215 research outputs found

    In search of a working notion of lex sportiva

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    The emergence of a lex specialis regime and its interaction with the established, governing lex generalis in their overlapping spheres of application is always an intriguing legal relationship to explore. In this article, the focus will be on the development of legal principles and rules that have been/can be collectively described as lex sportiva. However, it is notable that those involved in the consideration, usage and application of this notion have not agreed as to the scope and delimitation of the concept. It is debated whether lex sportiva exists in the first place, its legal sources and its purpose. The risk is for the concept becoming redundant when not vilified as a hidden strategy to exclude non-sports-related law from the ambit of sport. Through an examination of the different propositions to the framework of the term, this article will shed light on the existence, utility and limits of the development of this conceptualisation

    Apprenticeship in England

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    England was the only pre-modern European country with national legislation covering apprenticeship (the 1562 Statute of Artificers), setting unusually long and uniform seven-year terms. England was also unusual because around three-quarters of all English urban apprentices went to London for their training. Apprenticeships were regulated by a combination of guild rules and private contracts. The latter set individual conditions within the general framework. English apprenticeship fees varied widely, depending on the trade and the master’s reputation. Apprentices were rarely tutored by relatives and commonly choose other trades than their parents had exercised. Many apprentices left their masters early; only those aspiring to become masters themselves stayed on for the whole seven-year period. There was no formal examination at the end, nor other form of certification

    ‘A small town of character’: locating a new Scottish university, 1963-1965

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    The 1960s are generally regarded as a decisive decade for the postwar expansion of British universities, the process widely associated with the publication of the Robbins Report on Higher Education in October 1963. This period saw significant increases in the number of full-time university students and in the level of public expenditure devoted to higher education. This chapter analyses the debates triggered by the Robbins committee’s recommendation to establish a new university in Scotland, eventually located in the county town of Stirling. Based on previously unexamined documents in the UK National Archives, we argue that the decision to create the new university in Stirling rather than the alternative locations of Ayr, Cumbernauld, Dumfries, Falkirk, Inverness, and Perth arose from the interplay of three somewhat contradictory pressures: the preference of the Robbins committee for new universities in or near to large cities; the prejudices of the academics charged with making this decision for environments that reproduced the perceived creative advantages of the ancient universities where they were educated or employed, specifically Oxford; and the highly successful lobbying campaign in support of Stirling

    Beyond the ‘Tomlinson Trap’: analysing the effectiveness of section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006

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    One of the intentions underpinning section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006 was to provide reassurance to individual volunteers, and voluntary organisations, involved in what the provision called ‘desirable activities’ and including sport. The perception was that such volunteers, motivated by an apprehension about their increased vulnerability to negligence liability, and as driven by a fear of a wider societal compensation culture, were engaging excessively in risk-averse behaviour to the detriment of such socially desirable activities. Academic commentary on section 1 of the Compensation Act 2006 has largely regarded the provision as unnecessary and doing little more than restating existing common law practice. This article argues otherwise and, on critically reviewing the emerging jurisprudence, posits the alternative view that section 1, in practice, affords an enhanced level of protection and safeguarding for individuals undertaking functions in connection with a desirable activity. Nonetheless, the occasionally idiosyncratic judicial interpretation given to term ‘desirable activity’, potentially compounded by recent enactment of the Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Act 2015, remains problematic. Two points of interest will be used to inform this debate. First, an analysis of the then House of Lords’ decision in Tomlinson and its celebrated ‘balancing exercise’ when assessing reasonableness in the context of negligence liability. Second, a fuller analysis of the application of section 1 in the specific context of negligence actions relating to the coaching of sport where it is argued that the, albeit limited, jurisprudence might support the practical utility of a heightened evidential threshold of gross negligence

