8 research outputs found

    Importance of medium chain fatty acids in animal nutrition

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    Fats in animal and human nutrition are a common subject of research. These studies most often pay attention to particular fat groups (saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated fats or fats grouped by the length of their fatty acid chains into short, medium or long chain fatty acids). Medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) have two main sources: milk and coconut oil. To date, research has shown these acids have positive effects on health, production, feed digestibility and lower body and muscle fats in broilers and swine. MCFAs possess antibacterial, anticoccidial and antiviral effects. Also, it has been proven that these acids act synergistically if they are used together with organic acids, essential oils, or probiotics. Nowadays, commercial MCFA products are available for use in animal nutrition as feed additives

    Examination of the influence of conjugated linoleic acid in broiler nutrition on the economic efficiency of fattening

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    The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the use of CLA (2%), from days 1, 11 or 22 of fattening, on selected production results (broiler weight after each fattening phase including at the end of fattening, viability, average daily gain and feed conversion) on the efficiency of fattening during the whole fattening period (42 days). The obtained production results were used to calculate the European production efficiency factor (EPEF) and the European broiler index (EBI) values for each fattening phase as well as for the whole fattening. The results obtained indicate that, in the later stages of fattening, the use of CLA during the whole fattening period is economically more justified than the non-CLA diets used for control broilers. With the use of CLA throughout the whole fattening, the EPEF and EBI values are consistent with these values calculated for the Cobb 500 standard. In addition to economic justification, the use of CLA also has human nutritional significance, since the broiler meat is enriched with CLA and has a more favourable n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio

    The influence of food selection on lipid indices of pork meat and fat tissue

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    У већини развијених земаља, висок унос меса доприноси већем уносу укупних масти, засићених масних киселина и холестерола у односу на препоручени дневни унос. Све чешће потрошачи се саветују да конзумирају немасно месо и производе са ниским садржајем масти. Маснокиселински профил одређених ткива директно одражава маснокиселински профил у исхрани животиња. Циљ овог истраживања био је да се утврди ефекат различитих извора масти у исхрани свиња на маснокиселински састав и липидне индексе масног у односу на мишићно ткиво свиња, са аспекта здравствених потреба потрошача. За оглед, који је трајао 46 дана, коришћено је 30 свиња мелеза Јоркшира x Ландраса, са почетном телесном масом од 60 кг. Свиње су подељене у три групе и храњене су стандардном смешом, с тим што су се групе разликовале једино у томе што је прва огледна група (О-I) имала у оброку зрно сунцокрета, друга огледна група (О-II) препарат семена лана, а трећа огледна група (О-III) сојин гриз. Израчунавањем атерогеног (АИ) и тромбогеног индекса (ТИ) који су у директној вези са маснокиселинским саставом ткива, разматран је значај за исхрану и здравље људи. Ови индекси указују на потенцијалну могућност настанка кардиоваскуларних болести код људи. Добијени резултати указују на то да су АИ и ТИ у месу (од 0,41 до 0,43 и од 1,08 до 1,10, појединачно) били знатно виши у односу на масно ткиво (од 0,33 до 0,39 и од 0,80 до 0,84, појединачно) испитиваних група свиња, а препоручују се што ниже вредности ових индекса. У циљу заштите конзумената од хиперхолестеролемије, фактора који узрокује атероскерозу код људи, израчунат је хипохолестеролемични/хиперхолестеролемични индекс (х/Х индекс). Вредности х/Х индекса биле су повољније у масном (од 2,91 до 3,36), него у мишићном ткиву (од 2,56 до 2,69) све три групе свиња. Израчунавањем липидних индекса можемо закључити да додавањем биљних уља у исхрани свиња можемо побољшати квалитет меса и масног ткива повећањем н-3 засићених масних киселина.In most developed countries, high meat intake contributes to a higher intake of total fat, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, compared to the recommended daily intake. Increasingly, consumers are advised to consume lean meat and lowfat products. The fatty acid profile of certain tissues directly reflects the fatty acid profile in animal nutrition. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various sources of fat in pig diet on fatty acid composition and lipid indices of fatty tissue in relation to the muscle tissue, in terms of the health needs of consumers. During 46 days of this experiment, 30 pigs of crossbreds Yorkshire x Landrace were used, with an initial body weight of 60 kg. The pigs were divided into three groups and fed with a standard mixture, except that the groups differed only in the fact that the first experimental group (E-I) had a sunflower seed in the meal, the second experimental group (E-II) was a preparation of linseed, and the third experimental group (E-III) soybean grits. The importance of human nutrition and health is considered by calculating the atherogenic (IA) and thrombogenic (IT) indices, which are directly related to the fatty acid composition of tissues. These indices indicate the potential effect on the promotion of cardiovascular diseases in humans. The results obtained indicate that the AI and TI of meat (from 0.41 to 0.43 and from 1.08 to 1.10, respectively) were significantly higher than in the fat tissue (from 0.33 to 0.39 and from 0.80 to 0.84, respectively) of examined pig groups. For these two indexes the lower values are recommended. In order to protect consumer from hypercholesterolaemia, a factor that causes atherosclerosis in humans, the h/H index (hypocholesterolemic / hypercholesterolemic index) was calculated. The values of h/H index, which must be as high as possible, were better in the fat (2.91 to 3.36) than in the muscle tissue (from 2.56 to 2.69) of all three groups of pigs. Calculating lipid indices can be concluded that the addition of oils in the pig diet can improve the quality of meat and fat tissue by increasing the n-3 saturated fatty acids.Zbornik kratkih sadržaj

