113 research outputs found

    Inclusive production of a heavy-light dijet system in hybrid high-energy and collinear factorization

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    We propose the study of the inclusive hadroproduction of a heavy-flavored jet in association with a light jet, as a probe channel of strong interactions at high energies. We build up a hybrid factorization that encodes genuine high-energy effects, provided by a partial next-to-leading BFKL resummation, inside the standard collinear structure of the cross section. We present a detailed analysis of different distributions, shaped on kinematic ranges typical of experimental analyses at the Large Hadron Collider, and differential in rapidity, azimuthal angle and transverse momentum. The fair stability that these distributions exhibit under higher-order corrections motivates our interest toward future studies. Here, the hybrid factorization could help to deepen our understanding of heavy-flavor physics in wider kinematic ranges, like the ones accessible at the Electron-Ion Collider

    Inclusive production of two rapidity-separated heavy quarks as a probe of BFKL dynamics

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    The inclusive photoproduction of two heavy quarks, separated by a large rapidity interval, is proposed as a new channel for the manifestation of the Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) dynamics. The extension to the hadroproduction case is also discussed

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Dantrolene-Like Hydrazide and Hydrazone Analogues as Multitarget Agents for Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Dantrolene, a drug used for the management of malignant hyperthermia, had been recently evaluated for prospective repurposing as multitarget agent for neurodegenerative syndromes, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Herein, twenty-one dantrolene-like hydrazide and hydrazone analogues were synthesized with the aim of exploring structure-activity relationships (SARs) for the inhibition of human monoamine oxidases (MAOs) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), two well-established target enzymes for anti-AD drugs. With few exceptions, the newly synthesized compounds exhibited selectivity toward MAO B over either MAO A or AChE, with the secondary aldimine 9 and phenylhydrazone 20 attaining IC50 values of 0.68 and 0.81 ÎĽM, respectively. While no general SAR trend was observed with lipophilicity descriptors, a molecular simplification strategy allowed the main pharmacophore features to be identified, which are responsible for the inhibitory activity toward MAO B. Finally, further in vitro investigations revealed cell protection from oxidative insult and activation of carnitine/acylcarnitine carrier as concomitant biological activities responsible for neuroprotection by hits 9 and 20 and other promising compounds in the examined series

    The SABRE project and the SABRE Proof-of-Principle

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    SABRE aims to directly measure the annual modulation of the dark matter interaction rate with NaI(Tl) crystals. A modulation compatible with the standard hypothesis, in which our Galaxy is immersed in a dark matter halo, has been measured by the DAMA experiment in the same target material. Other direct detection experiments, using different target materials, seem to exclude the interpretation of such modulation in the simplest scenario of WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering. The SABRE experiment aims to carry out an independent search with sufficient sensitivity to confirm or refute the DAMA claim. The goal of the SABRE experiment is to achieve the lowest background rate for a NaI(Tl) experiment (order of 0.1 cpd/kg/keV(ee) in the energy region of interest for dark matter). This challenging goal could be achievable by operating high-purity crystals inside a liquid scintillator veto for active background rejection. In addition, twin detectors will be located in the northern and southern hemispheres to identify possible contributions to the modulation from seasonal or site-related effects. The SABRE project includes an initial Proof-of-Principle phase at LNGS (Italy), to assess the radio-purity of the crystals and the efficiency of the liquid scintillator veto. This paper describes the general concept of SABRE and the expected sensitivity to WIMP annual modulation.The SABRE program is supported by funding from INFN (Italy), NSF (USA), and ARC (Australia Grants: LE170100162, LE16010080, DP170101675, LP150100075). F. Froborg has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 703650. We acknowledge the generous hospitality and constant support of the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy)

    Observation of TeV gamma rays from the Cygnus region with the ARGO-YBJ experiment

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    We report the observation of TeV gamma-rays from the Cygnus region using the ARGO-YBJ data collected from 2007 November to 2011 August. Several TeV sources are located in this region including the two bright extended MGRO J2019+37 and MGRO J2031+41. According to the Milagro data set, at 20 TeV MGRO J2019+37 is the most significant source apart from the Crab Nebula. No signal from MGRO J2019+37 is detected by the ARGO-YBJ experiment, and the derived flux upper limits at 90% confidence level for all the events above 600 GeV with medium energy of 3 TeV are lower than the Milagro flux, implying that the source might be variable and hard to be identified as a pulsar wind nebula. The only statistically significant (6.4 standard deviations) gamma-ray signal is found from MGRO J2031+41, with a flux consistent with the measurement by Milagro.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Mean Interplanetary Magnetic Field Measurement Using the ARGO-YBJ Experiment