    Gene Expression Profiling in the Type 1 Diabetes Rat Diaphragm

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    BACKGROUND:Respiratory muscle contractile performance is impaired by diabetes, mechanisms of which included altered carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, oxidative stress and changes in membrane electrophysiology. The present study examined to what extent these cellular perturbations involve changes in gene expression. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Diaphragm muscle from streptozotocin-diabetic rats was analyzed with Affymetrix gene expression arrays. Diaphragm from diabetic rats had 105 genes with at least +/-2-fold significantly changed expression (55 increased, 50 decreased), and these were assigned to gene ontology groups based on over-representation analysis using DAVID software. There was increased expression of genes involved in palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase activity (a component of lipid metabolism) (P = 0.037, n = 2 genes, fold change 4.2 to 27.5) and reduced expression of genes related to carbohydrate metabolism (P = 0.000061, n = 8 genes, fold change -2.0 to -8.5). Other gene ontology groups among upregulated genes were protein ubiquitination (P = 0.0053, n = 4, fold change 2.2 to 3.4), oxidoreductase activity (P = 0.024, n = 8, fold change 2.1 to 6.0), and morphogenesis (P = 0.012, n = 10, fold change 2.1 to 4.3). Other downregulated gene groups were extracellular region (including extracellular matrix and collagen) (P = 0.00032, n = 13, fold change -2.2 to -3.7) and organogenesis (P = 0.032, n = 7, fold change -2.1 to -3.7). Real-time PCR confirmed the directionality of changes in gene expression for 30 of 31 genes tested. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:These data indicate that in diaphragm muscle type 1 diabetes increases expression of genes involved in lipid energetics, oxidative stress and protein ubiquitination, decreases expression of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, and has little effect on expression of ion channel genes. Reciprocal changes in expression of genes involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism may change the availability of energetic substrates and thereby directly modulate fatigue resistance, an important issue for a muscle like the diaphragm which needs to contract without rest for the entire lifetime of the organism

    Sports coaching and the law of negligence: implications for coaching practice

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    The ordinary principles of the law of negligence are applicable in the context of sport, including claims brought against volunteer and professional coaches. Adopting the perspective of the coach, this article intends to raise awareness of the emerging intersection between the law of negligence and sports coaching, by utilising an interdisciplinary analysis designed to better safeguard and reassure coaches mindful of legal liability. Detailed scrutiny of two cases concerning alleged negligent coaching, with complementary discussion of some of the ethical dilemmas facing modern coaches, reinforces the legal duty and obligation of all coaches to adopt objectively reasonable and justifiable coaching practices when interacting with athletes. Problematically, since research suggests that some coaching practice may be underpinned by ‘entrenched legitimacy’ and ‘uncritical inertia’, it is argued that coach education and training should place a greater emphasis on developing a coach’s awareness and understanding of the evolving legal context in which they discharge the duty of care incumbent upon them

    Upregulation of PPARβ/δ Is Associated with Structural and Functional Changes in the Type I Diabetes Rat Diaphragm

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    Diabetes mellitus is associated with alterations in peripheral striated muscles and cardiomyopathy. We examined diaphragmatic function and fiber composition and identified the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR alpha and beta/delta) as a factor involved in diaphragm muscle plasticity in response to type I diabetes.Streptozotocin-treated rats were studied after 8 weeks and compared with their controls. Diaphragmatic strips were stimulated in vitro and mechanical and energetic variables were measured, cross bridge kinetics assessed, and the effects of fatigue and hypoxia evaluated. Morphometry, myosin heavy chain isoforms, PPAR alpha and beta/delta gene and protein expression were also assessed. Diabetes induced a decrease in maximum velocity of shortening (-14%, P<0.05) associated with a decrease in myosin ATPase activity (-49%, P<0.05), and an increase in force (+20%, P<0.05) associated with an increase in the number of cross bridges (+14%, P<0.05). These modifications were in agreement with a shift towards slow myosin heavy chain fibers and were associated with an upregulation of PPARbeta/delta (+314% increase in gene and +190% increase in protein expression, P<0.05). In addition, greater resistances to fatigue and hypoxia were observed in diabetic rats.Type I diabetes induced complex mechanical and energetic changes in the rat diaphragm and was associated with an up-regulation of PPARbeta/delta that could improve resistance to fatigue and hypoxia and favour the shift towards slow myosin heavy chain isoforms

    Communication media and the dead:from the Stone Age to Facebook

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    This article argues as follows: (i) The presence of the dead within a society depends in part on available communication technologies, specifically speech, stone, sculpture, writing, printing, photography and phonography (including the mass media), and most recently the internet. (ii) Each communication technology affords possibilities for the dead to construct and legitimate particular social groups and institutions – from the oral construction of kinship, to the megalithic legitimation of the territorial rights of chiefdoms, to the written word’s construction of world religions and nations, to the photographic and phonographic construction of celebrity-based neo-tribalism, and to the digital reconstruction of family and friendship. (iii) Historically, concerns about the dead have on a number of occasions aided the development of new communication technologies – the causal connection between the two can go both ways. The argument is based primarily on critical synthesis of existing research literature