82 research outputs found

    Sistem Pakar untuk Mendeteksi Penyakit Jantung Koroner Menggunakan Fuzzy-mamdani

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    Expert system is a system basic computerize which use knowledge, fact, and intellectual activity to solve problem as usually can be solve by an expert on that field. Application of fuzzy – Mamdani method on expert system purpose to explain expert knowledge on not absolute, not complete and so complicated field. One of expert system application is to detect heart coronary disease. Heart coronary disease is the first killer in Indonesia. The number of patients is so many maked the role of medical personnel often have limitation in detecting heart coronary disease. In this final paper has been made expert system application program in detecting heart coronary disease by fuzzy – Mamdani. Risk factors that influence heart coronary disease are age, LDL, total cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, sistolik blood pressure, and diastolik blood pressure. Based on that risk factors will be obtained output which is risk percentage a person who is infected heart coronary disease

    Kajian Dampak Lingkungan Penerapan Teknologi Bioflok Pada Kegiatan Budidaya Udang Vaname Dengan Metode Life Cycle Assessment

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    Penerapan teknologi bioflok pada kegiatan budidaya vaname perlu dievaluasi, terkaitpenggunaan sumberdaya alam dan energi listrik yang berpotensi mengakibatkan dampaklingkungan disertai biaya investasi yang tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisisdampak lingkungan dan menentukan strategi pengelolaan budidaya udang berbasis teknologibioflok. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakanmetode penaksiran daur hidup. Kajian dibatasi pada kegiatan pembesaran di tambak “cradleto farm gate”, unit yang digunakan adalah produksi 1 ton udang vaname. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukkan teknologi bioflok mampu meningkatkan produksi per satuan luas lahan yangdigunakan dengan ukuran panen ± 16,4 gr/ekor, nilai FCR 1,3, SR 86 - 92%, dan SGR 15,6%.Produksi per ton udang vaname menghasilkan dampak: acidification (Acd); 63.39 ± 15.37 kgSO2eq, eutrophication (Eut); 14.10 ± 3.28 kg PO4eq, ; global warming potential (GWP); 7336.77± 1,46 kg CO2eq, ; dan cumulative energy use (CEU) sebesar 101,64 ± 18.84 GJ. Strategipengelolaan perlu dilakukan dengan perbaikan manajemen pemberian pakan berbasis kualitasair, pengurangan konsumsi energi listrik, menerapkan panen bertahap dan menambahkankolam pengolahan limbah

    Pemodelan Inversi Gayaberat dengan Panduan Euler Deconvolution untuk Struktur Bawah Permukaan di Lapangan Panas Bumi ”B24”

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    Gravity data inversion requires a good initial mesh model to generate a good subsurface model. Ambiguities in gravity data can be reduced by Euler deconvolution's point cluster result that show its position and depth. These point cluster can give an additional information to shape the initial mesh model for inversion. The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of Euler deconvolution to the inversion. Inversion was done by the steepest descent algorithm. Euler deconvolution method and inversion algorithm were tested on synthetic models and showed good results that Euler deconvolution able to construct actual density distribution. These methods were applied to the gravity data on the "B24” geothermal field. Residual anomaly map has a value of -12 to 24 mGal. The geothermal field is estimated that it has a major fault which mainly striking in northwest-southeast direction. These estimates are supported by the results of Euler deconvolution which indicate the presence of fault and graben structure. Euler deconvolution and inversion method were applied perpendicularly to the main structure at the southwest-northeast direction. The results of this study are the Euler deconvolution method is able to provide information for a mesh geometry for inversion. From the inversion result, “B24” geothermal field is estimated has a high-low-high density distribution dominated by andesite and tuff. To improve the results of the research, it needs a measurement point addition, additional modeling area, geological and geochemical data to strengthen the interpretation

    Alterations in Retinal Microvascular Geometry in Young Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE - To describe retinal microvascular geometric parameters in young patients with type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Patients with type 1 diabetes (aged 12-20 years) had clinical assessments and retinal photography following standardized protocol at a tertiary-care hospital in Sydney. Retinal microvascular geometry, including arteriolar and venular tortuosity, branching angles, optimality deviation, and length-to-diameter ratio (LDR), were measured from digitized photographs. Associations of these geometric characteristics with diabetes duration, A1C level, systolic blood pressure (SBP), and other risk factors were assessed. RESULTS - Of 1,159 patients enrolled, 944 (81.4%) had gradable photographs and 170 (14.7%) had retinopathy. Older age was associated with decreased arteriolar (P = 0.024) and venular (P = 0.002) tortuosity, and female subjects had larger arteriolar branching angle than male subjects (P = 0.03). After adjusting for age and sex, longer diabetes duration was associated with larger arteriolar branching angle (P ≀ 0.001) and increased arteriolar optimality deviation (P = 0.018), higher A1C was associated with increased arteriolar tortuosity (>8.5 vs. ≀8.5%, P = 0.008), higher SBP was associated with decreased arteriolar LDR (P = 0.002), and higher total cholesterol levels were associated with increased arteriolar LDR (P = 0.044) and decreased venular optimality deviation (P = 0.044). These associations remained after controlling for A1C, retinal vessel caliber, and retinopathy status and were seen in subjects without retinopathy. CONCLUSIONS - Key diabetes-related factors affect retinal microvascular geometry in young type 1 diabetes, even in those without evidence of retinopathy. These early retinal alterations may be markers of diabetes microvascular complications. © 2010 by the American Diabetes Association.link_to_OA_fulltex

    The association between retinal vascular geometry changes and diabetic retinopathy and their role in prediction of progression: an exploratory study

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    Background: The study describes the relationship of retinal vascular geometry (RVG) to severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR), and its predictive role for subsequent development of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Methods. The research project comprises of two stages. Firstly, a comparative study of diabetic patients with different grades of DR. (No DR: Minimal non-proliferative DR: Severe non-proliferative DR: PDR) (10:10: 12: 19). Analysed RVG features including vascular widths and branching angles were compared between patient cohorts. A preliminary statistical model for determination of the retinopathy grade of patients, using these features, is presented. Secondly, in a longitudinal predictive study, RVG features were analysed for diabetic patients with progressive DR over 7 years. RVG at baseline was examined to determine risk for subsequent PDR development. Results: In the comparative study, increased DR severity was associated with gradual vascular dilatation (p = 0.000), and widening of the bifurcating angle (p = 0.000) with increase in smaller-child-vessel branching angle (p = 0.027). Type 2 diabetes and increased diabetes duration were associated with increased vascular width (p = <0.05 In the predictive study, at baseline, reduced small-child vascular width (OR = 0.73 (95 CI 0.58-0.92)), was predictive of future progression to PDR. Conclusions: The study findings suggest that RVG alterations can act as novel markers indicative of progression of DR severity and establishment of PDR. RVG may also have a potential predictive role in determining the risk of future retinopathy progression. © 2014 Habib et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Retinal microvascular parameters are not associated with reduced renal function in a study of individuals with type 2 diabetes

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    Abstract The eye provides an opportunistic “window” to view the microcirculation. There is published evidence of an association between retinal microvascular calibre and renal function measured by estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in individuals with diabetes mellitus. Beyond vascular calibre, few studies have considered other microvascular geometrical features. Here we report novel null findings for measures of vascular spread (vessel fractal dimension), tortuosity, and branching patterns and their relationship with renal function in type 2 diabetes over a mean of 3 years. We performed a nested case-control comparison of multiple retinal vascular parameters between individuals with type 2 diabetes and stable (non-progressors) versus declining (progressors) eGFR across two time points within a subset of 1072 participants from the GoDARTS study cohort. Retinal microvascular were measured using VAMPIRE 3.1 software. In unadjusted analyses and following adjustment for age, gender, systolic blood pressure, HbA1C, and diabetic retinopathy, no associations between baseline retinal vascular parameters and risk of eGFR progression were observed. Cross-sectional analysis of follow-up data showed a significant association between retinal arteriolar diameter and eGFR, but this was not maintained following adjustment. These findings are consistent with a lack of predictive capacity for progressive loss of renal function in type 2 diabetes

