HIV-1 epidemics. We suggest that a significant correlation exists between HIV-1 exponential spread and the socio-political changes occurred during the Balkan wars. The fast growth of a relatively new non-B epidemic in the Balkans may have significant consequences for the evolution of HIV-1 epidemiology in neighboring countries in Eastern and Western Europe

    Identification of the novel KI polyomavirus in paranasal and lung tissues

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    KI is a novel polyomavirus identified in the respiratory secretions of children with acute respiratory symptoms. Whether this reflects a causal role of the virus in the human respiratory disease remains to be established. To investigate the presence of KIV in the respiratory tissue, we examined 20 fresh lung cancer specimens and surrounding normal tissue along with one paranasal and one lung biopsy from two transplanted children. KIV-VP1 gene was detected in 9/20 lung cancer patients and 2/2 transplanted patients. However, amplification of the sequence coding for the C-terminal part of the early region of KIV performed on the 11 positive cases was successful only in two malignant lung tissues, one surrounding normal tissue, and 1/2 biopsies tested. Phylogenetic analysis performed on the early region of KIV (including the four Italian isolates), BKV and JCV revealed the presence of three distinct clades. Within the KIV clade two sub-clades were observed. A sub-clade A containing the four Italian strains, and a sub-clade B comprising the Swedish and Australian isolates. Interestingly, the two Italian strains identified in normal tissue clustered together, whereas those detected in malignant tissue fell outside this cluster. In vitro studies are needed to investigate the transforming potential of KIV strains. J. Med. Virol. 81:558-561,2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Estimating COVID-19-induced excess mortality in Lombardy, Italy

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    We compare the expected all-cause mortality with the observed one for different age classes during the pandemic in Lombardy, which was the epicenter of the epidemic in Italy. The first case in Italy was found in Lombardy in early 2020, and the first wave was mainly centered in Lombardy. The other three waves, in Autumn 2020, March 2021 and Summer 2021 are also characterized by a high number of cases in absolute terms. A generalized linear mixed model is introduced to model weekly mortality from 2011 to 2019, taking into account seasonal patterns and year-specific trends. Based on the 2019 year-specific conditional best linear unbiased predictions, a significant excess of mortality is estimated in 2020, leading to approximately 35000 more deaths than expected, mainly arising during the first wave. In 2021, instead, the excess mortality is not significantly different from zero, for the 85+ and 15-64 age classes, and significant reductions with respect to the 2020 estimated excess mortality are estimated for other age classes

    Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of HIV-1 variants circulating among injecting drug users in Mashhad-Iran

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    Genetic and phylogenetic information on the HIV-1 epidemic in Middle-East Countries, and in particular in Iran, are extremely limited. By March 2004, the Iranian Ministry of Health officially reported a cumulative number of 6'532 HIV positive individuals and 214 AIDS cases in the Iranian HIV-1 epidemic. The intra-venous drug users (IDUs) represent the group at highest risk for HIV-1 infection in Iran, accounting for almost 63% of all HIV-infected population. In this regards, a molecular phylogenetic study has been performed on a sentinel cohort of HIV-1 seropositive IDUs enrolled at the end of 2005 at the University of Mashhad, the largest city North East of Tehran. The study has been performed on both gag and env subgenomic regions amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and characterized by direct DNA sequence analysis. The results reported here show that the HIV-1 subtype A is circulating in this IDUs sentinel cohort. Moreover, the single phylogenetic cluster as well as the intra-group low nucleotide divergence is indicative of a recent outbreak. Unexpectedly, the Iranian samples appear to be phylogenetically derived from African Sub-Saharan subtype A viruses, raising stirring speculations on HIV-1 introduction into the IDUs epidemic in Mashhad. This sentinel study could represent the starting point for a wider molecular survey of the HIV-1 epidemics in Iran to evaluate in detail the distribution of genetic subtypes and possible natural drug-resistant variants, which are extremely helpful information to design diagnostic and therapeutic strategies

