189 research outputs found

    Emergence of complex and spinor wave functions in scale relativity. I. Nature of scale variables

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    One of the main results of Scale Relativity as regards the foundation of quantum mechanics is its explanation of the origin of the complex nature of the wave function. The Scale Relativity theory introduces an explicit dependence of physical quantities on scale variables, founding itself on the theorem according to which a continuous and non-differentiable space-time is fractal (i.e., scale-divergent). In the present paper, the nature of the scale variables and their relations to resolutions and differential elements are specified in the non-relativistic case (fractal space). We show that, owing to the scale-dependence which it induces, non-differentiability involves a fundamental two-valuedness of the mean derivatives. Since, in the scale relativity framework, the wave function is a manifestation of the velocity field of fractal space-time geodesics, the two-valuedness of velocities leads to write them in terms of complex numbers, and yields therefore the complex nature of the wave function, from which the usual expression of the Schr\"odinger equation can be derived.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, major changes from the first version, matches the published versio

    Emergence of complex and spinor wave functions in Scale Relativity. II. Lorentz invariance and bi-spinors

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    Owing to the non-differentiable nature of the theory of Scale Relativity, the emergence of complex wave functions, then of spinors and bi-spinors occurs naturally in its framework. The wave function is here a manifestation of the velocity field of geodesics of a continuous and non-differentiable (therefore fractal) space-time. In a first paper (Paper I), we have presented the general argument which leads to this result using an elaborate and more detailed derivation than previously displayed. We have therefore been able to show how the complex wave function emerges naturally from the doubling of the velocity field and to revisit the derivation of the non relativistic Schr\"odinger equation of motion. In the present paper (Paper II) we deal with relativistic motion and detail the natural emergence of the bi-spinors from such first principles of the theory. Moreover, while Lorentz invariance has been up to now inferred from mathematical results obtained in stochastic mechanics, we display here a new and detailed derivation of the way one can obtain a Lorentz invariant expression for the expectation value of the product of two independent fractal fluctuation fields in the sole framework of the theory of Scale Relativity. These new results allow us to enhance the robustness of our derivation of the two main equations of motion of relativistic quantum mechanics (the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations) which we revisit here at length.Comment: 24 pages, no figure; very minor corrections to fit the published version: a few typos and a completed referenc

    Second-order power spectra of CMB anisotropies due to primordial random perturbations in flat cosmological models

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    Second-order power spectra of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies due to random primordial perturbations at the matter dominant stage are studied, based on the relativistic second-order theory of perturbations in flat cosmological models and on the second-order formula of CMB anisotropies derived by Mollerach and Matarrese. So far the second-order integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect has been analyzed using the three-point correlation or bispectrum. In this paper we derive the second-order term of power spectra given using the two-point correlation of temperature fluctuations. The second-order density perturbations are small, compared with the first-order ones. The second-order power spectra of CMB anisotropies, however, are not small at all, compared with the first-order power spectra, because at the early stage the first-order integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect is very small and the second-order integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect may be dominant over the first-order ones. So their characteristic behaviors may be measured through the future precise observation and bring useful informations on the structure and evolution of our universe in the future.Comment: 11 page

    Direct reconstruction of dark energy

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    An important issue in cosmology is reconstructing the effective dark energy equation of state directly from observations. With so few physically motivated models, future dark energy studies cannot only be based on constraining a dark energy parameter space. We present a new non-parametric method which can accurately reconstruct a wide variety of dark energy behaviour with no prior assumptions about it. It is simple, quick and relatively accurate, and involves no expensive explorations of parameter space. The technique uses principal component analysis and a combination of information criteria to identify real features in the data, and tailors the fitting functions to pick up trends and smooth over noise. We find that we can constrain a large variety of w(z) models to within 10-20 % at redshifts z<1 using just SNAP-quality data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. v2 has added refs plus minor changes. To appear in PR

    Gravitational energy and cosmic acceleration

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    Cosmic acceleration is explained quantitatively, as an apparent effect due to gravitational energy differences that arise in the decoupling of bound systems from the global expansion of the universe. "Dark energy" is a misidentification of those aspects of gravitational energy which by virtue of the equivalence principle cannot be localised, namely gradients in the energy due to the expansion of space and spatial curvature variations in an inhomogeneous universe. A new scheme for cosmological averaging is proposed which solves the Sandage-de Vaucouleurs paradox. Concordance parameters fit supernovae luminosity distances, the angular scale of the sound horizon in the CMB anisotropies, and the effective comoving baryon acoustic oscillation scale seen in galaxy clustering statistics. Key observational anomalies are potentially resolved, and unique predictions made, including a quantifiable variance in the Hubble flow below the scale of apparent homogeneity.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. An essay which received Honorable Mention in the 2007 GRF Essay Competition. To appear in a special issue of Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Interior spacetimes sourced by stationary differentially rotating irrotational cylindrical fluids. II. Axial pressure

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    In a recent series of papers new exact analytical solutions of Einstein equations representing interior spacetimes sourced by stationary rigidly rotating cylinders of fluids have been displayed. We have first considered a fluid with an axially directed pressure C\'el\'erier, Phys. Rev. D 104, 064040 (2021), J. Math. Phys. 64, 032501 (2023), then a perfect fluid, J. Math. Phys. 64, 022501 (2023), followed by a fluid with an azimuthally directed pressure, J. Math. Phys. 64, 042501 (2023), and finally a fluid where the anisotropic pressure is radially oriented, J. Math. Phys. 64, 052502 (2023). This work is being currently extended to the cases of differentially rotating irrotational fluids. The results are presented in a new series of papers considering, in turn, a perfect fluid source, arXiv:2305.11565 [gr-qc], and the same three anisotropic pressure cases. Here, fluids with an axially directed pressure are considered. A general method for generating new mathematical solutions to the field equations is displayed and three classes are presented so as to exemplify this recipe. Their mathematical and physical properties are analyzed. The first class, named class A, whose other mathematical and physical properties determine a standard configuration, is shown to exhibit a singular axis of symmetry which can be considered as an awkward drawback. The second class, class B, is free from such a singularity but appears to exhibit a negative energy density which characterizes a rather exotic kind of matter. The third class, class C, is the best behaved since it possesses the main properties expected from spacetimes sourced by rather standard fluids. The three classes are matched to an exterior Lewis-Weyl vacuum and the conditions for avoiding an angular deficit are discussed. A comparison with the rigidly rotating fluid case is provided.Comment: 29 pages, 0 figur