    On The Rate and Extent of Drug Delivery to the Brain

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    To define and differentiate relevant aspects of blood–brain barrier transport and distribution in order to aid research methodology in brain drug delivery. Pharmacokinetic parameters relative to the rate and extent of brain drug delivery are described and illustrated with relevant data, with special emphasis on the unbound, pharmacologically active drug molecule. Drug delivery to the brain can be comprehensively described using three parameters: Kp,uu (concentration ratio of unbound drug in brain to blood), CLin (permeability clearance into the brain), and Vu,brain (intra-brain distribution). The permeability of the blood–brain barrier is less relevant to drug action within the CNS than the extent of drug delivery, as most drugs are administered on a continuous (repeated) basis. Kp,uu can differ between CNS-active drugs by a factor of up to 150-fold. This range is much smaller than that for log BB ratios (Kp), which can differ by up to at least 2,000-fold, or for BBB permeabilities, which span an even larger range (up to at least 20,000-fold difference). Methods that measure the three parameters Kp,uu, CLin, and Vu,brain can give clinically valuable estimates of brain drug delivery in early drug discovery programmes

    Relationship between birth weight and retinal microvasculature in newborn infants

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    Objective: The purposes of this study were to determine the normal retinal microvasculature measurements in human infants who are born at term and to determine whether birth weight influences measurements of retinal microvasculature. Study Design: Retinal arteriole and venule measurements were obtained in a cohort of 24 infants who were born at term. Digital images of both the retinas were obtained using a digital retinal camera after pupillary dilation. Result: In all, 24 newborn infants born at term (12 females and 12 males) were analyzed in this study. The measured retinal arteriole diameters were from 66.8 to 147.8 Όm (mean, 94.2±19.6 Όm), and the venule diameters were from 102.0 to 167.8 Όm (mean, 135.2±19.1 Όm). Seven babies in the sample had low birth weight (LBW), while 17 babies were born with normal weight. Babies with lower birth weights had larger arteriole (113.1±17.9 Όm vs 86.4±14.4 Όm; P=0.0009) and venule diameters (151.7±14.9 Όm vs 128.4±16.9 Όm; P=0.0040). Conclusion: Retinal venules and arterioles in LBW babies are larger compared with those of normal-birth-weight babies. We postulate that the difference observed in our study was due to in utero pathophysiological changes that occurred in the cerebral circulation of growth-restricted fetuses

    Diabetic retinopathy: current and future methods for early screening from a retinal hemodynamic and geometric approach

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major disease and is the number one cause of blindness in the UK. In England alone, 4200 new cases appear every year and 1280 lead to blindness. DR is a result of diabetes mellitus, which affects the retina of the eye and specifically the vessel structure. Elevated levels of glucose cause a malfunction in the cell structure, which affects the vessel wall and, in severe conditions, leads to their breakage. Much research has been carried out on detecting the different stages of DR but not enough versatile research has been carried out on the detection of early DR before the appearance of any lesions. In this review, the authors approach the topic from the functional side of the human eye and how hemodynamic factors that are impaired by diabetes affect the vascular structur

    Pembuatan Pigment Titanium Dioksida (Tio2) Dari Ilmenite (Fetio3) Sisa Pengolahan Pasir Zircondenganproses Becher

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    Indonesia is a country that has a lot of Ilmenite (FeTiO3), but as yet only plays the role of an exporter of this important raw material. The exact conditions for processing Ilmenite into products for sand proficiency levels as well as industrial raw material pigments are not yet known. Improved grade of titanium dioxide as a separation process should be supported by research on natural raw material sources that can be used. One raw material is waste zircon sand in Central Kalimantan (Borneo), which contains 80-90% of Ilmenite. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of aeration time and concentration of salt catalyst (NH4Cl) on the transformation rate of iron (Fe) into iron oxide (Fe2O3), where iron oxide and titanium dioxide was separated by acid leaching process to produce pure titanium dioxide. The titanium oxide purification process adopted from Becher process which is the process of oxidation, reduction, aeration, leaching, stripping, and calcination. In this experiment, the fixed variables used were time of oxidation and reduction of 3 hours and time of calcination of 3 hours. The changing variables used were aeration time of 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours; and concentration of salt catalyst (NH4Cl) of 1%, 2%, and 3%. XRD (X-ray Diffraction) qualitative analysis and GSAS (General Structure Analysis System) quantitative analysis on the results showed an increase in TiO2 content on all the variables. The process of increasing TiO2 content at a variable of 1% NH4Cl gave the best result. The greater the concentration of NH4Cl catalyst, the smaller the TiO2 increase. The best time for improving the grade of TiO2 was 4 hours, proven by a very effective transformation of Fe into Fe2O3. The result of research gave a potential concentration of titanium dioxide was 45.86% with aeration process time of 4 hoursand NH4Cl concentration of 1%