    Water - past, present, future

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    Порекло воде на земљи од античких времена, па и данас, је предмет бројних инересовања, мислиоца и истраживача из различитих области науке, још увек није у потпуности разјашњено. Са друге стране, о распрострањености воде на земљи и њеним ресурсима, нарочито о води коју човек користи за пиће зна се много више. Распрострањеност воде и водни ресурси слатке воде су неравномерно распоређени на земљи, па отуда и сигурност (доступност) воде свим становницима света је неравномерна. Пораст броја становника и климатске промене (глобално загревање) прете све већој оскудици воде у појединим деловима света, нарочито оним најмногољуднијим. Вода се од давнина не користи само за пиће и одржавање личне хигијене. Она је и материјално добро са широком применом (наводњавање, енергетски извор, транспорт, лечење, туризам, рекреација). Један од највећих проблема, са којим се у епохи антропоцена суочава човечанство, је загађење животне средине и у њој посебно загађење вода. Ово захтева одговорност и бригу, како друштва, тако и сваког појединца према заштити животне средине, употреби и поступцима са водом

    Influence of oil sources in the nutrition of laying hens on production results

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    Исхрана кока носиља има значајну улогу за њихово здравствено и кондиционно стање, као и за производне резултате. Задовољавајући производни резултати могу да се остваре употребом нутријената који осигуравају енергетске потребе, потребе у протеинима (аминокисе- лине), витаминима и минералима. Основна сировина у исхрани кока носиља је најчешће кукуруз (преко 50%), сојина и сунцокретова сачма, сточна креда, сточни квасац и премикс (витамини, аминокиселине, макро и микроелементи). Циљ овог рада био је да се испита утицај сојиног уља (1,5% К0 група) и замене сојиног уља и дела кукуруза ланеним уљем (К1 1,5%, К2 3% и К3 4,5%) на производне резултате кока носиља хибрида Isa Brown (просечна маса на почетку и крају огледа, просечан прираст, потрошња хране, просечан дневни број и проценат снешених јаја и просечна маса јаја). Оглед је трајао 70 дана (од 155. до 220. дана старости). Просечна маса кока носиља на почетку огледа била је уједначена, а на крају огледа била је већа код К3 групе у односу на остале испитиване групе. Просечан при- раст био је од 88,50 г (К0) до 114 г (К3 група). Утрошак хране био је 120,15 г код К0 групе и 115,38 г код К2 групе. Просечан дневни број снешених јаја био је од 37,27 (К0 група) до 38,83 (К2 група),а изражено у процентима био је од 93,11% (К0 група) до 97,19 (К2 група). Између просечног дневног броја снешених јаја и просечног броја јаја изражених у процентима утврђене су статистички значајне разлике (р<0,01) између поређених група. Просечна маса јаја била је од 58,13 г (К1 група) до 60,34 (К3 група). Утврђене су статистички значајне разлике (р<0,01) између поређених просечних маса јаја кока носиља поређених група. Добијени резултати указују на чињеницу да избор уља у исхрани кока носиља утиче на производне резултате.The diet of laying hens plays a significant role in their health and fitness, as well as in their production results. Satisfactory production results can be achieved by using nutrients that provide energy needs, protein needs (amino acids), vitamins and minerals. The basic raw materials in the diet of laying hens are most often corn (over 50%), soybean and sunflower meal, fodder chalk, fodder yeast and premix (vitamins, amino acids, macro and microelements). The aim of this study was to examine the impact of soybean oil (1.5% K0 groups) and the replacement of soybean oil and corn with flaxseed oil (K1 1.5%, K2 3% and K3 4.5%) on the production results of laying hens hybrid Isa Brown (average weight at the beginning and end of the experiment, average growth, food consumption, average daily number and percentage of eggs laid and average egg weight). The experiment lasted 70 days (from 155 to 220 days of age). The average weight of laying hens at the beginning of the experiment was uniform, and at the end of the experiment it was higher in the K3 group compared to the other examined groups. The average increase was from 88.50 g (K0) to 114 g (K3 group). Food consumption was 120.15 g in the K0 group and 115.38 g in the K2 group. The average daily number of laid eggs ranged from 37.27 (K0 group) to 38.83 (K2 group), and expressed as a percentage ranged from 93.11% (K0 group) to 97.19 (K2 group). Significant differences (p<0.01) between the compared groups were found between the average daily number of laid eggs and the average number of eggs expressed as a percentage. The average egg weight was from 58.13 g (K1 group) to 60.34 (K3 group). Significant differences (p<0.01) were found between the compared average weights of laying hen eggs of the compared groups. The obtained results indicate the fact that the choice of oil in the diet of laying hens affects the production results.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj

    Relationships between broiler final weights and histomorphometric parameters of certain segments of the intestine

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    The aim of this study was to determine relationships between final mass of broilers and the histomorphological properties of individual segments of the gastrointestinal tract. This is confirmed by the obtained results, which indicate a strong and significant correlation between compared parameters. A strong significant (p<0.05) correlation (r=0.866) was found between the broiler final weight and the duodenal villus length, and between the broiler final weight and the caecal villus length (r=0.918). Correlation between the broiler final weight and the duodenal villus width (r=0.841), as well the caecal villi width (r=0.918) was strongly significant (p<0.05). Between the crypt depths in caecum correlation was medium and significant (r=0.701, p<0.05). It was determined that between the broiler final weights and the ratio of villus length and crypt depth there is a significant medium correlation (r = 0.736, p<0.05). A strong (r = 0.924) significant (p <0.05) correlation was found between the broiler final weight and the ratio of villus length and caecal crypt depth. Between final mass of broilers and other histomorphological properties of individual segments of intestine there was no significant correlation

    Influence of cooling storage on physical and sensory properties of vacuum packed broiler breast meat

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    Meat softening is used in culinary and meat processing, which is the final part of meat technology. In this way, it is easier to digest meat in the digestive tract of people. The softening of meat is especially important due to the fact that the number of people over the age of 60 in the world is constantly increasing, with poor tooth status and various oral diseases. For this population, food needs to be modified to allow its nutritional value (macro and micronutrients) to be utilized.Meat tendering procedures can be divided into physical and chemical. The oldest of the chemical procedures is certainly the enzymatic softening with endoenzymes of meat, which man met empirically while he was a hunter. Postmortem endoenzymes play a significant role in softening the meat, ie its maturation. Proteolytic enzymes (calpains, proteases, cathepsins) are involved in this process, which affect the degradation of myofibrils and cytoskeleton proteins. Calpains are cysteine proteases that destroy myofibril proteins (tropomyosin, troponin T, troponin I, C-protein, connectin, tiptin, vinculin, and desmin).Broiler breast meat (Cobb 500) without visible myopathies was used in this study. The meat was deboned, vacuumed and stored at + 3 ° C for seven days. On the first, fourth and seventh days of storage, the color (“L”, “a” and “b” values), pH value and texture (Instron 4301) were tested and sensory evaluation was performed (odor, taste, aftertaste, chewability, juiciness and overall impression). The pH value of the meat increased from 5.89 on the first day to 6.17 on the seventh day. The parameters of the color value decreased from the first to the seventh day (“L” value from 59.98 to 57.36, “a” value from 2.28 to 2.07 and “b” value from 7.40 to 6.63) . The texture of the breast meat decreased from 47.91 N to 43.91 N. Sensory scores increased from the first to the seventh day. Examination of physical parameters (pH, color, texture) and sensory evaluation of broiler breast meat revealed statistically significant differences (p<0.01) between the obtained average values for the examined parameters.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj