4,444 research outputs found

    "Which-path information" and partial polarization in single-photon interference experiments

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    It is shown that the degree of polarization of light, generated by superposition in a single-photon interference experiment, may depend on the indistinguishability of the photon-paths.Comment: 9 page

    Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Data Analysis: Entropic Priors

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    The problem of assigning probability distributions which objectively reflect the prior information available about experiments is one of the major stumbling blocks in the use of Bayesian methods of data analysis. In this paper the method of Maximum (relative) Entropy (ME) is used to translate the information contained in the known form of the likelihood into a prior distribution for Bayesian inference. The argument is inspired and guided by intuition gained from the successful use of ME methods in statistical mechanics. For experiments that cannot be repeated the resulting "entropic prior" is formally identical with the Einstein fluctuation formula. For repeatable experiments, however, the expected value of the entropy of the likelihood turns out to be relevant information that must be included in the analysis. The important case of a Gaussian likelihood is treated in detail.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum effects in classical systems having complex energy

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    On the basis of extensive numerical studies it is argued that there are strong analogies between the probabilistic behavior of quantum systems defined by Hermitian Hamiltonians and the deterministic behavior of classical mechanical systems extended into the complex domain. Three models are examined: the quartic double-well potential V(x)=x45x2V(x)=x^4-5x^2, the cubic potential V(x)=frac12x2gx3V(x)=frac{1}{2}x^2-gx^3, and the periodic potential V(x)=cosxV(x)=-\cos x. For the quartic potential a wave packet that is initially localized in one side of the double-well can tunnel to the other side. Complex solutions to the classical equations of motion exhibit a remarkably analogous behavior. Furthermore, classical solutions come in two varieties, which resemble the even-parity and odd-parity quantum-mechanical bound states. For the cubic potential, a quantum wave packet that is initially in the quadratic portion of the potential near the origin will tunnel through the barrier and give rise to a probability current that flows out to infinity. The complex solutions to the corresponding classical equations of motion exhibit strongly analogous behavior. For the periodic potential a quantum particle whose energy lies between -1 and 1 can tunnel repeatedly between adjacent classically allowed regions and thus execute a localized random walk as it hops from region to region. Furthermore, if the energy of the quantum particle lies in a conduction band, then the particle delocalizes and drifts freely through the periodic potential. A classical particle having complex energy executes a qualitatively analogous local random walk, and there exists a narrow energy band for which the classical particle becomes delocalized and moves freely through the potential.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Improving imaging resolution of shaking targets by Fourier-transform ghost diffraction

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    For conventional imaging, shaking of the imaging system or the target leads to the degradation of imaging resolution. In this work, the influence of the target's shaking to fourier-transform ghost diffraction (FGD) is investigated. The analytical results, which are backed up by numerical simulation and experiments, demonstrate that the quiver of target has no effect on the resolution of FGD, thus the target's imaging with high spatial resolution can be always achieved by phase-retrieval method from the FGD patterns. This approach can be applied in high-precision imaging systems, to overcome the influence of the system's shaking to imaging resolution.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Exploration of synergistic and redundant information sharing in static and dynamical Gaussian systems

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    To fully characterize the information that two source variables carry about a third target variable, one must decompose the total information into redundant, unique, and synergistic components, i.e., obtain a partial information decomposition (PID). However, Shannon's theory of information does not provide formulas to fully determine these quantities. Several recent studies have begun addressing this. Some possible definitions for PID quantities have been proposed and some analyses have been carried out on systems composed of discrete variables. Here we present an in-depth analysis of PIDs on Gaussian systems, both static and dynamical. We show that, for a broad class of Gaussian systems, previously proposed PID formulas imply that (i) redundancy reduces to the minimum information provided by either source variable and hence is independent of correlation between sources, and (ii) synergy is the extra information contributed by the weaker source when the stronger source is known and can either increase or decrease with correlation between sources. We find that Gaussian systems frequently exhibit net synergy, i.e., the information carried jointly by both sources is greater than the sum of information carried by each source individually. Drawing from several explicit examples, we discuss the implications of these findings for measures of information transfer and information-based measures of complexity, both generally and within a neuroscience setting. Importantly, by providing independent formulas for synergy and redundancy applicable to continuous time-series data, we provide an approach to characterizing and quantifying information sharing amongst complex system variables

