25 research outputs found

    Industrial policy evaluation in the presence of spillovers

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    The shortage of studies on spatial spillovers of capital subsidy policies is rather surprising, considering that such policies are usually designed to generate spatial externalities. We propose a new framework that allows positive agglomeration effects to be contrasted with the negative cross-sectional substitution and the crowding-out effect. The global evaluation of the ATT and the spillover parameters shifts the spotlight from the policy effect on subsidised firms to the global effect of capital subsidy policies on the targeted territory. The empirical evaluation of a policy in Italy mainly directed towards small- and medium-sized firms shows that the impact on investments, turnover and employment is positive and large, but is negative on TFP. However, the employment growth is partially determined to the detriment of the untreated firms

    EU Structural Funds and Regional Income Convergence A Sobering Experience

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    The European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) are the prime instrument of EU regional policy. European policy makers place considerable hope into their growth stimulating funding measures to overcome current economic stagnation. Consequently, there is a strong need for credible evidence regarding the programs' effectiveness. Based on an empirical identification strategy linked to modern growth theory, we find that the disbursement of EU structural funds is negatively correlated with regional growth. Incorporating spatial dynamics and decomposing this correlation into a direct and a spatially-indirect component, it is particularly the latter which determines this 'sobering' finding. Regarding the economics behind these results, the obtained negative spatial effect may reflect the role played by policy-induced spatial competition among neighboring regions. It could also highlight the backwardness in technological endowment and economic structures of highly funded regions. In any case, EU structural funding does not seem to contribute effectively to foster income convergence across regions.Die europäischen Struktur und Investmentfonds (ESIF) sind das wichtigste Instrument der EU-Regionalpolitik; die europäische Politik setzt große Hoffnungen in die wachstumsstimulierende Wirkung dieser Fördermaßnahmen zur Überwindung der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Stagnation. Basierend auf einer empirischen Identifikationsstrategie können in diesem Papier keine Belege für positive Förderwirkungen gefunden werden. Werden räumliche Strukturen berücksichtigt, zeigt sich, dass räumlich indirekte Effekte dieses Ergebnis beeinflussen - also solche Regionen weniger wachsen, deren Nachbarn stark gefördert werden. Neben der potenziellen Erklärung, dass Nachbarn gegenseitig ihre Investoren abwerben, legt dieses Resultat nahe, dass hochgeförderte regionale Cluster unter struktureller und technologischer Rückständigkeit leiden, die durch Wachstumsprogramme nicht überwunden werden. Beide möglichen Erklärungen lassen den Schluss zu, dass die Förderung ihr eigentliches Ziel, die Konvergenz der Regionen, verfehlt

    Structural change of employment dynamics by professions and regions in Italy

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    The Italian labour market has registered in the last decades a substantial growth in the qualification of human capital, mainly as a consequence of both active job policies and sectorial structural changes. The composition of professional figures has changed across sectors, in favour of the more qualified ones. The object of this paper is to analyse the structure by professions of employment in Italy in the period 1993-2003. The focus is on the adjustment of the composition of professional employment after cyclical shocks and structural changes. The analysis singles out professions with higher growth rates in employment, conditioned to sectorial effects, idiosyncratic trend and cyclical fluctuations. A particular attention is dedicated to the presence of polarization in employment dynamics between high skill and low skill professions

    Identification of the spatial effects of industrial subsidies

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    CREI Working Papers,rete RePEc (ISSN 1971-6907