13 research outputs found

    Generation of a new mouse model of glaucoma characterized by reduced expression of the AP-2β and AP-2δ proteins

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    We generated 6 transgenic lines with insertion of an expression plasmid for the R883/M xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) mutant protein. Approximately 20% of the animals deriving from one of the transgenic lines show ocular abnormalities and an increase in intra-ocular pressure which are consistent with glaucoma. The observed pathologic phenotype is not due to expression of the transgene, but rather the consequence of the transgene insertion site, which has been defined by genome sequencing. The insertion site maps to chromosome 1qA3 in close proximity to the loci encoding AP-2\u3b2 and AP-2\u3b4, two proteins expressed in the eye. The insertion leads to a reduction in AP-2\u3b2 and AP-2\u3b4 levels. Down-regulation of AP-2\u3b2 expression is likely to be responsible for the pathologic phenotype, as conditional deletion of the Tfap2b gene in the neural crest has recently been shown to cause defective development of the eye anterior segment and early-onset glaucoma. In these conditional knock-out and our transgenic mice, the morphological/histological features of the glaucomatous pathology are surprisingly similar. Our transgenic mouse represents a model of angle-closure glaucoma and a useful tool for the study of the pathogenesis and the development of innovative therapeutic strategies

    All-trans retinoic acid stimulates viral mimicry, interferon responses and antigen presentation in breast-cancer cells

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    All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), a recognized differentiating agent, has significant potential in the personalized/stratified treatment of breast cancer. The present study reports on the molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-tumor activity of ATRA in breast cancer. The work is based on transcriptomic experiments performed on ATRA-treated breast cancer cell-lines, short-term tissue cultures of patient-derived mammary-tumors and a xenograft model. ATRA upregulates gene networks involved in interferon-responses, immune-modulation and antigen-presentation in retinoid-sensitive cells and tumors characterized by poor immunogenicity. ATRA-dependent upregulation of these gene networks is caused by a viral mimicry process, involving the activation of endogenous retroviruses. ATRA induces a non-canonical type of viral mimicry, which results in increased expression of the IRF1 (Interferon Responsive Factor 1) transcription factor and the DTX3L (Deltex-E3-Ubiquitin-Ligase-3L) downstream effector. Functional knockdown studies indicate that IRF1 and DTX3L are part of a negative feedback loop controlling ATRA-dependent growth inhibition of breast cancer cells. The study is of relevance from a clinical/therapeutic perspective. In fact, ATRA stimulates processes controlling the sensitivity to immuno-modulatory drugs, such as immune-checkpoint-inhibitors. This suggests that ATRA and immunotherapeutic agents represent rational combinations for the personalized treatment of breast cancer. Remarkably, ATRA-sensitivity seems to be relatively high in immune-cold mammary tumors, which are generally resistant to immunotherapy

    Cu(II) Binding Increases the Soluble Toxicity of Amyloidogenic Light Chains

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    Light chain amyloidosis (AL) is caused by the aberrant overproduction of immunoglobulin light chains (LCs). The resulting abnormally high LC concentrations in blood lead to deposit formation in the heart and other target organs. Organ damage is caused not only by the accumulation of bulky amyloid deposits, but extensive clinical data indicate that circulating soluble LCs also exert cardiotoxic effects. The nematode C. elegans has been validated to recapitulate LC soluble toxicity in vivo, and in such a model a role for copper ions in increasing LC soluble toxicity has been reported. Here, we applied microscale thermophoresis, isothermal calorimetry and thermal melting to demonstrate the specific binding of Cu2+ to the variable domain of amyloidogenic H7 with a sub-micromolar affinity. Histidine residues present in the LC sequence are not involved in the binding, and yet their mutation to Ala reduces the soluble toxicity of H7. Copper ions bind to and destabilize the variable domains and induce a limited stabilization in this domain. In summary, the data reported here, elucidate the biochemical bases of the Cu2+-induced toxicity; moreover, they also show that copper binding is just one of the several biochemical traits contributing to LC soluble in vivo toxicity

