4 research outputs found

    A comparative clinical study of Amavatavidhwansa Rasa and Simhanaada Guggulu in the management of Amavata w.s.r. to Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Amavata is the most challenging disease for the medical science, as it causes severe intolerable pain and severe deformities making the patient disable and bedridden. As it is the disease of Rasavaha Srotas and having several features similar to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Amavata can be correlated with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Amavata is the outcome of Agnidushti, Amotpatti and Sandhivikrutti, with the passage of the time most of the dietary habits, changing lifestyle and environment have been contributing to the disease, the risk factor include age, gender, genetics and environmental exposures. Hence Amavata have became a challenge to the human race. Management of the disease is merely insufficient in other system of medicine, in such condition disease which continues to pose challenge to the physician as well as for patients due to severe morbidity and crippling nature. So patients are continuously looking for the treatment from Ayurved to overcome this challenge. It also shows extra articular features like bodyache, stiffness etc. many research have been carried out to solve this clinical enigma.The therapy which normalizes Agni metabolizes Ama and regulates Vata and maintain healthy Sandhi and Sandhistha Shelshma will be the supreme one for this disease. The formulations of Amavatavidhvansa Rasa and Simhanaada Guggula is indicated, especially in treating the Amavata

    A Compartive Clinical Study of therapeautic effect of Rambana Rasa with and without Eranda Sneha in Amavata w.s.r. Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Amavata is the most challenging disease for the medical science, as it causes severe intolerable pain and severe deformities making the patient disable and bed ridden. As it is the disease of Rasavaha Srotas and having several features similar to Rheumatoid Arthrtis, Amavata can be co-related with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Ama and vitiated Vata play dominant role, though all Dosha take part in the causation of the disease, Amavata is the outcome of Agnidushti, Amotpatti and Sandhivikruti, with the passage of the time most of the dietary habits, changing lifestyle and environment have been contributing to the disease, the risk factor include age, gender, genetics and environmental exposure. Worldwide, the annual incidence of RA is approximately 1%, increasing with age and peaking between the age of 35 and 50 years. So, patients are continuously looking for the treatment from Ayurveda to overcome this challenge. Ramban Rasa is unique formulation which is favorable in the management of the Amavata, as mentioned by Yogratnakar, Bhaishajya Ratnawali, Bhav Prakash and other classical text

    Ayurvedic Management of Visarpa w.s.r to Herpes Zoster

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    Visarpa is one of the major Skin disease which is widely explained in our Ayurvedic classics. The clinical features contemplates with Herpes Zoster which is an active transmitting Viral disease. This case reports shows the Successful treatment of Visarpa. Here presenting a case of 72 year, female with sudden onset of 2-3 Vesicles on an Erthyematous base over the chin and left half of the lower lip, along with dragging pain and burning sensation within 2 days. Gradually Vesicles started to appear over the left side of the face, left Ear, Tongue with increased number of Vesicles within 4-5days along with other symptoms persists. Clinically the patient was diagnosed as Visarpa (Herpes Zoster). As Pitta Dosha and Raktha Dhathu vitiation was noticed, managed by Siravyadha as Shodhananga chikitsa and the Dravyas with Tiktha Rasa, Sheetha veerya in nature. The patient showed improvement within 15days of Treatment. The detailed case is presented in the full paper

    A comparative clinical study of Mustadi Churna and Navayas Loha in the management of Pandu Roga

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    Pandu (Anemia) means deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, which can be caused by either low red blood cells count or low hemoglobin level in the cells. It can be found in every class of people. The reasons are quite similar for every class. Poor class people are unable to afford a good diet and the upper class people are fond of Milk, Ghee, etc. The startling fact is that, presently, more than half of the world’s population will experience some form of anemia in their lifetime. The formulations of Mustadi Churna and Navyasa Loha are indicated, especially in treating Rakta Vyadhis. Described in Rasratna Samuchhaya and Charaka Samhita in Chikitsa Sthana