    Non-B HIV type 1 subtypes among men who have sex with men in Rome, Italy

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    An increase in the circulation of HIV-1 non-B subtypes has been observed in recent years in Western European countries. Due to the lack of data on the circulation of HIV-1 non-B subtypes among European HIV-1-infected men who have sex with men (MSM), a biomolecular study was conducted in Rome, Italy. HIV-1 partial pol gene sequences from 111 MSM individuals (76 drug naive and 35 drug experienced) were collected during the years 2004-2006. All these sequences were analyzed using the REGA HIV-1 Subtyping Tool, and aligned using CLUSTAL X followed by manual editing using the Bioedit software. A BLAST search for non-B subtype sequences was also performed. Twenty-six (23.4%) MSM were not Italians. Eight individuals (7.2%) were diagnosed as HIV infected before 1991, 20 (18.0%) between 1991 and 1999, and 83 (74.8%) from 2000 to 2006. Fifteen (15/111, 13.5%) individuals were infected with the non-B subtype. The percentage of infection with HIV-1 non-B subtypes was 8.2% (7/85) among Italian MSM and 30.8% (8/26) among the non-Italians (OR = 4.95 95% IC: 1.40-17.87). Individuals infected with the non-B subtype were significantly younger than those infected with the HIV-1 B subtype (28 years vs. 34 years, p = 0.003). The CRFs were more prevalent (8.1%) than pure subtypes (5.4%), which were distributed as follows: subtype C (2.6%), subtype A1 (1.7%), and subtype F1 (0.9%). Major mutations conferring resistance to antiretroviral drugs (ARV) were not found among HIV-1 non-B subtype drug-naive patients but were found in two ARV-experienced individuals. The data show that viral diversity is likely increasing in a population group that had been previously characterized by the circulation of HIV-1 subtype B. © Copyright 2009, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc

    Molecular analysis of hepatitis C virus infection in Bulgarian injecting drug users

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    Intravenous drug users constitute a group at risk for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Today, no data are available on the molecular epidemiology of HCV in Bulgaria despite the fact that in recent years the incidence of acute hepatitis C infection among Bulgarian intravenous drug users increased sixfold and about 2/3 of them developed a chronic infection. The aim of this study was to determine the circulation of hepatitis C genotypes among drug users and to study the evolution and transmission history of the virus by molecular clock and Bayesian methods, respectively. Sequencing of NS5B gene showed that the genotype 3a was the most prevalent type among intravenous drug users. In the Bayesian tree, the 3a subtypes grouped in one main clade with one small cluster well statistically supported. The root of the tree was dated back to the year 1836, and the main clade from Bulgaria was dated 1960. The effective number of infections remained constant until about years 1950s, growing exponentially from the 1960s to the 1990s, reaching a plateau in the years 2000. The not significant intermixing with isolates from other countries may suggest a segregated circulation of the epidemic between 1940s and 1980s. The plateau reached by the epidemic in the early 2000s may indicate the partial success of the new preventive policies adopted in Bulgaria. J. Med. Virol. 83:1565-1570, 2011. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    An anecdotal case report of chronic lymphatic leukemia with del(11q) treated with ibrutinib: Artificial nourishment and physical activity program

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    Chronic lymphatic leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent type of leukemia in western countries and when association with del(11q) is correlated with a worse prognosis. We reported the clinical case of an 80‐year‐old patient with CLL related to del(11q) and a BMI of 16.4 kg/m2, who presented a voluminous mass in abdominal cavity (23 × 14 × 4cm) which occupied the whole of the mesentery and the retroperitoneal space, treated with ibrutinib, adequate nutrition, and a program of physical activity. He showed a great improvement under ibrutinib therapy and took to artificial nourishment and adequate muscle rehabilitation until he recovered his autonomy. In August 2018, a 5‐days‐a‐week training program was started: Physical activity for at least 20 minutes consisting of a fast walk in the open air three times a week and a moderate physical activity in the remaining two days of at least 20 consecutive minutes (cycling at a regular pace, carrying light weights). The exercise program included also aerobic, upper and lower limb resistance training, chore stability and stretches. The physical condition further improved and remained excellent throughout the follow‐up period. In December 2018, his clinical condition was quite normal; a CT showed a great decrease of all lymphoadenomegaly, and FISH test did not show del(11q). He continued to cultivate his land, while still being treated with ibrutinib. The combination of the right therapy, adequate nutrition, and muscle rehabilitation is the best solution to improve the clinical condition of old cachectic CLL del(11q) patient

    Population dynamics of HCV subtypes in injecting drug‐users on methadone maintenance treatment in China associated with economic and health reform

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    The extensive genetic heterogeneity of hepatitis C virus (HCV) requires in-depth understanding of the population dynamics of different viral subtypes for more effective control of epidemic outbreaks. We analyzed HCV sequences data from 125 participants in Wuhan, China. These participants were newly infected by subtype 1b (n=13), 3a (n=15), 3b (n=50), and 6a (n=39) while on methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Bayesian phylogenies and demographic histories were inferred for these subtypes. Participants infected with HCV-1b and 3a were clustered in well-supported monophyletic clades, indicating local sub-epidemics. Subtypes 3b and 6a strains were intermixed with other Chinese isolates, as well as isolates from other Asian countries, reflecting ongoing across geographic boundary transmissions. Subtypes 1b and 3a declined continuously during the past ten years, consistent with the health and economic reform in China, while subtype 3b showed ongoing exponential growth and 6a was characterized by several epidemic waves, possibly related to the recently growing number of travelers between China and other Asian countries. In conclusion, results of this study suggest that HCV subtype 3b and 6a sub-epidemics in China are currently not under control, and new epidemic waves may emerge given the rapid increase in international traveling following substantial economic growth. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved