58 research outputs found

    Radiative and Auger decay data for modelling nickel K lines

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    Radiative and Auger decay data have been calculated for modelling the K lines in ions of the nickel isonuclear sequence, from Ni+^+ up to Ni27+^{27+}. Level energies, transition wavelengths, radiative transition probabilities, and radiative and Auger widths have been determined using Cowan's Hartree--Fock with Relativistic corrections (HFR) method. Auger widths for the third-row ions (Ni+^+--Ni10+^{10+}) have been computed using single-configuration average (SCA) compact formulae. Results are compared with data sets computed with the AUTOSTRUCTURE and MCDF atomic structure codes and with available experimental and theoretical values, mainly in highly ionized ions and in the solid state.Comment: submitted to ApJS. 42 pages. 12 figure

    K-shell photoionization of Nickel ions using R-matrix

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    We present R-matrix calculations of photoabsorption and photoionization cross sections across the K edge of the Li-like to Ca-like ions stages of Ni. Level-resolved, Breit-Pauli calculations were performed for the Li-like to Na-like stages. Term-resolved calculations, which include the mass-velocity and Darwin relativistic corrections, were performed for the Mg-like to Ca-like ion stages. This data set is extended up to Fe-like Ni using the distorted wave approximation as implemented by AUTOSTRUCTURE. The R-matrix calculations include the effects of radiative and Auger dampings by means of an optical potential. The damping processes affect the absorption resonances converging to the K thresholds causing them to display symmetric profiles of constant width that smear the otherwise sharp edge at the K-shell photoionization threshold. These data are important for the modeling of features found in photoionized plasmas.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Accepted in ApJS

    Nitrogen K-shell photoabsorption

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    Reliable atomic data have been computed for the spectral modeling of the nitrogen K lines, which may lead to useful astrophysical diagnostics. Data sets comprise valence and K-vacancy level energies, wavelengths, Einstein AA-coefficients, radiative and Auger widths and K-edge photoionization cross sections. An important issue is the lack of measurements which are usually employed to fine-tune calculations so as to attain spectroscopic accuracy. In order to estimate data quality, several atomic structure codes are used and extensive comparisons with previous theoretical data have been carried out. In the calculation of K photoabsorption with the Breit--Pauli RR-matrix method, both radiation and Auger damping, which cause the smearing of the K edge, are taken into account. This work is part of a wider project to compute atomic data in the X-ray regime to be included in the database of the popular {\sc xstar} modeling code

    Atomic data from the IRON Project. I. Electron-impact scattering of Fe17+ using <I>R</I>-matrix theory with intermediate coupling

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    We present results for electron-impact excitation of F-like Fe calculated using R-matrix theory where an intermediate-coupling frame transformation (ICFT) is used to obtain level-resolved collision strengths. Two such calculations are performed, the first expands the target using 2s2 2p5, 2s 2p6, 2s2 2p4 3l, 2s 2p5 3l, and 2p6 3l configurations while the second calculation includes the 2s2 2p4 4l, 2s 2p5 4l, and 2p6 4l configurations as well. The effect of the additional structure in the latter calculation on the n=3 resonances is explored and compared with previous calculations. We find strong resonant enhancement of the effective collision strengths to the 2s2 2p4 3s levels. A comparison with a Chandra X-ray observation of Capella shows that the n=4 R-matrix calculation leads to good agreement with observation</p

    Modeling the Oxygen K Absorption in the Interstellar Medium: An XMM-Newton View of Sco X-1

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    We investigate the absorption structure of the oxygen in the interstellar medium by analyzing XMM-Newton observations of the low mass X-ray binary Sco X-1. We use simple models based on the O I atomic cross section from different sources to fit the data and evaluate the impact of the atomic data in the interpretation of astrophysical observations. We show that relatively small differences in the atomic calculations can yield spurious results. We also show that the most complete and accurate set of atomic cross sections successfully reproduce the observed data in the 21 - 24.5 Angstrom wavelength region of the spectrum. Our fits indicate that the absorption is mainly due to neutral gas with an ionization parameter of Epsilon = 10(exp -4) erg/sq cm, and an oxygen column density of N(sub O) approx. = 8-10 x 10(exp 17)/sq cm. Our models are able to reproduce both the K edge and the K(alpha) absorption line from O I, which are the two main features in this region. We find no conclusive evidence for absorption by other than atomic oxygen