    Antitumor Activity of the Retinoid-Related Molecules (E)-3-(4'-Hydroxy-3'-adamantylbiphenyl-4-yl)acrylic Acid (ST1926) and 6-[3-(1-Adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalene Carboxylic Acid (CD437) in F9 Teratocarcinoma: Role of Retinoic Acid Receptor and Retinoid-Independent Pathways

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    The retinoid-related molecules (RRMs) ST1926 [(E)-3-(4'-hydroxy-3'-adamantylbiphenyl-4-yl)acrylic acid] and CD437 (6-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalene carboxylic acid) are promising anticancer agents. We compared the retinoic acid receptor (RAR) trans-activating properties of the two RRMs and all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). ST1926 and CD437 are better RAR agonists than ATRA. We used three teratocarcinoma cell lines to evaluate the significance of RAR in the activity of RRMs: F9-wild type (WT); F9-/-, lacking the RAR gene; F951, aF9-/-derivative, complemented for the RAR deficit. Similar to ATRA, ST1926 and CD437 activate cytodifferentiation only in F9-WT cells. Unlike ATRA, ST1926 and CD437 arrest cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle and induce apoptosis in all F9 cell lines. Our data indicate that RAR and the classic retinoid pathway are not relevant for the antiproliferative and apoptotic activities of RRMs in vitro. Increases in cytosolic calcium are fundamental for apoptosis, in that intracellular calcium chelators abrogate the process. Comparison of the gene expression profiles associated with ST1926 and ATRA in F9-WT and F9-/-indicates that the RRM activates a conspicuous nonretinoid response in addition to the classic and RAR-dependent pathway. The pattern of genes regulated by ST1926 selectively, in a RAR-independent manner, provides novel insights into the possible molecular determinants underlying the activity of RRMs in vitro. Furthermore, it suggests that RAR-dependent responses are relevant to the activity of RRMs in vivo. Indeed, the receptor hinders the antitumor activity in vivo, in that both syngeneic and immunosuppressed SCID mice bearing F9-/- tumors have increased life spans after treatment with ST1926 and CD437 relative to their F9-WT counterparts

    Network-guided modelling allows tumor-type independent prediction of sensitivity to all-trans retinoic acid

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    Background: All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) is a differentiating agent used in the treatment of acute-promyelocytic-leukemia (APL) and it is under-exploited in other malignancies despite its low systemic toxicity. A rational/personalized use of ATRA requires the development of predictive tools allowing identification of sensitive cancer types and responsive individuals. Materials and methods: RNA-sequencing data for 10 080 patients and 33 different tumor types were derived from the TCGA and Leucegene datasets and completely re-processed. The study was carried out using machine learning methods and network analysis. Results: We profiled a large panel of breast-cancer cell-lines for in vitro sensitivity to ATRA and exploited the associated basal gene-expression data to initially generate a model predicting ATRA-sensitivity in this disease. Starting from these results and using a network-guided approach, we developed a generalized model (ATRA-21) whose validity extends to tumor types other than breast cancer. ATRA-21 predictions correlate with experimentally determined sensitivity in a large panel of cell-lines representative of numerous tumor types. In patients, ATRA-21 correctly identifies APL as the most sensitive acute-myelogenous-leukemia subtype and indicates that uveal-melanoma and low-grade glioma are top-ranking diseases as for average predicted responsiveness to ATRA. There is a consistent number of tumor types for which higher ATRA-21 predictions are associated with better outcomes. Conclusions: In summary, we generated a tumor-type independent ATRA-sensitivity predictor which consists of a restricted number of genes and has the potential to be applied in the clinics. Identification of the tumor types that are likely to be generally sensitive to the action of ATRA paves the way to the design of clinical studies in the context of these diseases. In addition, ATRA-21 may represent an important diagnostic tool for the selection of individual patients who may benefit from ATRA-based therapeutic strategies also in tumors characterized by lower average sensitivity