477 research outputs found

    Eliminating Age Differences in Children’s and Adults’ Suggestibility and Memory Conformity Effects

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    We examined whether typical developmental trends in suggestion-induced false memories (i.e., age-related decrease) could be changed. Using theoretical principles from the spontaneous false memory field, we adapted two often-used false memory procedures: misinformation (Experiment 1) and memory conformity (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, 7/9-year old children (n = 33) and adults (n = 39) received stories containing associatively-related details. They then listened to misinformation in the form of short narrative preserving the meaning of the story. Children and adults were equally susceptible to the misinformation effect. In Experiment 2, younger (7/8-yearolds, n = 30) and older (11/12-year-olds, n = 30) children and adults (n = 30) viewed pictures containing associatively-related details. They viewed these pictures in pairs. Although the pictures differed, participants believed they had viewed the same pictures. Participants had to report what they could recollect during collaborative and individual recall tests. Children and adults were equally susceptible to memory conformity effects. When correcting for response bias, adults’ false memory scores were even higher than children’s. Our results show that age trends in suggestion-induced false memories are not developmentally invariant

    Dealing with False Memories in Children and Adults: Recommendations for the Legal Arena

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    Children are often viewed as poor eyewitnesses. Fact-finders, lawyers, and researchers assume that children are exceptionally prone to accept external suggestive (leading) questions and to create false memories. Is this assumption justified? This review will show it is not. First, studies on spontaneous false memories— elicited without any suggestive pressure—reveal that children are less likely than adults to produce them. Second, under certain circumstances, children are even less prone to accept external suggestions than adults. This counterintuitive finding happens when false suggestions contain information that is associatively related but in actuality not experienced by children or adults. Using empirically-based interview protocols can maximize the retrieval of accurate memories in children and adults. Furthermore, expert witnesses should use alternative scenarios in order to better evaluate whether statements by children or adults are based on truth or fiction

    Qualidade de maçãs 'Royal Gala' submetidas ao dano mecânico por impacto e aplicação de 1-Metilciclopropeno em dois sistemas comerciais de armazenamento.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do dano mecânico por impacto e da aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) sobre a qualidade de maçãs ?Royal Gala? mantidas em armazenamento refrigerado (AR) e em atmosfera controlada (AC). Os tratamentos avaliados foram dano mecânico (sem e com dano por impacto) combinado com a aplicação de 1-MCP (0 e 625 nL L-1). Os frutos foram armazenados durante quatro meses em armazenamento refrigerado (AR; 0 ºC ± 1 ºC e 92 ± 2 % de UR) (experimento 1) e durante oito meses em atmosfera controlada (AC; 1,2 kPa de O2 + 2,0 kPa de CO2; 0 ºC ± 0,1 ºC e 96 ± 2 % de UR) (experimento 2). Em AR, os frutos tratados com 1-MCP apresentaram maior firmeza de polpa, além de maior área escurecida no local danificado, na saída da câmara. Nesta condição de armazenamento, após sete dias em condição ambiente, os frutos tratados com 1-MCP apresentaram acidez titulável mais elevada, maior escurecimento da epiderme e menor profundidade de escurecimento da polpa no local danificado. Em AC, a aplicação do 1-MCP proporcionou, após a saída da câmara, frutos com menor teor de sólidos solúveis e maior escurecimento da epiderme no local danificado, sendo que, após sete dias em condição ambiente, os frutos apresentaram maior profundidade de escurecimento do tecido da polpa no local danificado. O dano por impacto ocasionou escurecimento da polpa de maçãs ?Royal Gala?. O 1-MCP não inibiu os efeitos do dano, mas preservou a qualidade dos frutos, especialmente em AR

    Utility and validity of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) as a transdiagnostic scale

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    The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) was originally conceived to assess psychopathology in several psychiatric disorders, making it an appropriate candidate to be used as a transdiagnostic instrument. We analyzed the utility and validity of the BPRS in a diagnostically heterogeneous sample of 600 psychiatric inpatients. As a comparator, we chose the mini-ICF-APP, a scale used to measure functioning and impairment across the diagnostic spectrum. Both scales had good internal consistency. The BPRS and the mini-ICF-APP showed a moderate correlation, with good levels of agreement. We were able to identify general symptoms present across the diagnostic spectrum, influencing severity and a cluster of symptoms specific for each diagnosis. Our results show the utility and validity of the BPRS as a transdiagnostic assessment tool that could easily be introduced in routine clinical work