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    The sun blocks cosmic ray particles from outside the solar system, forming a detectable shadow in the sky map of cosmic rays detected by the ARGO-YBJ experiment in Tibet. Because the cosmic ray particles are positive charged, the magnetic field between the sun and the earth deflects them from straight trajectories and results in a shift of the shadow from the true location of the sun. Here we show that the shift measures the intensity of the field which is transported by the solar wind from the sun to the earth.Comment: 6 papges,3 figure

    Measurement of the cosmic ray antiproton/proton flux ratio at TeV energies with the ARGO-YBJ detector

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    Cosmic ray antiprotons provide an important probe to study the cosmic ray propagation in the interstellar space and to investigate the existence of dark matter. Acting the Earth-Moon system as a magnetic spectrometer, paths of primary antiprotons are deflected in the opposite sense with respect to those of the protons in their way to the Earth. This effect allows, in principle, the search for antiparticles in the direction opposite to the observed deficit of cosmic rays due to the Moon (the so-called `Moon shadow'). The ARGO-YBJ experiment, located at the Yangbajing Cosmic Ray Laboratory (Tibet, P.R. China, 4300 m a.s.l., 606 g/cm2^2), is particularly effective in measuring the cosmic ray antimatter content via the observation of the cosmic rays shadowing effect due to: (1) good angular resolution, pointing accuracy and long-term stability; (2) low energy threshold; (3) real sensitivity to the geomagnetic field. Based on all the data recorded during the period from July 2006 through November 2009 and on a full Monte Carlo simulation, we searched for the existence of the shadow cast by antiprotons in the TeV energy region. No evidence of the existence of antiprotons is found in this energy region. Upper limits to the pˉ/p\bar{p}/p flux ratio are set to 5 % at a median energy of 1.4 TeV and 6 % at 5 TeV with a confidence level of 90%. In the TeV energy range these limits are the lowest available.Comment: Contact authors: G. Di Sciascio ([email protected]) and R. Iuppa ([email protected]), INFN Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma, Ital

    The ARGO-YBJ Experiment Progresses and Future Extension

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    Gamma ray source detection above 30TeV is an encouraging approach for finding galactic cosmic ray origins. All sky survey for gamma ray sources using wide field of view detector is essential for population accumulation for various types of sources above 100GeV. To target the goals, the ARGO-YBJ experiment has been established. Significant progresses have been made in the experiment. A large air shower detector array in an area of 1km2 is proposed to boost the sensitivity. Hybrid detection with multi-techniques will allow a good discrimination between different types of primary particles, including photons and protons, thus enable an energy spectrum measurement for individual specie. Fluorescence light detector array will extend the spectrum measurement above 100PeV where the second knee is located. An energy scale determined by balloon experiments at 10TeV will be propagated to ultra high energy cosmic ray experiments

    Observation of TeV gamma-rays from the unidentified source HESS J1841-055 with the ARGO-YBJ experiment

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    We report the observation of a very high energy \gamma-ray source, whose position is coincident with HESS J1841-055. This source has been observed for 4.5 years by the ARGO-YBJ experiment from November 2007 to July 2012. Its emission is detected with a statistical significance of 5.3 standard deviations. Parameterizing the source shape with a two-dimensional Gaussian function we estimate an extension \sigma=(0.40(+0.32,-0.22}) degree, consistent with the HESS measurement. The observed energy spectrum is dN/dE =(9.0-+1.6) x 10^{-13}(E/5 TeV)^{-2.32-+0.23} photons cm^{-2} s^{-1} TeV^{-1}, in the energy range 0.9-50 TeV. The integral \gamma-ray flux above 1 TeV is 1.3-+0.4 Crab units, which is 3.2-+1.0 times the flux derived by HESS. The differences in the flux determination between HESS and ARGO-YBJ, and possible counterparts at other wavelengths are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, have been accepted for publication in Ap
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