    Precautionary Regulation in Europe and the United States: A Quantitative Comparison

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    Much attention has been addressed to the question of whether Europe or the United States adopts a more precautionary stance to the regulation of potential environmental, health, and safety risks. Some commentators suggest that Europe is more risk-averse and precautionary, whereas the US is seen as more risk-taking and optimistic about the prospects for new technology. Others suggest that the US is more precautionary because its regulatory process is more legalistic and adversarial, while Europe is more lax and corporatist in its regulations. The flip-flop hypothesis claims that the US was more precautionary than Europe in the 1970s and early 1980s, and that Europe has become more precautionary since then. We examine the levels and trends in regulation of environmental, health, and safety risks since 1970. Unlike previous research, which has studied only a small set of prominent cases selected non-randomly, we develop a comprehensive list of almost 3,000 risks and code the relative stringency of regulation in Europe and the US for each of 100 risks randomly selected from that list for each year from 1970 through 2004. Our results suggest that: (a) averaging over risks, there is no significant difference in relative precaution over the period, (b) weakly consistent with the flip-flop hypothesis, there is some evidence of a modest shift toward greater relative precaution of European regulation since about 1990, although (c) there is a diversity of trends across risks, of which the most common is no change in relative precaution (including cases where Europe and the US are equally precautionary and where Europe or the US has been consistently more precautionary). The overall finding is of a mixed and diverse pattern of relative transatlantic precaution over the period

    Exact expression for the diffusion propagator in a family of time-dependent anharmonic potentials

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    We have obtained the exact expression of the diffusion propagator in the time-dependent anharmonic potential V(x,t)=1/2a(t)x2+blnxV(x,t)={1/2}a(t)x^2+b\ln x. The underlying Euclidean metric of the problem allows us to obtain analytical solutions for a whole family of the elastic parameter a(t), exploiting the relation between the path integral representation of the short time propagator and the modified Bessel functions. We have also analyzed the conditions for the appearance of a non-zero flow of particles through the infinite barrier located at the origin (b<0).Comment: RevTex, 19 pgs. Accepted in Physical Review

    Education in the working-class home: modes of learning as revealed by nineteenth-century criminal records

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    The transmission of knowledge and skills within the working-class household greatly troubled social commentators and social policy experts during the first half of the nineteenth century. To prove theories which related criminality to failures in working-class up-bringing, experts and officials embarked upon an ambitious collection of data on incarcerated criminals at various penal institutions. One such institution was the County Gaol at Ipswich. The exceptionally detailed information that survives on families, literacy, education and apprenticeships of the men, women and children imprisoned there has the potential to transform our understanding of the nature of home schooling (broadly interpreted) amongst the working classes in nineteenth-century England. This article uses data sets from prison registers to chart both the incidence and ‘success’ of instruction in reading and writing within the domestic environment. In the process, it highlights the importance of schooling in working-class families, but also the potentially growing significance of the family in occupational training

    Cultural determinants of the gap between self-estimated navigation ability and wayfinding performance: evidence from 46 countries

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    Cognitive abilities can vary widely. Some people excel in certain skills, others struggle. However, not all those who describe themselves as gifted are. One possible influence on self-estimates is the surrounding culture. Some cultures may amplify self-assurance and others cultivate humility. Past research has shown that people in different countries can be grouped into a set of consistent cultural clusters with similar values and tendencies, such as attitudes to masculinity or individualism. Here we explored whether such cultural dimensions might relate to the extent to which populations in 46 countries overestimate or underestimate their cognitive abilities in the domain of spatial navigation. Using the Sea Hero Quest navigation test and a large sample (N = 383,187) we found cultural clusters of countries tend to be similar in how they self-rate ability relative to their actual performance. Across the world population sampled, higher self-ratings were associated with better performance. However, at the national level, higher self-ratings as a nation were not associated with better performance as a nation. Germanic and Near East countries were found to be most overconfident in their abilities and Nordic countries to be most under-confident in their abilities. Gender stereotypes may play a role in mediating this pattern, with larger national positive attitudes to male stereotyped roles (Hofstede's masculinity dimension) associated with a greater overconfidence in performance at the national level. We also replicate, with higher precision than prior studies, evidence that older men tend to overestimate their navigation skill more than other groups. These findings give insight into how culture and demographics may impact self-estimates of our abilities