    Photoionization Modeling of Oxygen K Absorption in the Interstellar Medium:

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    We present detailed analyses of oxygen K absorption in the interstellar medium (ISM) using four high-resolution Chandra spectra toward the X-ray low-mass binary XTE J1817-330. The 11-25 Angstrom broadband is described with a simple absorption model that takes into account the pile-up effect and results in an estimate of the hydrogen column density. The oxygen K-edge region (21-25 Angstroms) is fitted with the physical warmabs model, which is based on a photoionization model grid generated with the xstar code with the most up-to-date atomic database. This approach allows a benchmark of the atomic data which involves wavelength shifts of both the K lines and photoionization cross sections in order to fit the observed spectra accurately. As a result we obtain a column density of N(sub H) = 1.38 +/- 0.01 10(exp 21) cm(exp 2); an ionization parameter of log xi = 2.70 +/- 0.023; an oxygen abundance of A(sub O) = 0.689 (+0.015/0.010); and ionization fractions of O(sub I)/O = 0.911, O(sub II)/O = 0.077, and O(sub III)/O = 0.012 that are in good agreement with results from previous studies. Since the oxygen abundance in warmabs is given relative to the solar standard of Grevesse & Sauval, a rescaling with the revision by Asplund et al. yields A(sub O) = 0.952(+0.020/0.013), a value close to solar that reinforces the new standard.We identify several atomic absorption lines-K(alpha), K(beta), and K(gamma) in O(sub I) and O(sub II) and K(alpha) in O(sub III), O(sub VI), and O(sub VII)-the last two probably residing in the neighborhood of the source rather than in the ISM. This is the first firm detection of oxygen K resonances with principal quantum numbers n greater than 2 associated with ISM cold absorption

    Erratum: "Photoionization Modeling of Oxygen K Absorption in the Interstellar Medium, the Chandra Grating Spectra of XTE J1817-330" (2013, Apj, 768, 60)

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    In the published version of this paper, there are some minor inaccuracies in the absorption-line wavelengths listed in Table 4 as a result of a faulty reduction procedure of the Obs6615 spectrum. The shifts have been detected in a comparison with the wavelengths listed for this spectrum in the Chandra Transmission Grating Catalog and Archive (TGCat8). They are due to incorrect centroid positions of the zero-order image in both reductions as determined by the tgdetect utility which, when disentangled, yield the improved line positions of the amended Table 4 given below. It must also be pointed out that other quantitative findings of the original paper: 1. Table 5, p. 9: the column density (NH), ionization parameter, oxygen abundance of the warmabs model and the normalization and photon index of the power-law model; 2. Table 6, p. 9: the hydrogen column density of the warmabs fit; 3. Table 7, p. 9: the present oxygen equivalent widths of XTE J1817-330; and 4. Table 8, p. 10: the present oxygen column densities of XTE J1817-330 derived from both the curve of growth and warmabs model fit have been revised in the new light and are, within the estimated uncertainty ranges, in good accord with the new rendering

    Improved Neutron-Capture Element Abundances in Planetary Nebulae

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    Spectroscopy of planetary nebulae (PNe) provides the means to investigate s-process enrichments of neutron(n)-capture elements that cannot be detected in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. However, accurate abundance determinations of these elements present a challenge. Corrections for unobserved ions can be large and uncertain, since in many PNe only one ion of a given n-capture element has been detected. Furthermore, the atomic data governing the ionization balance of these species are not well-determined, inhibiting the derivation of accurate ionization corrections. We present initial results of a program that addresses these challenges. Deep high resolution optical spectroscopy of ~20 PNe has been performed to detect emission lines from trans-iron species including Se, Br, Kr, Rb, and Xe. The optical spectral region provides access to multiple ions of these elements, which reduces the magnitude and importance of uncertainties in the ionization corrections. In addition, experimental and theoretical efforts are providing determinations of the photoionization cross-sections and recombination rate coefficients of Se, Kr, and Xe ions. These new atomic data will make it possible to derive robust ionization corrections for these elements. Together, our observational and atomic data results will enable n-capture element abundances to be determined with unprecedented accuracy in ionized nebulae.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, to appear in "The Origin of the Elements Heavier than Fe", Sep 25-27, 2008, Turin, Italy, PASA, eds. John C. Lattanzio and M. Lugar
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