84 research outputs found

    Experimental open air quantum key distribution with a single photon source

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    We present a full implementation of a quantum key distribution (QKD) system with a single photon source, operating at night in open air. The single photon source at the heart of the functional and reliable setup relies on the pulsed excitation of a single nitrogen-vacancy color center in diamond nanocrystal. We tested the effect of attenuation on the polarized encoded photons for inferring longer distance performance of our system. For strong attenuation, the use of pure single photon states gives measurable advantage over systems relying on weak attenuated laser pulses. The results are in good agreement with theoretical models developed to assess QKD security

    Heralded processes on continuous-variable spaces as quantum maps

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    Conditional evolution is crucial for generating non-Gaussian resources for quantum information tasks in the continuous variable scenario. However, tools are lacking for a convenient representation of heralded process in terms of quantum maps for continuous variable states, in the same way as Wigner functions are able to give a compact description of the quantum state. Here we propose and study such a representation, based on the introduction of a suitable transfer function to describe the action of a quantum operation on the Wigner function. We also reconstruct the maps of two relevant examples of conditional process, that is, noiseless amplification and photon addition, by combining experimental data and a detailed physical model. This analysis allows to fully characterize the effect of experimental imperfections in their implementations.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Minor change

    On the distillation and purification of phase-diffused squeezed states

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    Recently it was discovered that non-Gaussian decoherence processes, such as phase-diffusion, can be counteracted by purification and distillation protocols that are solely built on Gaussian operations. Here, we make use of this experimentally highly accessible regime, and provide a detailed experimental and theoretical analysis of several strategies for purification/distillation protocols on phase-diffused squeezed states. Our results provide valuable information for the optimization of such protocols with respect to the choice of the trigger quadrature, the trigger threshold value and the probability of generating a distilled state

    Improvement of continuous-variable quantum key distribution systems by using optical preamplifiers

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    Continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocols, based on Gaussian modulation of the quadratures of coherent states, have been implemented in recent experiments. A present limitation of such systems is the finite efficiency of the detectors, which can in principle be compensated for by the use of classical optical preamplifiers. Here we study this possibility in detail, by deriving the modified secret key generation rates when an optical parametric amplifier is placed at the output of the quantum channel. After presenting a general set of security proofs, we show that the use of preamplifiers does compensate for all the imperfections of the detectors when the amplifier is optimal in terms of gain and noise. Imperfect amplifiers can also enhance the system performance, under conditions which are generally satisfied in practice.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys. B (special issue on Few Atoms Optics

    Maximal Violation of Bell Inequalities using Continuous Variables Measurements

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    We propose a whole family of physical states that yield a violation of the Bell CHSH inequality arbitrarily close to its maximum value, when using quadrature phase homodyne detection. This result is based on a new binning process called root binning, that is used to transform the continuous variables measurements into binary results needed for the tests of quantum mechanics versus local realistic theories. A physical process in order to produce such states is also suggested. The use of high-efficiency spacelike separated homodyne detections with these states and this binning process would result in a conclusive loophole-free test of quantum mechanics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in PRA in a slightly different versio

    Field test of a continuous-variable quantum key distribution prototype

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    We have designed and realized a prototype that implements a continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocol based on coherent states and reverse reconciliation. The system uses time and polarization multiplexing for optimal transmission and detection of the signal and phase reference, and employs sophisticated error-correction codes for reconciliation. The security of the system is guaranteed against general coherent eavesdropping attacks. The performance of the prototype was tested over preinstalled optical fibres as part of a quantum cryptography network combining different quantum key distribution technologies. The stable and automatic operation of the prototype over 57 hours yielded an average secret key distribution rate of 8 kbit/s over a 3 dB loss optical fibre, including the key extraction process and all quantum and classical communication. This system is therefore ideal for securing communications in metropolitan size networks with high speed requirements.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physics (Special issue on Quantum Cryptography

    Quantum key distribution using gaussian-modulated coherent states

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    Quantum continuous variables are being explored as an alternative means to implement quantum key distribution, which is usually based on single photon counting. The former approach is potentially advantageous because it should enable higher key distribution rates. Here we propose and experimentally demonstrate a quantum key distribution protocol based on the transmission of gaussian-modulated coherent states (consisting of laser pulses containing a few hundred photons) and shot-noise-limited homodyne detection; squeezed or entangled beams are not required. Complete secret key extraction is achieved using a reverse reconciliation technique followed by privacy amplification. The reverse reconciliation technique is in principle secure for any value of the line transmission, against gaussian individual attacks based on entanglement and quantum memories. Our table-top experiment yields a net key transmission rate of about 1.7 megabits per second for a loss-free line, and 75 kilobits per second for a line with losses of 3.1 dB. We anticipate that the scheme should remain effective for lines with higher losses, particularly because the present limitations are essentially technical, so that significant margin for improvement is available on both the hardware and software.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Single-particle nonlocality and entanglement with the vacuum

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    We propose a single-particle experiment that is equivalent to the conventional two-particle experiment used to demonstrate a violation of Bell's inequalities. Hence, we argue that quantum mechanical nonlocality can be demonstrated by single-particle states. The validity of such a claim has been discussed in the literature, but without reaching a clear consensus. We show that the disagreement can be traced to what part of the total state of the experiment one assigns to the (macroscopic) measurement apparatus. However, with a conventional and legitimate interpretation of the measurement process one is led to the conclusion that even a single particle can show nonlocal properties.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Probabilistic Quantum Logic Operations Using Polarizing Beam Splitters

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    It has previously been shown that probabilistic quantum logic operations can be performed using linear optical elements, additional photons (ancilla), and post-selection based on the output of single-photon detectors. Here we describe the operation of several quantum logic operations of an elementary nature, including a quantum parity check and a quantum encoder, and we show how they can be combined to implement a controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate. All of these gates can be constructed using polarizing beam splitters that completely transmit one state of polarization and totally reflect the orthogonal state of polarization, which allows a simple explanation of each operation. We also describe a polarizing beam splitter implementation of a CNOT gate that is closely analogous to the quantum teleportation technique previously suggested by Gottesman and Chuang [Nature 402, p.390 (1999)]. Finally, our approach has the interesting feature that it makes practical use of a quantum-eraser technique.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex; Submitted to Phys. Rev. A; additional references inlcude

    A single-photon transistor using nano-scale surface plasmons

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    It is well known that light quanta (photons) can interact with each other in nonlinear media, much like massive particles do, but in practice these interactions are usually very weak. Here we describe a novel approach to realize strong nonlinear interactions at the single-photon level. Our method makes use of recently demonstrated efficient coupling between individual optical emitters and tightly confined, propagating surface plasmon excitations on conducting nanowires. We show that this system can act as a nonlinear two-photon switch for incident photons propagating along the nanowire, which can be coherently controlled using quantum optical techniques. As a novel application, we discuss how the interaction can be tailored to create a single-photon transistor, where the presence or absence of a single incident photon in a ``gate'' field is sufficient to completely control the propagation of subsequent ``signal'' photons.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure